[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm database Assignment 1

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Assignment 1
KIT712 Data Management Technology
Assignment 1 is designed so that students gain practical experience of designing a database. This assignment can be done either individually or in group of two maximum. Group members have to be from same tutorial. However you need to find the group member yourself. The details are given below.
Consider a scenario where ‘ebay’ has asked you to design a new database for their websiteHYPERLINK “https://www.ebay.com.au/” https://www.ebay.com.au/.
Part 1 (Business Rules) Marks: 2
First Stage Deadline: 29/07/2019 Midnight i.e. 11.55pm
To achieve this, you need to first understand what data will be stored and what business rules are associated with ebay. You need to also consider how data flows between different stakeholders.
Submission: You need to submit a document containing two things on Mylo
1.If done in group, your group details: names, student numbers
2.Business rules which you will cover in designing database for ‘ebay’[ HYPERLINK “https://www.ebay.com.au/” https://www.ebay.com.au/]. Word limit- about 500 words
Note: You cannot change your group member or form a group later. However you are allowed to do it individually.
Part 2 (ER Diagram and Relational Model) (Marks 8)
Your lecturer will send feedback on your Business rules and some updates will be suggested (Within 3 days). You need to update your business rules based on these feedbacks. These final updated business rules will be used to design conceptual model of database using ER Diagram. You need to use only conventions that are taught in tutorial. If ER diagram is not based on the updated business rules or does not follow conventions, you may lose considerable marks.
Using ER Model, you need to design your relational model using conversion algorithm as taught during tutorial. Give details of each step in the conversion.
Final Submission: You need to submit following in your final document (report):
Your Updated Business Rules
ER diagram with a short description talking about some optimisation in terms of design you did in your ER diagram.
Relational Model
Conversion steps from ER Diagram to Relational Model
If done in a group of two, a table specifying the contributions of each member.

Please Note: Marks will be awarded based on submission. Individual contribution is only considered to reduce marks for a group member who has not contributed much.
Final Submission Deadline: Lecture Week 5, 12th August 2019, Monday, 11.55PM
If you do not understand file submission instructions, seek help from your tutor or your lecturer at least one business day before the assignment is due.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm database Assignment 1
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