[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm html Java junit MIPS compiler Aim

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COMP0012 Compilers
Coursework 2: Code Optimisation Due on 30/08/2019, 11:55 am UK time
Using Java and BCEL (Byte Code Engineering Library), implement peephole optimisation as much as possible. The Java compiler already does some of this. For example, the following Java code
Listing 1: Constant Folding Example: Java Code
produces the following constant pool in the corresponding .class file: Listing 2: Bytecode Constant Pool
We can see that javac has performed two arithmetic operations to achieve constant folding: 429879283 − 876987 = 429002296, and 527309 − 1293 = 526016. However, if there is no assignment to the variable a, it can be folded further by propagating the value of a. Your peephole optimisation should identify such patterns and perform constant folding as much as possible.
Description and Evaluation
This group coursework is number-graded (0 to 10) and contributes to 10% of the overall course outcome. The group list is available at https://moodle-snapshot.ucl.ac.uk/18-19/course/ view.php?id=1367 under the LSA Coursework 2 section. Each group is asked to implement a single bytecode optimiser able to identify and optimise four different cases (i.e. sub-goals). Each sub-goal will result in specific patterns of bytecode after compilation. Marks will be awarded based on the achievement of each sub-goal 1 :
• Simple Folding (3 marks): The first sub-goal is to perform constant folding for the values of type int, long, float, and double, in the bytecode constant pool. Note that the Java compiler usually performs this for you. You will be provided with an artificial class file, which contains an un-optimised constant pool.
1Note that the submission of the source code implementing the goals and a report describing the work done is required as explained in the Deliverables section of this document. Marking criteria can be found at https: //moodle-snapshot.ucl.ac.uk/18-19/mod/resource/view.php?id=1210850

int a = 429879283 − 876987;
// no assignment to a in the middle System.out.println(527309 − 1293 + 5 ∗ a);

