1 What predicates need to be implemented:
Predicates that need to be done
1. satisfy(+Goals, +State)
2. satisfyGoal(+State)
3. op_Applicable(+State, ?OpName, ?Params)
4. op_ApplyOp(+OldState, +Step, ?NewState)
5. fluentsOutFrom(+Conditions, -Fluents)
1. satisfy(+Goals, +State)
Goals is a list of Goal. A State satisfy Goals iff State satisfies every Goal in Goals.
State satisfyGoal iff State satisfy every goal in the problems Goal list. The problems Goal list is stored in problem. To access it, just execute problem(_, _, Goals) and Goals will be bound to the problems Goal list.
2. satisfyGoal(+State)
This is similar to satisfy/2, except that this predicate specifically is asking whether the problems goal is satisfied by State. This predicate needs to look up the problems goal.
3. op_Applicable(+State, ?OpName, ?Params)
OpName with Params is op_Applicable iff the Preconditions for OpName bound with the Params binding list makes satisfy(Preconditions, State) true.
4. op_ ApplyOp(+OldState, +Step, ?NewState)
NewState is op_Apply to OldState via Step iff using NewState = OldState Steps negative Effects + Steps positive Effects. In other words, The steps negated effects are deleted from OldState and the positive effects are added to form NewState.
For example, if OldState = [at(a), unvisited(b), unvisited(c)], the negative effects = [not(at(a)), not(unvisited(b)], and the positive effects = [at(b)] then NewState = [at(b), unvisited(c)]. Note that even though the nega- tive efects had not around them, it was their enclosed predicate that was deleted, e.g., not(at(a)) deleted at(a) from the NewState list. Also note that NewState must be an ordered set, i.e., passes the is_ordset(+Term) test (see ordset library documentation).
5. fluentsOutFrom(+Conditions, -Fluents) Described in Agenda 1.
2 test cases for unit testing
For all the test cases below, you need to load both the problemSolver file (e.g., call [ld]) and the tsp domain files (e.g., call loadDomain(tsp, p02, hZero) ).
1. satisfy(+Goals, +State)
?- A = 2, B = 3, satisfy([neq(A,B), not(at(a)), at(b), edge(a,b, _ ),
not(edge(b,c,_ ))], [at(b)]).
this should succeed with binding list A = 2, B = 3.
This tests whether metaLevel preds, negative fluent preds, positive fluent preds, positive static preds, and negative static preds can succeed. You also need to check whether they can fail.
2. satisfyGoal(+State) ?- satisfyGoal([at(a)]). Should succeed.
?- satisfyGoal([at(b)]). Should fail.
3. op_Applicable(+State, ?OpName, ?Params)
?- =opApplicable=([at(a), unVisited(a), unVisited(b)], OpName, Params). Should succeed with two different binding lists:
OpName = selfVisit, Params = [a] ;
OpName = move, Params = [a, 2, b] ;
4. op_ ApplyOp(+OldState, +Step, ?NewState)
?- op_Applicable([at(a), unVisited(a), unVisited(b)], OpName, Params), op_record(OpName, Params, _Preconds, _Effects, Cost), make_step([opName(OpName), opParams(Params), stepCost(Cost)], Step), op_ApplyOp([at(a), unVisited(a), unVisited(b)], Step, NewState).
This should succeed with the binding list:
OpName = selfVisit,
Params = [a],
_Preconds = [at(a), unVisited(a)], _Effects = [not(unVisited(a))], Cost = 0,
Step = step(selfVisit, [a], 0), NewState = [at(a), unVisited(b)]
5. fluentsOutFrom(+Conditions, -Fluents)
/ ?- fluentsOutFrom([at(a), unVisited(a), unVisited(b), edge(a,b,2), edge(b,a,1)], Fluents)./
This should succeed with the binding list:
Fluents = [at(a), unVisited(a), unVisited(b)].
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