[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Java Program Specifications

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Program Specifications
You’re asked to write a program to analyze (or report) a customer’s credit card’s monthly purchase transactions. The program is to read all customer’s transactions from a text file and store them in an array of transactions. A transaction can be a Banking transaction, or a Department Store transaction, or a Grocery transaction. Each transaction may qualify for reward points. In other word a transaction is rewardable. The program will build another array of Rewardable objects which are in fact the transactions objects themselves. Finally the program will generate two reports: one is to list all transactions and the other is to produce a summary report of reward points for the customer.
The below diagram shows how the arrays of Transactions and arrays of Rewardable look like:

The assignment basically illustrates the following concepts:
•Abstract classes
Class Design
You need to have at least the following classes described below. Feel free to come up with more classes if needed.
public class CreditCardTransactionAnalyzer
•This class is the public class containing the main method
•The main method should do the following:
•Instantiate a Customer object using non-default constructor
•Invoke readTransactions
•Invoke reportTransactions
•Invoke  reportCharges
•Invoke reportRewardSummary
class  Customer (minimum implementation specified below)
•Private instance fields
•Customer name
•Credit card number (16-digit String)
•Transaction balance (total balance)
•Reward points balance
•Array of references to Transaction objects (size 16 – use private static constant integer field – initialized to 16)
•Array of references to Rewardable objects (size 16 – see above)
•Public Constructors: default and non-default constructors similar to previous assignments (setting total balance to 0.0 and reward points balance to 1000 by default)
•Public instance methods:
•readTransactions: read a text file containing Transactions with format shown below.
•Based on transaction type (GS, BK, or DS) instantiate the correct sub class object and assign it to the array of Transactions
•Each sub class object can potentially be a Rewardable object (Grocery and Department Store). Use instanceof to determine if that’s the case then assign it to the array of Rewardable object. Note that you do not isntantiate new objects for the Rewardable array. It simply make references to the array of Transaction objects (see diagram above)
•NOTE: The array of Rewardable objects will have less non-null objects than the Transaction array.
Text file format: (you must create a text file containing exactly 16 transactions)
BK~05/01/18~5555~100.0~CASH~4.00      <<<<<< withdraw $100,  service charge $4.00GR~04/23/18~6666~17.39~SafewayDS~04/01/18~7777~211.67~Sears~90 NOTE:DS: Department Store transactionBK: Banking transactionGR: Grocery transaction••reportTransactions (this is generically processing): invoke the list method for each Transaction in the Transaction array. This should list all transactions’ information. Must use the new enhanced for loop syntax.                                            TRANSACTION LISTING REPORT04/23/18     Department Store              Macys                                         $ 25.67   (return in 60 days)03/12/18     Banking                             ATM withdraw                           $30604/20/18     Grocery                             Lucky                                          $57.95etc …                                        ••reportCharges (this is specifically processing): go thru the entire Transaction array. If a transaction is a Banking one then compute the total charges and then display it. Simply display one line: Total charges: $XYZ•reportRewardSummary (this is process objects implementing the same interface) : invoke the earnPoints to compute total points for different transaction category from the Rewardable array to prepare the report summary below. Must use the new enhanced for loop syntax             Rewards Summary for
Previous points balance                                              1000
+ Points earned on Department store purchases:          2710
+ Points earned on  Grocery Stores purchases               750
=  Total points available for redemption                    4460
class Transaction: this is an abstract class
•Private instance field: transaction id
•Protected instance fields: transaction date (mm/dd/yy),  transaction amount
•Public Constructors
•Public instance methods:
•list: abstract method that will output transaction information (see TRANSACTION LISTING REPORT sample). This abstract method will be implemented in the sub classes.
•toString: return a String of transaction id, transaction date, and transaction mount
•equals: same transaction id and same date
NOTE: No transaction type instance field should be defined for any class, super class or sub classes. Point deduction will apply if that’s the case.
Sub classes from Transaction:
•DepartmentStoreTransaction:  department name (Macys, Ross, Marshall, …), return policy (30 days, 60 days, or 90 days)
•BankingTransaction:  type (ATM withdraw or CASH withdraw), charge
•GroceryTransaction: store name (Lucky, Walmart, Safeway, ..),
Keep those sub classes simple.Those sub classes will implement Rewardable interface as appropriate. Not all of them will.
At minimum they should have the following:
•private instance fields
•public default and non-default constructors (must explicitly use constructor chaining)
Note: The non-default constructors of those sub classes must take transaction date, transaction id, transaction amount (required by the superclass’ non-default constructor) in addition to parameters required by their own instance field.
•equals: for overloading equals must combine with the super class equals method using &&  logical operator
•Provide implementation for the listing abstract method in the Transaction super class to display a transaction in the following format:
Date        Transaction type           Amount    Specific info about transaction
03/12/16     Banking                            ATM withdraw                             $306
Note: listing for Banking transaction must add the charge to amount
Interface Design
Provide an interface namely Rewardable with only one method: earnPoints that computes and returns total points earned for a particular transaction according to the following rules:
• DepartmentStoreTransaction: 3 points per $1
• GroceryTransaction: 5 points per $1
NOTE: Unrelated objects implement the same interface can be grouped together and processed the same way (via the interface’s “contractual obligation”). In this assignment we don’t really demonstrate that capability. The Transaction objects that implement Rewardable interface are in fact related (within Transaction inheritance hierarchy). You may think in real life there could be other unrelated classes that can earn points such as MerchandiseAccount, FrequentFlyerAccount, etc… and thus they will need to implement Rewardable interface. In that case we can group MerchandiseAccount, FrequentFlyerAccount, GroceryTransaction,  DepartmentStoreTransaction altogether as Rewardable objects and compute their reward points. Just something for you to think about.
Testing: Run the program to verify if the reports are correct.
Extra Credit (5 points)
Implement Comparable interface for the abstract Transaction class with compareTo based on transaction amount. Sort the array of Transactions from low to high transaction amounts and output the results. For sorting you’re encouraged to use Java utility. If you don’t know it you’re welcomed to write your own sorting algorithm. Note: you must implement Comparable to get full credit.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Java Program Specifications
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