[SOLVED] 代写 GUI A battle GUI for desktop users

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A battle GUI for desktop users

Battle GUI: When a battle begins, the characters in each party will choose battle actions until all of the characters in one party reach 0 HP. The surviving party will gain the appropriate amount of experience points, based on demo 1 code, and return to the overworld. This GUI must contain the following features:

•Each character in both parties must be displayed on the screen (Squares or circles are fine). The information for the battle will be provided as a JSON string containing the 2 parties and name, hp, max hp, and battle options for each character in the battle (Later in the semester, this JSON string will be received after each update from the server)
•You can assume parties are limited to 4 characters
•The JSON will contain two keys – {“playerParty”:party, “enemyParty”:party}
•Each party is in the format – {“characters”:[{“name”:””, “hp”:50, “maxHP”:70, “battleOptions”: [“”,””,””,””]}]}
•Write an update method that takes a JSON formatted string and renders all the characters on the screen with their names displayed
•If a character has 0 HP, this must be indicated in some way (Changing color is fine)
•A method named animate(String, String, int) which takes two character names as inputs and indicates the first input is taking a battle action on the second and an int indicating the change in hp of the second character. When this is called the GUI must indicate the interaction between these two characters in some way (Having each flash different colors is fine). There are 3 different animations that can happen on an action:
•If the int is negative (dealing damage) indicate this as attack (eg. flashing red)
•If the int is positive (healing) indicate this as a healing action
•If the int is 0, indicate this as a neutral action (buff, debuff, miss)

•A method named takeTurn(String) must be implemented which indicates the name of a player character who is ready to take a turn. When this method is called, the player must be given a way to choose one of that character’s battle options, as well as a target character for that option. Once the user chooses an option and target, call another method indicating the choices made (Later in the semester, this method will send the choices to the server for processing. For now, you can have this method print the choices to the screen/console for testing and for your demo).
•While choosing the options, the player being controlled should be indicated in some way


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[SOLVED] 代写 GUI A battle GUI for desktop users
30 $