[SOLVED] 代写 BUSINESS SCHOOL INFS2020 Business Process Modelling & Improvement Semester 2, 2019

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BUSINESS SCHOOL INFS2020 Business Process Modelling & Improvement Semester 2, 2019
Process Discovery Individual Assignment
A. Scope
This is an individual task in which you are taking the role of process analyst in a community pharmacy environment and engage in various process discovery tasks for the Dispensing process in NSW, Australia. Specifically, you are gathering information by: 1) observing the dispensing process in action; 2) conducting additional research into the topic: and 3) engaging in a Q&A session with a pharmacist. This assignment explores the use of videos and interview type Q&A that aim at enhancing student’s soft skills and information processing skills.
This assignment evaluates students’ ability to:
• research and understand the dispensing process in the Australian context;
• engage in process discovery methods;
• process information and address knowledge gap;
• document and draw process model(s) using Signavio and BPMN; and
• conduct an initial analysis of the process. Main Deliverables
Main Deliverables
Due Dates
Weight towards UoS
Part 1
A document containing four (4) questions and four (4) assumptions up to two pages length (excluding references).
Use the INFS2020_Q&A_Template_2019 (word doc) available on Canvas.
4pm, Wednesday 28th of August via Canvas
Your 4 (four) questions must be entered in the following form for collection and use during the Q&A session. https://forms.gle/oH5WYhWj2VTdxw8N6
4pm, Wednesday 28th of August via the Google form link.
Part 2
A process document of up to 1300 words (excluding references).
Use the INFS2020_ProcessDocumentation_Template_2019 (word doc) available on Canvas.
4pm, Friday 20th of September via Canvas

BUSINESS SCHOOL INFS2020 Business Process Modelling & Improvement Semester 2, 2019
_________________________________________________________________________________ C. Case Background and Submission Components
Redfern Value Drug Chemist (RVDC) is a community based pharmacy operating in Redfern. The pharmacy is looking at modernising their operations and their owner, Danielle Peters, is interested in gaining an understanding of their current processes. The pharmacy offers services to families, students, and travellers living in the nearby suburbs. Currently the pharmacy employs two pharmacists and Danielle, the owner, manages most of the operations.
You have been employed as process analyst to assist Danielle in her attempt to document the pharmacy’s current processes. Specifically, she would like to use the dispensing process documentation to ensure both pharmacists have a shared understanding of the current process and for training of new pharmacists in the future. Danielle also wants the current (As-Is) process documented in advance of embarking in any modernisation. To assist Danielle, your initial task is to watch the following videos capturing a series of real process instances (i.e., process case situations).
1. https://vimeo.com/229226965/d7e515b4e2 2. https://vimeo.com/229227683/0b47be8523 3. https://vimeo.com/229227522/ad0f32ef19 4. https://vimeo.com/229227003/224ed1ff08
To address the knowledge gaps often occurring during these observations, a Q&A session with one of the two pharmacists has been scheduled for week 5.
Part 1: Interview Questions and Assumptions
You need to watch all four videos as you would observe the Dispensing process instances occurring in the real world. Next to supplement your domain knowledge gaps, you are required to conduct additional research into the Dispensing process in NSW, Australia.
Below are some links as a starting point for your research, however additional resources are expected to be found and analysed:
• https://www.guild.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/5366/the-dispensing-process.pdf • http://www.pharmacyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines.aspx
• https://www.tga.gov.au/scheduling-basics
The assignment part 1 task requires you to:
1. Prepare a list of four (4) questions for clarification that you would ask if you are to interview a pharmacist. These questions will refer to all process instances you have seen in the videos and gaps encountered during your own research. For each question provide your justification, i.e., why is the question relevant to process and what is its purpose (5 marks).
2. Prepare a list of four (4) assumptions you are making about the Dispensing process. For each assumption provide your justification, i.e., why are you making the assumption and what is its purpose. A handout with assumptions is available under week 3 materials (5 marks).
3. Each question and each assumption must belong to one of the following categories – ensure you indicate your category in assignment:
a. Information systems

BUSINESS SCHOOL INFS2020 Business Process Modelling & Improvement Semester 2, 2019
b. Data quality
c. Script
d. Compliance
e. Safety
f. Medication
g. Pharmacist
h. External parties
4. You must rank all your questions and assumptions according to their importance from Low – High to understand the broader viewpoint you are taking.
5. Questions and assumptions that can be answered via additional research online will not receive marks.
6. Justifications should not be long, but clearly stated (e.g., one to two concise sentences).
7. Your 4 (four) questions must also be entered in the following form for collection and use during the Q&A session https://forms.gle/oH5WYhWj2VTdxw8N6. If you do not submit them via the google form, your questions will not be answered.
8. Use the Q&A template available on Canvas. Submit this part of the assignment by Wednesday, the 28th of August, 4pm.
Part 2: Dispensing Process Documentation
During week 5 in class (on both the 2nd and 3rd of September) a pharmacist will answer a compiled list of questions derived from Part 1 of this assignment. Each Q&A session will last for about one (1) hour. Be prepared for follow up questions that might emerge during the session. The exact timing of each Q&A session will be advised via Canvas.
Following the Q&A sessions and additional information that you might gathered, the assignment task requires you to:
1. Develop the process model (using BPMN with swimlanes) in Signavio representing the pharmacy dispensing process based on all the information gathered from the videos, Q&A, and your additional research. You are allowed to use sub-processes if appropriate (8 marks).
2. Present an initial analysis of the process. Specifically identify and discuss one (1) problem that can arise in the Dispensing process and two (2) causes (reasons) leading to the problem. Discuss the impact and consequences of the problem on all the affected stakeholders (7 marks).
3. Clearly state your assumptions, if any.
4. Use the Process Documentation template available on Canvas. Submit this part of the assignment by Friday, the 20th of September, 4pm.
D. Submission Formatting
1. You must use the two templates available on Canvas.
2. You are expected to conduct further research on your own to complete this assignment.
3. You are not required to use all the words included in the word limit in this assignment.
4. Use APA 6th Edition Referencing Style for your references:


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[SOLVED] 代写 BUSINESS SCHOOL INFS2020 Business Process Modelling & Improvement Semester 2, 2019
30 $