[SOLVED] 代写 C game parallel compiler Purpose

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Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.
The University of Queensland
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Semester Two, 2019
CSSE2310 / CSSE7231 – Assignment 3
Due: 21:00pm 26th September, 2019
Marks: 50
Weighting: 25% of your overall assignment mark (CSSE2310) Revision 0.1
In this assignment, you will write a group of three C99 programs to play a game (described later). One of the programs will be called 2310hub it will control the game. The other two programs (2310alice and 2310bob will be players.
The hub will be responsible for running the player processes and communicating with them via pipes. These pipes will be connected to the players’ standard ins and outs so from their point of view communication will be via stdin and stdout.
If some of the required programs compile and some do not, there will still be some marks allocated to each component working independently (see the marking section for more information).
Other than the hub starting player processes, there should not be any other parallelism used in this assign- ment. For example, no multi-threading nor non-blocking operations. Your programs are not permitted to start any additional processes1 nor are your programs permitted to create any files during their execution.
Your assignment submission must comply with the C style guide (version 2.0.4) available on the course blackboard area. It must also not use banned functions or commands listed in the same place.
This is an individual assignment. You should feel free to discuss aspects of C programming and the assign- ment specification with fellow students. You should not actively help (or seek help from) other students with the actual coding of your assignment solution. It is cheating to look at another student’s code and it is cheating to allow your code to be seen or shared in printed or electronic form. You should note that all submitted code may be subject to automated checks for plagiarism and collusion. If we detect plagiarism or collusion, formal misconduct proceedings will be initiated against you. A likely penalty for a first offence would be a mark of 0 for the assignment. Don’t risk it! If you’re having trouble, seek help from a member of the teaching staff. Don’t be tempted to copy another student’s code.
Do not commit any code to your repository unless it is your own work or it was given to you by teaching staff. If you have questions about this, please ask.
While you are permitted to use sample code supplied by teaching staff this year in this course. Code supplied for other courses or other offerings of this course is off limits — it may be deemed to be without academic merit and removed from your program before testing.
What follows is an abstract description of the game. Precisely what your programs need to output will be described separately.
The game consists of:
• Players (P of them): who are positioned in a circle. One player is labelled 0 and the remaining players are numbered in clockwise order.
1other than those specified on the hub commandline arguments

Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.
• A deck of cards (d of them) containing no duplicates. Each card in the deck has:
– A suit from {S,C,D,H}
– A rank (in hexadecimal) from 1…9,a…f.
• A threshold (T)
At the start of the game, each player is given a “hand” of H = ⌊ d ⌋ cards (ie rounded down). That is, the
first H cards in the deck are given to Player 0, the next H cards are given to Player 1, etc. Each player tracks: • Their points (S)
• The number of cards with the ’D’ suit, played in rounds which they won (V ).
D cards are worth −1 points at the end of the game unless the player won at least T of them. In which case, they are worth 1 point each.
1. The game is played in H rounds (one card per round). 2. The lead player for each round is:
• Player 0 in the first round.
• The player who won the previous round for all other rounds.
3. The lead player plays one of the cards from their hand. The suit of this card is the “lead suit”. 4. The other players, in clockwise order from the lead player, play one card from their hands:
(a) If they have any cards belonging to the lead suit, then they must play one of those. (b) Otherwise play any card
5. Find the highest ranked card of the lead suit. The player who played that card:
• gets 1 point/ (ie increases S)
• is the lead player for the next round.
• records how many D cards were played that round. (ie increases V )
6. When all rounds are complete, each player’s score is • S − V if V < T• S + V if V ≥ T Deck file formatThe first line of the deck file will contain a single int indicating how many cards are in the deck. The remaining lines (each ended by ‘
’) contain two chars, the suit and the rank of the card.2 Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.2310hubThe hub will take the following commandline arguments (in order):• the name of the file to read to get the initial deck of cards• the number of D cards needed in order to count them as positive. • a list of player programs to startEg: ./2310hub d1.deck 11 ./2310alice ./2310bob ./2310bobWould start a game with one 2310alice player and two 2310bob players. A single player would need to win 11 or more D cards to have them count positive.When running player processes, the hub must ensure that any output to stderr by players is supressed.OutputThe following are output to the hub’s stdout followed by newline.• At the start of a round, output the number of the lead player: Lead player=?• At the end of a completed round output all cards played (in order starting with the lead player): Cards=?.? ?.?There should be a . between suit and rank.• At the end of the game, output the scores (starting with Player 0): 0:??? 1:??? 2:???Exits and MessagesThe following conditions should be checked in the order shown in this table. All messages are to stderr followed by newline. Exit Condition Message0 Normal exit 1 Less than 4 commandline arguments Usage: 2310hub deck threshold player0 {player1}2 Threshold < 2 or not a number Invalid theshold3 Problem reading / parsing the deck Deck error4 Less than P cards in the deck Not enough cards5 Unable to start one of the players Player error6 Unexpected EOF from a player Player EOF7 Invalid message from a player Invalid message8 Player chooses card they don’t have or don’t follow suit Invalid card choice9 Received SIGHUP Ended due to signal For a player to be considered “started”, the hub must have read a @ from the corresponding player→hub pipe (this must be sent before any other output). For example, if the hub gets EOF while looking for the @, that would be årror 5.On recieving SIGHUP, the hub should kill the player processes before closing down. 3Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.MessagesWhen cards are sent though a pipe, they are encoded as the suit immediately followed by the rank eg C5 or H12. Direction Format Detailhub → player HANDn,SR,SR,SR Send a player their handn is the number of cards in the handhub → player NEWROUNDL Send to all players to indicate the start of a new round.L is the number of the lead playerhub → player PLAYEDw,SR Another player played a card.w: number of the player, SR: the cardhub → player GAMEOVER Instruct players to close normallyplayer → hub PLAYSR Inform hub which card they will playPlayersBoth player programs (“players”) will have the same types of output, only their individual strategies will vary. Players will read messages from the hub from their stdin and send instructions back to the hub via stdout.All extra output will be sent to stderr.Players take the following commandline arguments:• Thå number of players in the game • This player’s number (0 based).• Threshold for D to count positive • Initial hand sizeThe following messages are output to stderr and followed by newline. Exit Condition Message0 Normal exit 1 Incorrect number of arguments Usage: player players myid threshold handsize2 Number of players < 2 or not a number Invalid players3 Invalid position for number of players Invalid position4 Threshold < 2 or not a number Invalid theshold5 Hand size < 1 or not a number Invalid hand size6 Invalid message from hub Invalid message7 Unexpected EOF from hub EOF The above conditions should be checked in order. Once the initial startup checks have successfully passed, the player should send a single ‘@‘ character (no newline) to stdout.Extra output (to stderr)At the end of each round, prınt the id of the lead player followed by the list of cards played in that round. eg:3: C.5 C.1 C.E H.34Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.Player “alice” strategyIn the following, stop once a decision ıs reached. 