[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme Haskell Java

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Generics in Java and Haskell
Java Generics
For this problem we define an interface named Predicate. Predicate is a generic interface that declares a single method named accept. The accept method takes an object of T type and returns true if the predicate accepts the object and false otherwise.
package predicates;

public interface Predicate {
public boolean accepts(T t);
Implementation Examples
Consider, for example, the following implementation. This predicate is not generic and operates on Integers. The accept method returns true if the integer is positive. In other words, this predicate accepts all positive integers.
public class IsPositive implements Predicate {
public boolean accepts(Integer t) {
return t > 0;
The predicate can then be used as shown in the following code fragment. While this code fragment is not particularly useful, it concisely demonstrates how to use the single method of the interface. After executing this code fragment, the value of b1 is true while the value of b2 is false.
Predicate p = new IsPositive();
boolean b1 = p.accepts(13);
boolean b2 = p.accepts(-3);
Consider another example. The GreaterThan predicate accepts Comparable objects that are greater than some reference object. The behavior of this class is shown, by example, in the following code fragment. The variable p1 uses “Brazil” as a reference object and accepts only strings that are greater than Brazil. Hence, variable b1 is true, b2 is true and b3 is false after executing the code fragment. Variable p2 uses the Integer 10 as a reference object and only accepts Integers that are greater than 10. Hence, b4 is false and b5 is true after executing the code fragment.
Predicate p1 = new GreaterThan (“Brazil”);
boolean b1 = p1.accepts(“China”);
boolean b2 = p1.accepts(“USA”);
boolean b3 = p1.accepts(“Australia”);

