[SOLVED] 代写 game When the player has won a level, this should move to the next level.

30 $

File Name: 代写_game_When_the_player_has_won_a_level,_this_should_move_to_the_next_level..zip
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When the player has won a level, this should move to the next level.
The rate of fire that the swarm fires at should increase on each new level. The time to fire should decrease by a second on each new level until the swarm will fires at a rate of 1 projectile a second.
You will need to transition to the ¡®NEXT LEVEL¡¯ screen when the player has won a level. If the player lost, your program will need to display the ¡®GAME OVER¡¯ screen.
Each transition should be shown on the screen for a minimum of 2 seconds.
You will need to include two new invaders (Armoured Invader and Power Invader) which inherit behaviour from the regular invader but have some changes.
Armoured Invader, has triple the hit points of a regular invader but fires a regular projectile
Power Invader, has the same amount of health as an invader but will destroy the tank or barrier component in one shot, its projectile is now 2×5 instead of 1×3
Each invader has a different sprite associated and position Armoured Invaders are on the first row (starting from the top) Power Invaders are on the second row (starting from the top) Regular invaders are on the third row and fourth row.
Include a current score and high score value during gameplay.
We have provided you with a font called ¡°PressStart2P-Regular.tff¡± which you will use for displaying the font.
Regular invaders are worth 100points, power invaders and armoured invaders are worth 250points
Current score is shown on the top-left position of the window while high score is shown on the top- right of the window.
The default high score is 10000
Every time an invader is destroyed, the current score will be updated
Once the player loses, it will check if the current score has exceeded the high score, if it has exceeded the high score it will update the high score to the current score.
Use font methods associated with the processing library.


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[SOLVED] 代写 game When the player has won a level, this should move to the next level.
30 $