[SOLVED] 代写 game html graph Description

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Individually, you will be developing a portfolio website. Unlike the prior projects which allowed for sites to link to false pages, this website must be fully functional (all links and content are real). The following content is required in the project:
• A biography or personal description
• Clear indication of your interests in employment or as a
• Two projects presenting your skills using a process analysis
• Contact method(s)
Any code that is not yours must be cited accordingly.
Notes on self-plagiarism
If you have a pre-existing portfolio that you are revising or redesigning for this project you are required to provide a URL to the original as part of your final submission. This just helps us ensure that there is no self-plagiarism occurring in the project.
You are allowed to use frameworks (ie. Bootstraps) and libraries to make working on the site easier, but the final design must be your own work. When in doubt, ask the TA or instructor as plagiarism can warrant more serious repercussions.
Remember that this project is an opportunity to showcase you. Working with someone else’s design or creating a website similar to others doesn’t show off your ‘unique’ nature and students who predominantly use an existing website design or framework do not do well on this project.
Before the final lecture on November 28, at 11:55am.
30% of your final grade.

There are a number of weeks in which to complete this project, so please make sure to read the instructions below carefully.
Starting October 31
1. Working in-lab as a starting point, create a style guide that defines the visual portion of your ethos —
the understanding, characteristics, and definition of yourself in your portfolio. This style guide should help visually define you in the role your portoflio presents: a programmer, game developer, illustrator, designer, content strategist…
etc, without being clichéd or a stereotype.
2. Based on the visual ethos you are developing, complete a
process analysis of two projects which help form a text to support your ethos and show how you created a project from start to finish. The text and accompanying artifacts — images, video, audio, applications, etc — must demonstrate your ability to think through a problem and iterate a project over time. Make sure to also consider how these projects speak to the abilities you are presenting as part of your ethos. Aim to use 250-300 words for each analysis.
3. Write a draft of a bio using no more than 100 words to introduce yourself. Ensure there is a meaningful connection between what you describe here and what your visual and textual ethos express.
4. Generate an initial set of HTML/CSS templates showing how the visual and textual components of your ethos would be used in your site.
5. Recommended: It is strongly suggested that you use git for this project. It is not a requirement, but if code is lost due to a system failure, no extensions will be provided.
Starting November 7
1. Based on the feedback in the labs, integrate the style guide, process analyses, and bio into your set of templates to build out your initial draft of the complete portfolio. Note:

◦ Can we clearly identify your ethos through the visual and textual language being presented?
◦ Focus on layout and branding first, flashy effects second
◦ Ensure that if working with a framework, it does
not dictate your design Starting November 14
1. Test and debug your website. This should include testing it on:
◦ multiple browsers (IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
◦ multiple devices (mobile phone, tablets, desktop, TVs)
2. Update and publish your style guide along with your
website. Make sure it includes the addition of any changes made to the original guide, as well as
any layouts or structures created since the beginning of P03.
Starting November 20
Work with feedback you receive in the lab to revise your portfolio website. Ensure you continue testing it on multiple browsers and devices.
Again, work with feedback you receive in the lab to revise your portfolio website. Ensure you continue testing it on multiple browsers and devices.
Final Delivery
Final deliverables are due to Canvas before last course lecture on November 27, at 11:55 am and make sure to double-check all your submitted files and URLs to ensure they can be opened. Delivered should be one URL for a fully completed website, which includes footer links to:
• Completed style guide
• Citation web-page
• The project’s git repository (if applicable)

Please note that we will test your portfolio website in Chrome and two other random browsers and/or devices. Ensure there are no concerns with your website by testing early and often.


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[SOLVED] 代写 game html graph Description
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