Predicate p2 = new GreaterThan (10);
boolean b4 = p2.accepts(5);
boolean b5 = p2.accepts(28);
You must write several classes that implement the Predicate interface. These classes are described in the following list and each must be in the “predicates” package.
1.SimilarColor An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is not generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a Color object known as the reference.
◦Accepts only Color objects that are similar to the reference object. Two colors are similar if the sum of the absolute differences in red, green, and blue is less than or equal to 30.
2.StartsWith An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is not generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a String object known as the reference.
◦Accepts only Strings start with the references string.
3.GreaterThan An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a Comparable object known as the reference.
◦Accepts operates only on objects of the type specified in the constructor and only accepts objects that are greater than the reference.
4.Subset An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a java.util.List object known as the reference list.
◦Accepts operates only on lists of the same type as that specified in the constructor and only accepts lists where each of it’s elements are contained in the reference list.
5.Negation An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a Predicate object known as the reference.
◦Accepts operates only on those types of objects that the reference operates on. The Negation predicate accepts any object that is not accepted by the reference.
6.AcceptsAll An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a java.util.List of objects known as the reference list.
◦Accepts operates only Predicates that operate on the type of objects found in the reference list. AcceptsAll will only accept a predicate that accepts each of the elements in the reference list.
7.AcceptsAny An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts a java.util.List of objects known as the reference list.
◦Accepts operates only Predicates that operate on the type of objects found in the reference list. AcceptsAny will only accept a predicate that accepts at least one of the elements in the reference list.
8.And An implementation of Predicate that
◦Is generic
◦Has a constructor that accepts zero-or-more Predicate objects (each of exactly the same type) known as the reference predicates.
◦Accepts operates only on objects of the type operated on by the reference predicates. And accepts an element if it is accepted by all of the reference predicates.
In addition to the classes above, also complete the following.
9.PredicateUtilities A class that contains a public static function named filter that has the following features.
◦The method has two parameters: a Predicate and a java.util.Collection. The predicate must operate only on those elements that are contained in the collection.
◦The method returns a Collection of those elements of the input that are accepted by the predicate.
Haskell List Functions
Just as in Scheme, list processing is a basic feature of Haskell. Write the following Haskell functions and for each function, you must include a signature.
1.Write a function named seal that accepts two lists of sorted (ascending order) values xs and ys. The function returns a list of all elements in xs and ys such that the list is in sorted order (ascending).
a.seal [3, 6, 7] [1, 2] => [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]
b.seal [] [3, 12] => [3, 12]
c.seal [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6] => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
d.seal [“a”, “d”] [“b”] => [“a”, “b”, “d”]
2.Write a function named isSublist that accepts two lists of Integers xs and ys. The function returns True iff xs occurs anywhere as a sublist within ys. For example,
a.isSublist [3, 4] [1, 2, 3 4] => True
b.isSublist [3, 4] [1, 3, 2, 4] => False
c.isSublist [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3, 0, 1] => True
d.isSublist [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2] => False
3.Write a function named combinator that accepts two lists of elements xs and ys. The function returns a list containing all possible pairs of elements (given as a list) [x, y] where x is an element of xs and y is an element of ys. For example,
a.combinator [3, 4] [1, 2] => [[3,1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]
b.combinator [] [3, 12, 9] => []
c.combinator [1, 2] [1, 3] => [[1, 1], [1, 3], [2, 1], [2, 3]]
d.combinator [“a”, “b”] [“c”, “d”] => [[“a”, “c”], [“a”, “d”], [“b”, “c”], [“b”, “d”]]
4.Write a function named mightOfPythagorus. This function accepts an Integer K and returns a list of three-tuples such that each element of the tuple is an Integer. Each tuple, (a, b, c) satisfies the relationship: a2 + b2 == c2. The function must return all possible tuples such that a <= b and b <= c and c <= K. Your function must be efficient. The Set Data TypeA set can be described by a characteristic predicate function that determines if an element occurs in the set. For example, the function f such that f (”coke”) = True, f (”pepsi”) = True and for all other arguments x, f(x) = False is the characteristic function for a set containing the two strings “coke”, and “pepsi”. Allowing the user to construct a set from a characteristic function gives one the power to construct sets of infinite cardinality. Let a Set be a polymorphic type (using characteristic functions) that you define using type synonyms. You must complete the type definition and functions described below. 1.Complete the following type definition: type Set a = …2.Write a function with signature: setSuchThat :: (a -> Bool) -> (Set a). This function takes a characteristic function f and returns a set such that each value x (of appropriate type) is in the set only when f(x) is True.
3.Write a function with signature: unionSet :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a. This function takes two sets, with characteristic functions f and g, and returns a set such that each value x (of appropriate type) is in the set only when f(x) or g(x) is true.
4.Write a function with signature: intersectSet :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a. This function takes two sets, with characteristic functions f and g, and returns a set such that each value x (of appropriate type) is in the set just when both f(x) and g(x) are true.
5.Write a function with signature: memberSet :: Set a -> a -> Bool. This function tells whether the second argument is a member of the first argument.
6.Write a function with signature: complementSet :: Set a -> Set a. This function returns a set that contains everything (of the appropriate type) not in the original set.
Consider how these methods might be used to construct and process sets of various kinds as demonstrated by the following code.
memberSet (setSuchThat (x -> x == “coke”)) “coke” => True
memberSet (setSuchThat (x -> x == “coke”)) “pepsi” => False
memberSet (complementSet (setSuchThat( x -> x == “coke”))) “coke” => False
memberSet (unionSet (setSuchThat (x -> x == “coke”)) (setSuchThat (x -> x == “pepsi”))) “pepsi” => True
memberSet (unionSet (setSuchThat( x -> x == “coke”))(setSuchThat( x -> x == “pepsi”))) “coke” => True
memberSet (unionSet (setSuchThat( x -> x == “coke”)) (setSuchThat( x -> x == “pepsi”))) “sprite” => False
memberSet (intersectSet (setSuchThat( x -> x == “coke”)) (setSuchThat( x -> x == “pepsi”))) “coke” => False
memberSet (complementSet(setSuchThat(x -> x > 0))) 5 => False
Submit your code in GitLab under a folder named “hw5”. Within this folder you will have a Java project that includes each of the implementations of the Predicate interface. Additionally, you will have two haskell files: listful.hs and setful; corresponding to the list-related and set-related problems.
CS 421 : Programming Languages
© Kenny Hunt


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[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme Haskell Java
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