[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript graph FIT1046 Interactive Media Foundations S2 2019

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FIT1046 Interactive Media Foundations S2 2019
Assignment 3: Secret Histories of Small Objects [30%]
In this assignment, your will design and implement a single-page web site using HTML, CSS and original photographic and image assets that you have created. The webpage will be about a collection of 8 small objects that you have photographed yourself. The objects must share a common theme. The webpage will also present text information (real or fictional) about each of the objects in the collection.
The webpage will be presented as a single long-scrolling page divided into several sections. At the top of the page, the first section will introduce the collection, providing context and explaining the significance of the collection. Below this, there will be a separate section for each object. You must provide at least 1 clear image and a description of no more than 100 words for each object. At the end of the page, a final section will provide brief information about the owner of the collection, or where the collection can be viewed.
Additionally, while it is important that each page section has its own unique presentation, all sections must share a common visual style with professional branding. Basic elements and principles of design should be applied with an understanding of typography and design conventions normally applied in modern web sites.
Initial design and prototyping for the webpage must make use of rough placeholder sketches representing images and photos that will appear the final site. This will allow you begin coding the webpage layout before photos and graphics have been finalised. You are expected to document this process.
You are not expected to implement interactive functionality or animations in the web page. No marks will be awarded for use of JavaScript code, so it is important that you focus your efforts on creating a compelling visual design and implementing the page layout. The site does not need to work on a mobile phone.
To design and create a webpage using HTML, CSS and original image assets. The website will present a collection of 8 photographed objects including written information about each object (a minimum 25 words, up to a maximum of 100 words, per object).
You will be required to upload a Moodle submission containing the following deliverables:
(b) (c)
A “site” folder containing your completed web page as an HTML document, styled using CSS.
Any assets required to view the page correctly should be organised using sub-folders. Files should be optimised for online delivery – all files used by the web page must not exceed 25MB. The web page will be tested using Google Chrome.
A “project” folder containing original versions of photos used in the assignment in JPEG format.
An upload limit of 100 megabytes applies for this assignment submission. If necessary, you may resize the original photographs to at least 5 megapixels to reduce their file size for submission.
Individual Documentation
Your documentation of the process of developing the assignment concept and implementation. You are encouraged to make use of screenshots and include researched images to document your progress. Any online research or non-original resources used must be clearly referenced by providing a short description of the resource and the URL address where it can be located.
You must also upload the completed website to a web host and provide a URL in the documentation to access the site online. It is your responsibility to ensure that the site works correctly when viewed online.
Web hosting will be discussed in the week 12 lecture.

FIT1046 Interactive Media Foundations
Your submission will be graded on the following criteria:
 Originality and creativity in response to the brief  Originality of concept and site design
 Creative use of edit images including photographic elements
 Application of design elements and principles, and web design conventions
 Implementation of design principles
 Appropriate navigation and text readability
 Technical execution of web page using HTML and CSS code techniques  Appropriate optimisation of image assets
 Coverage of design process (including research, references, inspiration, prototyping, etc.)  Use of images/screenshots and other resources to illustrate development
 Explanation of decision-making process
Any submission received after the due date without a prior arranged extension will receive a 10% reduction to their final mark per day late for a maximum of three days (30% reduction in total). Submissions received in excess of 3 days after the due date without a prior arranged extension will maintain a 30% penalty.
DUE DATE 3:00PM, Friday Week 14 (Nov 8, 2019)
 Application and execution of HTML and CSS techniques
 Individual documentation, including concept development, design research and technical
S2 2019


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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript graph FIT1046 Interactive Media Foundations S2 2019
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