[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Scheme html Java javascript database software react KIT502 Semester 1, 2019

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KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Practical assignments are used by the Discipline of ICT for students to both reinforce and demonstrate their understanding of material which has been presented in class. They have a role both for assessment and for learning. It is a requirement that work you hand in for assessment is your own.
Working with others
One effective way to grasp principles and concepts is to discuss the issues with your peers and/or friends. You are encouraged to do this. We also encourage you to discuss aspects of practical assignments with others. However, once you have clarified the principles of the question, you must express the algorithm and program entirely by yourself in your pair. In other words you and your partner must develop the algorithm to solve the problem and write the program which implements this algorithm yourselves. You can discuss the question, but not the solution. Assistance with the solution should be provided by staff.
Cheating & Plagiarism
• Plagiarism occurs if you claim work as your own when it is substantially the work of someone else.
• Cheating is an offence under the Ordinance of Student Discipline within the University. Furthermore, the ICT profession has ethical standards in which cheating has no place.
• Cheating or Plagiarism involves two or more parties.
o If you allow written work, computer listings, or electronic versions of your code
to be viewed, borrowed or copied by another student you are an equal partner in
the act of cheating.
o You should be careful to ensure that your work is not left in a situation where it
may be used/stolen by others.
• Where there is a reasonable cause to believe that a case of cheating has occurred, this will be brought to the attention of the unit lecturer. If the lecturer considers that there is evidence of cheating, then no marks will be given to any of the students involved and the case will be referred to the Head of Discipline for consideration of further action.

KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
Our Client: SECURE BANK Ltd.
Your prototype is implemented with the clients feedback. Now we need to make it fully functional. A general member may have one or two accounts: general savings and business accounts. Although transactions for both could be the same, the only difference is the limit on daily transactions in amount. Manager has a different access level to manage everyone’s accounts and their requests of creating accounts or ordering credit card, etc. can be granted.
As a bank website, there are three different access levels:
Public user, General member (Account Holder), and Bank Manager
All pages of the website contains the following sections:
1. Header section of each page contains the title of the page, e.g. Savings Account, Business Account, or Manager Area.
2. Main content per page based on your design.
3. Navigation with its own design.
4. When login is successfully: welcome text message (Not pup-up nor alert) with an account name (e.g.
Welcome William) with the relevant contents. Last access time is displayed.
a. Member of bank
i. Account details
ii. Optionally two different accounts
b. Manager
i. Account management table is displayed.
ii. ID (auto generated), Username, Name, DoB, Email, Account type, and Access
1. Access column displays two options as drop down list, i.e. bank account holder, or manager so that the manager can change another person’s access
5. Logout button: short message with the logout time
6. Footer section: your username and student number
To use the online Banking system, customers must first register by providing their Name, E-mail address, mobile phone number, account type (business or savings) and password. A bank account number should be allotted and the user should be able to use the services.
The website should have 3 different account types.
Username is displayed in its relevant page and it is unclickable after logging in.
1. Bank Manager
2. Account Holder
a. Savings Account
b. Business Account

KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
I. Bank Manager
This account should be able to add/remove any account.
Should be able to approve transactions over $25000.
Should be able to view all transactions history in a day, week, month and last three months.
II. Business Account
This account should be able to conduct transactions up to $50000/day.
Should be able to send/receive in different currencies (USD, AUD, GBP and etc.)
III. Savings Account
This account should be able to conduct transactions up to $10000/day. Should be able to send/receive in only local currency (AUD).
The other features of Banking website are:
1- Inter-bank Funds Transfer (between different banks)
2- Intra-bank Funds Transfer (within the same bank)
3- Bill payments (e.g. Power, Water, Phone and NBN) – user can add different organisation to make a transaction
4- Bank Statements (1 month ($2.5 fee), 3 month ($5 fee) and 6 month ($7 fee))
5- Credit card request (annual fee for savings account ($50) for business account ($100))
6- Transaction history (up to 3 months)
Money Transfer type: Inter and Intra
These items should be provided:
From: BSB and Account Number
To: BSB and Account Number (In Inter-bank case, another field for “Bank Name” should be
Amount: In AUD (Inter and Intra in case of savings account)
In Foreign Currencies (Inter banking in case of Business account)
Purpose: Reason for transferring (e.g. Family support, loan payment, School tuition fee etc) Confirmed message including transaction details is to displayed at the end of transaction.
Bill Payments
From: BSB and Account Number
Bill Type: e.g. Water, Power, Phone or NBN Amount: In AUD
Bank Statement
In the start of bank statement current account balance should be there along with the account details (like normal bank statement).
Period: 1 month, 3 months or 6 months – date can be chosen by a user.
Fee: Fee should show up based on the period and deducted from account balance Data available in bank statement:
Date, From account, To account, Debit or Credit, Purpose, Amount and transaction ID.
Information tab:
How to use the site with a short animation/movie file. Maximum 2 minutes. (FLV or MP4 format)
Each transaction should be allotted a reference number (5 digit number) for record and verification. 3

KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
User should not be able to go on the previous page using back option of the browser. You can add a button to go on previous page but on the page of transaction (where transaction successful shows up).
If there are insufficient funds in the account then an error should pop up saying “insufficient funds”. In case of successful transfer of funds, a page showing the transaction validation and its details should show up.
Week 11: Check Point in your tutorial
You must present your progress to your tutor in your assigned tutorial in Week 11 (commencing Monday 13th May) after completing the following:
• New members can register (Done in Part 1)
• Existing members can sign in and out (Done in Part 1)
• Transaction is working (at least partially, if it is not completed)
• Bank statement is working (at least partially, if it is not completed)
READMe file
You may leave any instruction or information, e.g. Manager’s credential information in README.txt Make it concise.
Performance standards
Correct techniques used
• All references (URI values) within the site are relative
• Display is not seriously broken
• No other serious violations of the programming practices required for this unit
• Different pages/functions work correctly
Design and Implement of a site
• Code is easy to read and the logic is easy to follow
• Built-in PHP functions are well used where possible
• User written functions are well used where possible and sensible
• Well-practiced with naming conventions for variables and functions
• Sufficient comments in coding
• Use CSS rule to produce pleasing overall layout and appearance
• Use JavaScript (JQuery) in a proper way
• README.txt with manager’s credentials • Easy to locate each menu, registration,
login/logout, and any other pages if there is any
• All the required information is collected and stored correctly

KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
Account – transactions
• Once member access to the area, transactions are possible. With necessary information such as your balance, and history of transaction. is displayed
‘access’ level
• Different levels for Manager, Member, and public
Login, logout, and signup
• All works as expected
Manager page with necessary functions
• All functional : allows the add, delete, and modify the accounts and changes the access level of users only by the Manager
Planning the site.
• Planning the structure of a site overall in the first place is a crucial step to construct a site. Understand the client’s needs and plan accordingly. For example, planning a design theme for the site with variations of the theme that may be used for sub sections is a recommendation.
Develop using the appropriate tools.
• HTML 5 for static content.
• CSS for formatting.
• JavaScript, Ajax and jQuery for client-side interactivity.
• PHP for dynamic content and server-side interactivity.
• MySQL for data storage and retrieval.
• You use MySQL database in alacritas server.
• If you use your computer or your own server to develop the assignment, please test your work in the
alacritas server using the lab environment before submission.
• All references (URI values) within the site must be relative. Do NOT use absolute URL.
Apply consistent structure.
The files needed for the web site will be included in a single folder (directory) – the name of this folder is the same as your alacritas username. The files must be organized into sensibly chosen sub-folders (i.e. sub-folder for CSS or sub-folder for images, etc.).
All semantic structure of the website is controlled by “HTML”. Pay close attention to the elements that you use – make sure that you use the most appropriate element for the kind of text you are marking up.
All layout and other details of the appearance of the website are controlled by valid CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rules. You place the overall CSS rules in an external style sheet.
All client side behavior of the website (the response to mouse clicking or keyboard reaction) are controlled by valid JavaScript / Ajax / jQuery.
All data is stored in the MySQL database.
Due Date
3PM Wednesday 29th May 2019 (Week 13 of semester)

KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
Submission method
Submission will be via MyLO. You will submit a .zip file named with user name and ID number which must include all the files for your assignment. For example) syeom123456.zip
By submitting this assignment, you will be deemed to have agreed to the following declaration:
Marking Information
Your submitted work will be marked on the alacritas server by using the Google Chrome browser. If you use your computer or your own server to develop the assignment, please test your work in the alacritas server using the Google Chrome browser before submission. If your work does not work properly in the alacritas server or the same version of a browser in our lab, the work will not be marked.
Marking Scheme
See separate document
Late Submissions
Late assignments will only be accepted if the proper procedures have been followed as outlined in the Discipline of ICT Policy for Late Assessment (see the link below). Assignments that are submitted late without Lecturer’s approval will be subject to mark penalties as outlined in the Discipline of ICT Policy for Late Assessment.
The Application for extension of time for in-semester assessment is available from the ICT office or may be downloaded from the link below. Requests must be accompanied by suitable documentation and should be submitted before the assignment due date.
• Policy for Late Assessment – Available Here
• Application for extension of time for in-semester assessment Available Here Plagiarism
Practical assignments are used by the Discipline of ICT for students to both reinforce and demonstrate their understanding of material which has been presented in class. They have a role both for assessment and for learning. It is a requirement that work you hand in for assessment is substantially your own. Refer to the unit outline for further information.
I declare that all material in this assignment is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference to the work of others. I am aware that my assignment may be submitted to plagiarism detection software, and might be retained on its database. I have read and complied with the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on the University website at www.utas.edu.au/plagiarism. I will keep a copy of this assignment until results have been finalised.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Scheme html Java javascript database software react KIT502 Semester 1, 2019
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