[SOLVED] 代写 SQL database network Project 1: Using SQL to create, populate and query a database

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Project 1: Using SQL to create, populate and query a database
Introduction to Database Systems CS 41636523
Points: 100
You will use a MySQL DBMS, installed on our university server, to create, populate and query a database corresponding to a social network miniworld. To connect to the server, first download and install the current version of MySQL WorkBench. You should then create a connection to the TU MySQL server: use Hostname and usernamepassword as received from your course instructor. If you are connecting from outside the university network, you have to first connect to our VPN see https:utulsa. edu informationtechnology support vpn for instructions. To create and populate tables,createafilewithcreate tableandinsert valuescommandsinafilecalledsocialNetworkData.sql and load the file by selecting the Open SQL Script option from the File dropdown menu. You can execute the entire file to create and populate the database. You can use New Query Tab option from the from the File dropdown menu to create a new window for devloping the SQL queries in an interactive mode. You can also store all the queries into a socialNetworkQueries.sql file that you can load and execute, either all the queries or selected subset, at any time.
Creating and populating tables 20 points
You will be working on a relational database for a prototype social network. Create the following tables with given attributes, data types, and constraints:
User: Id 5 digit character string, Name variable length character string, Gender Character;
Friends: Id1 5 digit character string, Id2 5 digit character string, Startdate Date;
Comments: CommentId Number, Poster 5 digit character string, Recipient 5 digit character string, Text variable length character string, PostDate Date;
The primary keys for User, Friends, and Comments tables are Id, Id1, Id2, and CommentId respec tively. Id1, Id2, Poster, and Recipient are all foreign keys that refer to Id. Additionally, the following attributes cannot be assigned NULL values: Name, Text. Select set of character values that can be assigned to Gender and use the CHECK clause for enforcement.
Note that a friendship between two users will be entered twice in the Friends table, with each user listed as Id1 in one row and Id2 in the other. Create at least 5 rows for the User table and at least 10 rows for the Friends and Comments tables. Choose the data for the tables such that each of the queries mentioned later returns at least one row.

Queries 80 points
Answer the following queries using single SQL statements. Replace variables in the queries with constants depending on the data you have entered such that each query selects at least one row.
1. List comments containing the word OMG, ordered by increasing Poster and decreasing Date. 4 points
2. Display, without duplicates, male Users with female friends. 4 points
3. Find pairs of users of opposite gender who became friends this year. 6 points
4. For each user, find the number of female and male friends upto two lines per user in the output.
6 points
5. Find male Users who have received no comments from female Users. 9 points
6. Find Users who have commented at least twice to the same User. 9 points
7. For each User who has commented at least twice, list the Text and the Postdate of comments to friends. 12 points
8. List Users who have posted comments to all female users. No aggregate operations. 15 points
9. List Users who have received comments from the most number of Users. 15 points
For finding Users, it is sufficient to list their Ids. The DATE data can be entered as 18610507 for 7th
May, 1861 and TIMESTAMP data as 20000101 00:01:02.03.
Submit, via Harvey, your socialNetworkData.sql and socialNetworkQueries.sql files. In addition, submit a text file, socialNeworkQueryResults, that contains clearly formatted list ings of each query first the query as stated in the assignment, followed by the SQL query and the corresponding output. Also, turn in hard copies of the following to the instructor: the create table commands, contents of each table by using selectfrom commands, and the socialNeworkQueryResults file.


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[SOLVED] 代写 SQL database network Project 1: Using SQL to create, populate and query a database
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