[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Java javascript Name(s):_______________________

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CSE 3521 Artificial Intelligence AU¡¯19
Homework Assignment #3 (26 points) Due: Thursday, Sept. 12
This assignment requires coding in Javascript. Use the template files provided in HW3_template.zip to get started.
1. Implement a successor function and goal test function for the 8-puzzle problem, as described in the slides. Refer to the provided template file eight_puzzle_student.js for more detailed instructions. (Also see the two_jugs.js and vaccuum.js files for examples of these functions for some other problems.) (4 pts)
2. Come up with several board configurations and use eight_puzzle.htm to test your functions from (1) against them. (Be sure to include the goal state!) Do the results from your functions match your expectations? Explain. (1 pt)
3. Implement the breadth-first search algorithm. Refer to the provided template file bfs.js for more detailed instructions. (6 pts)
Your search functions must be generic (i.e., they don¡¯t depend on the problem you are solving). You should be able to use the provided example problems in two_jugs.htm and vaccuum.htm as additional tests for your code.
4. Implement the depth-limited search algorithm. Refer to the provided template file dls.js for more detailed instructions. (6 pts)
5. Implement the iterative-deepening search algorithm. Refer to the provided template file ids.js for more detailed instructions. (2 pts)
6. Implement the A* search algorithm. Refer to the provided template file astar.js for more detailed instructions. (4 pts)

7. Come up with several board configurations and test your 4 search functions on them (you may re-use the boards from (2) ). Run your depth-limited search twice, first using as the depth limit the length of the path returned by either your BFS or IDS. Second, use twice that value. Do the returned solutions (or lack thereof) match your expectations? Explain. (1 pt)
8. Choose a non-trivial board configuration and report the number of states evaluated and expanded for each search function. Run depth-limited search with two different depth values as in (7). Test A* search using both the Misplaced Tile Count and Manhattan Distance heuristics (both have been provided for you in eight_puzzle_student.js). Also, test A* using a ¡°stupid¡± heuristic that returns only 0.
Do these values match your expectations? Discuss. (2 pts)
9. (Optional) Include an estimate of the time you (total if working in a pair) spent working on this assignment. (This will used to help evaluate how to adjust assignments in future iterations of the course.)
Create (and submit in class) a report including answers to the asked questions and a printout of your code. Also, create a ZIP archive of your code files and submit it in the Homework 3 dropbox on Carmen.
Note: This assignment may be completed as a group of up to two people. Each group should submit a single report (with both names on it) and only one group member should submit the combined code to Carmen.
If you need to print out debug statements, you may use the console.log() function to print out to the browser¡¯s debug console. To access this log, use Ctrl- Shift-J in Chrome or Shift-F5 (Console tab) in Firefox.
Safari Option-Cmd-C
Alternately, you can use the helper_log_write() function (from search_helper.js) to output to the log region on the web page.
An example search function has been provided in rnds.js which shows how the is_goal_state() and find_successors() functions should be called and how the solution path returned by search functions should be formatted.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Java javascript Name(s):_______________________
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