[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Java python COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists

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COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists
Control, part 1: Branching

* Program control flow
* Branching: The if statement * Recursion

Program control flow

Sequential program execution

* The python interpreter always executes instructions (statements) one at a time in sequence.

a function()
def a function():
return statement

* Function calls ¡°insert¡± a function suite into this sequence, but the sequence of instructions remains invariably the same.

Branching program flow
if test: statement



if test: statement



* Depending on the outcome of a test, the program executes one of two alternative branches.

Problem: Stack the red boxes
* Two of three boxes on the shelf are red, and one is not; stack the two red boxes together.
* Write a program that works wherever the red boxes are.

* robot.sense color() returns the color of the box in front of the sensor, or no color (¡¯¡¯) if no box detected.
>>> robot.sense color() >>> robot.sense color() ¡¯red¡¯ ¡¯¡¯
– Note that the color name is a string (in ¡¯¡¯)
– The box sensor is one step right of the gripper.

Algorithm idea
move right twice
is the box red? no yes
is the box red?

The if statement
if test expression : suite
1. Evaluate the test expression (converting the value to type bool if necessary).
2. If the value is True, execute the suite, then continue with the following statements (if any).
2. If the value is False, skip the suite and go straight to the following statements (if any).

The if statement, with else
if test expression : suite 1
suite 2 statement(s)
1. Evaluate the test expression.
2. If the value is True, execute suite #1, then
following statements (if any).
2. If the value is False, execute suite #2, then
following statements (if any).

Truth values (reminder)
* Type bool has two values: False and True.
* Boolean values are returned by comparison
operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=) and a few more.
* Ordering comparisons can be applied to pairs of
values of the same type, for (almost) any type.
* Warning #1: Where a truth value is required, python automatically converts any value to type bool, but it may not be what you expected.
* Warning #2: Don¡¯t use arithmetic operators (+, -, *, etc.) on truth values.

Suites (reminder)
* A suite is a (sub-)sequence of statements.
* A suite must contain at least one statement! * In python, a suite is delimited by indentation.
– All statements in the suite must be preceded by the same number of spaces/tabs (standard is 4 spaces).
– The indentation depth of the suite inside an if (and else) statement must be greater than that of the if (else).
* A suite can include nested suites (if¡¯s, etc).

Suites: A side remark
* (Almost) Every programming language has a way of grouping statements into suites/blocks.
– For example, in C, Java and many other: if (expression) {
– or in Ada or Fortran (post -77): if expression then
end if
* The use of indentation to define suites is a python peculiarity.

def stack red boxes():
if robot.sense color() == ¡¯red¡¯:
drive right twice()
if robot.sense color() == ¡¯red¡¯:
# stack middle box on left
# stack left box on right
# stack middle box on right

def print grade(mark): if mark >= 80:
if mark >= 70:
if mark >= 60:
if mark >= 50:
if mark < 50:print(“Fail”)* What will print grade(90) print?Boolean operators* The operators and, or, and not combine truth values:a and b True iff a and b both evaluate to True.a or b not aTrueiffatleastoneofaandb evaluates to True.True iff a evaluates to False. * Boolean operators have lower precedence than comparison operators (which have lower precedence than arithmetic operators).def print grade(mark): if mark >= 80:
if mark < 80 and mark >= 70:
if mark < 70 and mark >= 60:
if mark < 60 and mark >= 50:
if mark < 50:print(“Fail”) RecursionRecursion* The suite of a function can contain function calls, including calls to the same function.- This is known as recursion.* The function suite must have a branching statement, such that a recursive call does not always take place (¡°base case¡±); otherwise, recursion never ends.* Recursion is a way to think about solving a problem: how to reduce it to a simpler instance of itself?Problem: Counting boxes* How many boxes are in the stack from the box in front of the sensor and up?* If robot.sense color() == ¡¯¡¯, then the answer is zero.* Else, one plus what the answer would be if the lift was one level up.def count boxes():if robot.sense color() == ¡¯¡¯:return 0else:robot.lift up()num above = count boxes() robot.lift down()return 1 + num above The call stack (reminder)* When a function call begins, the current instruction sequence is put ¡°on hold¡± while the function suite is executed.* Execution of a function suite ends when it encounters a return statement, or reaches the end of the suite.* The interpreter then returns to the next instruction after where the function was called.* The call stack keeps track of where to come back to after each current function call. 1 ans = count boxes()2 if robot.sense color() == ¡¯¡¯:3 robot.lift up()4 num above = count boxes()5 if robot.sense color() == ¡¯¡¯: 6 return 0 7 num above = 08 robot.lift down()9 return num above + 1 10 ans = 1Problem: Solving an equation* Solve f(x) = 0.* For example, find r suchthat r2¦Ð = 1.* The interval-halving algorithm.* Assumption: f(x) is monotone increasing and crosses 0 in the interval [l, u].* Idea:- Find the middle of the interval, m:- iff(m)¡Ö0,we¡¯redone;- iff(m)<0,thesolutionliesin[m,u]; – if f(m) > 0, the solution lies in [l,m].
* Don¡¯t compare floats with ==.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Java python COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists
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