const #2 = int 429002296; // this would be variable a

const #7 = int 526016; // this would be the subexpression inside println


• Constant Variables (3 marks): The second sub-goal requires you to optimise uses of local variables of type int, long, float, and double, whose value does not change throughout the scope of the method (i.e. after the declaration, the variable is not re- assigned). You need to propagate the initial value throughout the method to achieve constant folding. For example, you will be targeting something like the following:
Listing 3: Example of Constant Variable Folding Target
public int optimiseMe(){ int a = 534245;
int b = a − 1234;
// the following argument can be folded into a constant System . out . println ((120298345 − a) ∗ 38.435792873) ; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){// the subexpression (b − a) can be folded into a constant System.out.println((b − a) ∗ i);}// the return value can be folded into a constantreturn a ∗ b;} • Dynamic Variables (3 marks): This sub-goal requires you to optimise uses of local variables of type int, long, float, and double, whose value will be reassigned with a different constant number during the scope of the method. You still need to propagate the value of the variable, but for specific intervals: starting from the assignment (or initialisation) until the next assignment.• Additional peephole optimisation (1 mark): The final sub-goal requires you to implement any additional peephole optimisation (e.g., dead code removal) so that your bytecode optimiser is able to fully optimise the code given as target.Listing 4: Example of Dynamic Variable Folding Target public int optimiseMe(){ int a = 123456789;// the following arguments can be folded into a constantSystem . out . println ((120298345 − a) ∗ 38.435792873) ;System . out . println ((120298345 / a) + 99.8398761) ;a = 987654321;// the return value can also be folded but using a different value return a ∗ a;} Directory StructureThe coursework files provide a skeleton project with ant build script and relevant Java libraries. Download comp0012-coursework2.zip from Moodle. Uncompressed, it contains configuration and other files as well as the Java source code directory src as follows:comp0012-coursework2src……………………………….Java source for optimisation and test targetscomp0012 mainMain.java………………………Main recursively processes .class filesConstantFolder.java…………………Optimises individual .class files targetSimpleFolding.j .. Jasmin code that generates artificial target for sub-goal 1 2 ConstantVariableFolding.java………………….Target for sub-goal 2DynamicVariableFolding.java ………………….. Target for sub-goal 3 test…………………………………………………JUnit test case sources lib ………………………………………………………….. Library jars build.xml………………………………………………….ant build scriptThe src directory contains a Main.java that takes two arguments when compiled: java comp0012.main.Main -in [root of input folder] -out [root of output folder]It will recursively visit all subfolders under the input folder, optimise *.class files, and write the optimised classfiles in the corresponding directory structure under the output folder. Currently ConstantFolder.java does not do any optimisation: it simply writes unoptimised, unmodified classfiles. The ant build script contains a task called optimise, which will execute Main class. The input folder will be set to the compiled output of the source code; the output folder will be set to optimised under the base directory.Three target files, each corresponding to one of the sub-goals, are provided, along with unit tests. Moreover, the ant build script contains test.original and test.optimised tasks. The first will run the unit tests using the original class files; the second, however, will set the classpath to the optimised, thereby testing the optimised classes.DeliverablesEach group should submit the following deliverables by the submission deadline:• Implementation: a Java implementation of the optimisation. Use the given directory structure and build script in the skeleton files (available from Moodle).• Report: include a written report that contains detailed descriptions of your optimisation algorithm. Describe the optimisation you have implemented in as much detail as possible. There is no page limit.You should implement the constant folding optimisation in the given ConstantFolder.java, while preserving the directory structure. The build script is designed so that simply issuing ant will compile the source code and unit test, generate SimpleFolding.class, execute the opti- misation, and unit test both the original and the optimised classes. Your deliverable should support this process out of the box, and should follow the directory structure below:lsagroupXX…………………………..Name the directory as with your group name report.pdf ………………………… Your report, either in PDF or Word format src……………………………….Java source for optimisation and test targetscomp0012 mainMain.java………………………Main recursively processes .class filesConstantFolder.java…………………With your implementation added targetSimpleFolding.j .. Jasmin code that generates artificial target for sub-goal 1 ConstantVariableFolding.java………………….Target for sub-goal 2 DynamicVariableFolding.java ………………….. Target for sub-goal 3test…………………………………………………JUnit test case sources lib ………………………………………………………….. Library jars 3 build.xml………………………………………………….ant build scriptCompress the top level directory (which should be named as lsagroupXX where XX is your group number) and submit it through Moodle. The report should be included inside the top level directory. Make sure that you follow this directory structure instructions. Violations will result in reduction of points.GuidelinesThis coursework is compulsory. It will be graded on 0 to 10 scale and contribute 10% of the overall marks for the module. You should submit it online through Moodle by 30/08/2019, 11:55 am UK time.Submissions received after this deadline will be considered late and the UCL late submis- sion penalties will be applied.Make sure your submission is self-contained. It should not depend on any file outside the submitted directory, such as files on your own hard drive or online. We expect ant under lsagroupXX directory simply to work, straight out of the box. Testing the submission on the department Linux machines is strongly recommended: this is a good way to catch any platform-dependent fault in your script and configurations.ToolsThese are the relevant tools. BCEL is part of the coursework requirement (i.e. you are re- quested to use this to modify the bytecode); you will probably find the others helpful during the development.• Bytecode Engineering Library: In order to make changes to the bytecode, it is bet- ter to use a library (a direct, byte-level access is possible but would be very painful). Apache BCEL (Byte Code Engineering Library: http://commons.apache.org/proper/ commons-bcel/) is a widely used tool. It comes with a detailed tutorial: http://commons. apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/manual.html.• Bytecode Disassembler: Java comes with a disassembler, javap, which takes a .class file and prints out the corresponding byte code representation. Try javap -c -verbose YOURCLASS to see the contents of YOURCLASS.class. This will allow you to observe byte- code patterns created by various program structures in Java.• Jasmin: Jasmin(http://jasmin.sourceforge.net) is a Java assembler – you can write bytecode source codes in a way similar to writing MIPS assembler language, and Jasmin can compile it into Java classes. If you want to create a fine-tuned bytecode instructions to test your optimisation, this is the right tool (combined with bytecode disassembler). Read SimpleFolding.j to get started, along with the online documentation.• Java Bytecode Reference: for the full list of bytecode instructions in Java, see http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_bytecode_instruction_listings.4


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm html Java junit MIPS compiler Aim
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