[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme Java Mid Term Examination 2018-2019 – 2nd Semester
XiDian University, School of Computer Science and Technology

30 $

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Mid Term Examination 2018-2019 – 2nd Semester
XiDian University, School of Computer Science and Technology
Subject: Java – 1713018
Student No.:_____________
Student Name:___________
Total Score Earned:________
TOTAL SCORE:30 points [open exam]
•Points 5: [package]
With the Java language, you can choose the names for your classes, such as Account, Person, or LizardMan. At times, you might end up using the same name to express two slightly different concepts. This situation, called a name collision, happens frequently. The Java language uses packages to resolve these conflicts. A Java package is a mechanism for providing a namespace — an area inside of which names are unique, but outside of which they might not be. To identify a construct uniquely, you must fully qualify it by including its namespace. Packages also give you a nice way to build more-complex applications with discrete units of functionality. To define a package, use the package keyword followed by a legal package name, ending with a semicolon. Often package names follow this de facto standard scheme: package orgType.orgName.appName.compName; This package definition breaks down as: orgType is the organization type, such as com, org, or net. orgName is the name of the organization’s domain, such as makotojava, oracle, or ibm. appName is the name of the application, abbreviated. compName is the name of the component.
•Make a package name as per the previous package naming scheme.
•What is the folder name equivalent to your package name?
•How to set a classpath to access the components of above package, if you had put in c:myjava
•If you had a component name public class MyMidTerm inside your package, what are the two ways to access this component?
•From the above passage, what will happened if project is not organized as package?

•Points 5: [thread] HINT: you can run the code if you need to answer the question.

•What does the threadCount variable represent?
•What does the countdown variable represent?
•The above code invoke how may threads in total?
•Each thread runs at what frequency?
•What the alternative way is for extends Thread?
•Points 5: [serialization]

•What is the output of this ReadEmployee class?
•Name the class that is producer, consumer?
•What is the abstract data type that is used to exchange data as serialization and the resources file name that is consumed.
•To execute this project how many component are used including resources? What are they?
•Once the resources and abstract data type is available how many consumer this project can have at most?
•Points 5: [file io] [FILL IN THE BLANKS]

•Points 5: [awt/swing/applet]

•What is codebase?
•Jnpl acroynm?
•What is jnlpFileChooser?
•What is means here?
•What is jnlpfilechooser.jar?

•Points 5: [jdbc]

String url = “jdbc:odbc:MyDataSource”;
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, “NewUser”,”NewPassword”);
What is the purpose of this code?

What is the purpose of this code?
What are DML statements?
Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(str);

What is the purpose of the above codes snippets?
Statement stmt=con.createStatement();I
nt count = stmt.executeUpdate(str);
•What is the purpose of the above pieces of code?


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[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme Java Mid Term Examination 2018-2019 – 2nd Semester
XiDian University, School of Computer Science and Technology
30 $