[SOLVED] 代写 game GUI Java graph software ICS3U: Final Project (ISP)

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ICS3U: Final Project (ISP)
Over the course of the year we have studied a wide range of topics, including:

- File Input and Output
- Exceptions 
- Arrays 
- Methods (void, return, boolean, overloading)
- 2D Arrays and Array Lists
- GUI (Swing)
This year for your final project of the course you will be INDEPENDENTLY working on a unique Java application that will be focused on demonstrating an application of the key concepts of the Java programming language.
Your Task: 
You must design a program from scratch.You are to plan and write a software program/tool that can be interacted with by a use with GUI.Through this program you must demonstrate the programming skills you have learned up to now.Specifically, your program must include the use of arrays, exception handling, methods, and GUI.It is up to you if you want to use file IO, however the prompts and input the user has must be clear.
Your program should be user-friendly and creative. You will be evaluated on your planning and programming skills, your programming style, and the complexity and originality of your program (given the constraints). Your program should contain details and guides that will help the user navigate through the different program features.
Some Examples for this ISP: 
Games – create a game, similar to how we created battleship and Yahtzee, but including GUI.A couple starting ideas include minesweeper, checkers, or trouble.Note: if you are making something similar to a common game, you must add custom rules and ideas so that your game is differentiated.
Educational Programs – create something that will teach the user about another course, or even this course if you so choose! A neat idea would be to have a “dissection” program that would take the user through the biological process of dissection.
Some Tips for this ISP:
- choose a topic that you are familiar with and that interests you – this will allow you to spend your time focused on programming rather than research
– come up with an original idea – this will help with your creativity mark as well as prevent comparisons with “professional” programs
– refer to the Evaluation Rubric often – go through the rubric when you are planning your program and from time-to-time as you write your program to avoid missing important components
– plan your time wisely – these programs always take longer to write than you think!

ICS3U 2018-2019 ISP
There are multiple parts to this assignment:
1) Proposal: A minimum of a page explanation that includes:
a) your name, and a project title 
b) outline the purpose/goal, the topic (what the user will be learning) 
c) a brief description of the interface (generally what it will look like); 
d) an explanation of how you are planning on applying each concepts, this needs to be specific and descriptive to ensure that your idea is properly developed. a. arrays,b. methods, c.loops, d. if statements,e. variables 

Due: Thursday April 25th , 2019
Submission Instructions:Submit via Google Drive.Please create a separate folder for your ISP where all documents will go in.
2)Design Journal: About every other day you must fill out a journal entry of about a paragraph. You need to have at least 10 entries. Note: this journal will be assessed as a part of your ISP mark. If will also be a useful tool for tests!Each entry should include the following:
•Description of that you completed within those days
•Description of errors and/or issues you had
•Description of the solutions you had to fix those errors
•A brief description of the programming involved and or interface changes (screen shots are welcome)

3) Work Periods: You will be given in-class work periods to work on the ISP.In total there will be 9 work periods. The ISP will require some work outside of class as well.
Project Submission: You will submit your program by the deadline by submitting the JAVA class file(s) to your google drive. 

Due: Friday May 10th, 2019
Evaluation: See Rubric attached.


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[SOLVED] 代写 game GUI Java graph software ICS3U: Final Project (ISP)
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