[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript SQL database security Technology

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•JavaScript & jQuery
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Functionality Chart

Item Information Page
Item Detail Information Page (By category)

Item Information form

Lost & Found Service Team Contact Page
Search Bar
Login Page
Login-Forgot Password
Password Reset Page

User Profile

My post item status

User Profile- Lost Item Process

News Page (for user cannot find their lost item in the website and post their lost item info)
News Page-Add info

News Page-Edit info

News Page-Delete info

Contact Page Leave message

Admin-Add info to website

Admin-Edit info to website

Admin-Delete info to website

Admin-View All Users

View Item status & history

View User Message


User Page

Figure1. Home Page
This is the default page when users open the web page without login. The home page contains many links allowed user to access Lost Item, News and Contact us pages. Users can view this page and using search bar to do quick search. When user click News link, they can add they own info to the web. Visitors only can view some basic function about the website. If visitors want to add info or see detail of the lost item they must register first.

Figure2. Login Page
When user click ‘Login’ link on home page, it brings user to login page. Login page will ask user for their username and password. The system will confirm user’s authentication with database. If user enter incorrect username or password, user will be asked to re-enter information again.
User has option to reset their password by clicking ‘forget password’ link.

Figure3.Request reset password page
When user click forgot password in login page, it brings user to password reset page. User will be asked to enter their email to retrieve one of user’s security question from database. Then user will be direct to another page to answer security question.

Figure4. Answer security question page
This page will ask user to answer one of the security questions. Once the user clicks ‘confirm’ button, the system will validate the answer with database. If the answer is correct, the user will be redirected to reset password page. If the answer is incorrect, the user will be asked to enter their answer again.

Figure5. Reset password page
If the user answers the security question correct, it will bring user to password reset page. User will be asked to enter their new password twice to confirm the new password.

Figure6. Register page
This is register page. The user will be asked to enter username, password, email, studentID and two security questions to create account. Username will be validated as a unique username in database. Email must form as [email protected] format. Security question will be asked when user reset they password.When user clicks ‘Register’, if all inputs are validated, all information will be populated to system database, register successfully.

Figure7. Home page after login
Users will be able see the personal icon on the top right corner. When user clicks the icon, will popup a list withpersonal profile, my status, my post and option to logout.

Figure8. Lost item page
When user click ‘Lost Item’ link, they will see a list of different catagroies of the lost items post on the website. There are eight catagroies which are electronic deveices, wallets, clothings, bags, paperwork, ID and others. Users can click on any one of the catagories to see more information.

Figure9. Category of electronic items page
When user clicks the first catagroy—electronic items, it will bring user to the electronic items page.User can click the link to see more details. For example, if user click cell phone, it will brings use to the cell phone page.

Figure10. Cell Phone page
When user clicks “Cell Phone” link, it will show all cell phone information the web have in the page with picture and ItemID.

Figure 11. Item1 detail page (cell phone category)
When user click ‘Item1’ on the cell phone page, they will see all the detail information about this item such as found date, description. There is a instruction link below to guide user how to get their lost item back.

Figure12. Information form
In the first page of the form, user require tofill name, studentID and lost ItemID. When user click submit, the admit user will see the information. When the user to pick up the item, this form will be the record of the item to keep in the file.

Figure13. News page
When user clicks ‘News’ link, it will show user the lost and found info board post by other user. User can click any one of the item info on the list to see the detail about the item and contact info of the owner. Also, user can click ‘add info’ to post their own lost item info to seek other users’ help.

Figure14. Add lost item info page
When user click add info button on the news page, it will bring user to this add info page. User will require to answer some questions about their lost itemsuch as date, place and description. User must fill these information correctly before them post it.

Figure15. Add lost item info page
The next step is adding user’s name(owner) and contact information such as phone nnumber and email. If other user find the item, they can use this contact info to contact the owner.

Figure16. Contact us page
When the user clicks ‘Contact Us’ link, there are two parts of the page. User can leave message to the service team about any questions, concer or feedback. Also, the page has all service team contact information and user can contact the service easily.

Figure17. My profile page
My profile page contains general information about the logged in user. The user is able to edit their personal informtion, password and sercuity questions. The page gives user an option to upload a photograhp.

Figure18. My status page
When user click ‘my status’ under personal icon, the page will show user the status of all items. Item1 activity status was finished, item2 activity was deleted by user and item3 activity is processing. In this page, user can check current item process and past activity history.

Figure19. New user management page
In the new user page, admin user will be able to see all the new users. Admin can see the new user information and by click ‘Approve’ to approve their register.

Figure20. Add Lost item mamage page
In this page, admin user can add new lost item information to the wbsite. When service team get new item, the admin user needs to fill the form above to add the detail of the item. Then the item information will show on the lost item page.

Figure 21. Admin user manage page
This is admin users page. In this page, admin can manage users. If a user does not follow the web’s rules, admin could give the user warning or remove the user. If admin sets warning to a user, when the user login the web, and he will see the warning message in the top of main page. If admin removes user, this user cannot login to this web, and user will get remove message in login page.

Figure22. Admin Item managenment page
In this page, admin user can check all item activities. Admin user can see the history of the finish tasks and also can check the progress of current item activities.

Figure 23. Finshed Tasks
When admin user click ‘finish tasks’, admin user can see all previous tasks. Admin user can see the history and also can deletet the history if they need.

Figure 24. In progress tasks
When admin user click ‘in progress tasks’, admin user can check all item activities in progress and update the information anytime as they need.

Figure25.Admin user info post management page
In this page, admin can edit the lost & found info post by user. If the user does not have enough information about the item, admin may delete it and contact user to repost. If the info post has enough information, admin will approve the post.

Figure 26. User message management page
This is message management page. Admin has reply button on each message box. When admin clicks on reply button, the new text area will show up, and admin could reply question. When admin clicks on submit button, the reply message will be submitted. The user, who sends question to admin, could see the admin’s reply message.

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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript SQL database security Technology
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