1. If we are the lead player:• Check each of the suits in this order S, C, D, H. If we have at least one card in the suit, play the highest ranked one.2. If we have a card in the lead suit:• Play the lowest card in the lead suit3. Check the suits in the following order D, H, S, C• If we have a card for that suit, play the highest one.Player “bob” strategyIn the following, stop once a decision is reached.1. If we are the lead player:• Check each of the suits in this order D, H, S, C. If we have at least one card in the suit, play the lowest ranked one.2. If at least one other player (including us) has won at least (threshold − 2) D cards and some D cards have been played this round:• If we have a card in the lead suit– Play the highest card in the lead suit• Check each of the suits in this order S, C, H, D– If you have a card of that suit, play the lowest one3. If we have a card in the lead suit:• Play the lowest card in the lead suit4. Check the suits in this order S, C, D, H• If you have at least one card in the suit, play the highest.CompilationYour code must compile (on a clean checkout) with the command:makeEach individual .c file must compile with at least -Wall -pedantic -std=gnu99. You may of course useadditional flags but you must not use them to try to disable or hide warnings. You must also not use pragmas to achieve the same goal. Your code must be compiled with the gcc compiler.If the make command does not produce one or more of the required programs, then those programs will not be marked. If none of the required programs are produced, then you will receive 0 marks for functionality. Any code without academic merit will be removed from your program before compilation is attempted [This will be done even if it prevents the code from compiling]. If your code produces warnings (as opposed to errors), then you will lose style marks (see later).Your solution must not invoke other programs apart from those listed in the command line arguments for the hub. Your solution must not use non-standard headers/libraries.5• 2310alice player– Arg checking– Correctly handle first move as lead– Correctly handle first move as non-lead – Correctly play a single round game– Bad hub messages• 2310bob player– First play as lead– First play as non-lead – End of first round• For 2310hub– Argument checking– Correctly handle SIGHUP(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks)(1 mark) (2 marks) (2 mark)(5 marks) (2 marks)Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.SubmissionNo late submissions will be marked for this assignment under any circumstances. Submission must be made electronically by committing using subversion. In order to mark your assignment, the markers will check out /trunk/ass3/ from your repository on source.eait.uq.edu.au. Do not create subdirectories under /trunk/ass3/. The marking may delete any such directories before attempting to compile. Code checked in to any other part of your repository will not be marked.Test scripts will be provided to test the code on the trunk. Students are strongly advised to make use of this facility after committing.Note: Any .h or .c files in your trunk/ass3 directory will be marked for style even if they are neither linked by the makefile nor #included by some other file. If you need help moving/removing files in svn, then ask. Consult the style guide for other restrictions.You must submit a Makefile or we will not be able to compile your assignment. Remember that your assignment will be marked electronically and strict adherance to the specification is critical.MarksMarks will be awarded for both functionality and style.Functionality (42 marks)Provided that your code compiles (see above), you will earn functionality marks based on the number of features your program correctly implements, as outlined below. Partial marks may be awarded for partially meeting the functionality requirements. Not all features are of equal difficulty. If your program does not allow a feature to be tested then you will receive 0 marks for that feature, even if you claim to have implemented it. For example, if your program can never open a file, we can not determine if your program would have loaded input from it. The markers will make no alterations to your code (other than to remove code without academic merit). Your programs should not crash or lock up/loop indefinitely. Your programs should not run for unreasonably long times.6– Play partial game with 3 alices– Play complete game with 3 alices– Play complete game with more alices– Play complete game with a mixture of player typesStyle (8 marks)(3 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks)(10 marks)Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.Style marks will be calculated as follows:Let A be the number of style violations detected by simpatico plus the number of build warnings. Let H be the number of style violations detected by human markers. Let F be the functionality mark for your assignment.• If A > 10, then your style mark will be zero and M will not be calculated.
• Otherwise, let MA = 4 × 0.8A and MH = MA − 0.5 × H your style mark S will be MA + max{0, MH }. Your total mark for the assignment will be F + min{F, S}.
Specification Updates
It is possible that this specification contains errors or inconsistencies or missing information. It is possible that clarifications will be issued via the course website. Any such clarifications posted 5 days (120 hours) or more before the due date will form part of the assignment specification. If you find any inconsistencies or omissions, please notify the teaching staff.
Sample session
Execution: ./2310hubd1.deck2./2310alice./2310alice Deckfile:
hub output
Lead player=0
Cards=C.4 C.3
Lead player=0
Cards=D.3 D.4
Lead player=1
Cards=C.2 D.2
0:1 1:5

Player 0
Player 1
Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.

Prepared for s4376709. Do not distribute.
Tips and Fixes
1. Your work will be made much easier if you place code used in multiple places into a source file shared by multiple programs. eg:
• Encoding and decoding messages • DoIhaveacardofsuitX?
• What is my highest card of suit X? • What is my lowest card of suit X?
2. Write some test code to check shared functions before using them in the programs.
3. Remember that there is no ‘
’ after the initial ‘@’
4. Do not make your players’ behaviour depend on argv[0]. There is no guarantee that programs will be named the way you think they will.
5. Use tee to capture the input and output to your players for debugging purposes.


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[SOLVED] 代写 C game parallel compiler Purpose
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