[SOLVED] 代写 python operating system software School of Science, RMIT University

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School of Science, RMIT University
COSC2473 Introduction to Computer Systems
Semester 1, 2019
BBC micro:bit Project
Code and report due date: Friday, May 31st 2019 at 23:59
In-class Demonstration: Week 12 practical class
This is an individual assignment (15 marks) that contributes 15% of the total assessment.
One of the most important developments in computing is recent years is the Internet of Things, in which many appliances and machines can be controlled by small micro processors which can be connected to the internet and thus controlled remotely or coordinated as part of a larger “intelligent” system. This project exposes you to some of the basic concepts of IoT devices — a small computer that controls some simple hardware.
This assignment assumes that you have no background in using computer hardware, and thus starts from the basics. You should have completed GrokLearning modules 1–10 before starting this project.
Note: You will be using your BBC micro:bit which is prescribed as part of this course. You may wish to purchase additional components, but this should be no more than about $40. It is not a requirement to purchase any additional hardware in order to obtain full marks.
System Setup
It is possible to do the first few modules of the micro:bit course using the software simulator. However at some stage you will need to set up your own micro:bit.
Instructions for how to do this are contained in module 1 of the GrokLearning micro:bit course. In this assignment you use the skills you have learnt in the GrokLearning system to build something of your own choice.
There are many project suggestions on the web. At minimum, you should use at least one input and one output. For some projects you may need to buy some small additional components.
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Assessment Tasks
The assessment of this part of the project will be based on:
a. (0 ~ 4 marks) Number of features (https://microbit.org/guide/features/) utilised.
b. (0 ~ 4 marks) Originality: 0 for just re-implementing something you found on the web, more marks if you manage to do something different and interesting.
For example describing a particular problem or application you have in mind, and how your project addresses it.
c. (0 ~ 4 marks) The extent to which you have developed or modified existing code.
d. (0 ~ 3 marks) Project description: describe what you have done, how you have adapted it from an “off the shelf” solution.
Submissions without in-class demonstrations will receive an academic penalty of 20% (3 marks).
Project Demonstration and Submission
You will need to demonstrate your projects to your tutor in your practical class. When there is other scheduled tutorial work to do, this will happen in the second hour of the tutorial. The due date for your project demonstration is your practical class in week 12.
You need to submit one ZIP file (.zip) containing two files:
1. .py file: the Python script that you have developed.
A “.py” extension indicates to the operating system and programmer that the file is actually a Python program.
2. .txt file: a short description of your project that describes what it does.
Project Ideas
• https://makecode.microbit.org/projects
• https://microbit.org/ideas/
This site contains information on projects done in schools and institutions around the world using the micro:bit
• https://makecode.microbit.org/projects
• https://www.hackster.io/microbit/projects
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[SOLVED] 代写 python operating system software School of Science, RMIT University
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