[SOLVED] 代写 Mark Range

30 $

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Mark Range
Level 1 (below 50-60%)
Level 2 (60-70%)
Level 3 (70-80%)
Level 4 (80-100%)
Logic & Design (Knowledge & Understanding)/30 MARKS
Proposal and Design
(proposal written outlining all key features of program, design incorporates required criteria)
(10 marks)
Planning is not complete, demonstrating a poor understanding or effort in designingthe key programming aspects, missing
Planning is partially complete, demonstrating some insight intothe key programming aspects,however missing multiple descriptors
Planning template is complete, demonstrating good insight into most of the key programming aspects, however missing a few key descriptors

Planning template is complete, thorough and demonstrating tremendous insight into all of the key programming design of the program

Program Journal
(Journal written with daily entries on how the program was edited with examples of code and interface during the process of the ISP)
(15 marks)
Journal was not complete or submitted.No entries were filled out so no progress of the assignment was documented.
Journal written with weekly entries on how the program was edited with examples some of code during the process of the ISP.
Journal written with semi daily entries on how the program was edited with some examples of code and interface during the process of the ISP.
Journal written with daily entries on how the program was edited with examples of code and interface during the process of the ISP.
Understanding of Course Concepts
(5 marks)
Demonstrates a limited understanding of programming concepts

Demonstrates a basic understanding of programming concepts
Demonstrates a good understanding of programming concepts
Demonstrates enhanced understanding of all of the key programming concepts
Program Features (Thinking & Inquiry)/15 MARKS
Critical Thinking in Programming Solutions
(program illustrates problem solving skills and critical thinking in solutions, program is innovative unique)
(5 marks)
Solutions to problems demonstrate limited critical thinking skills; solutions are not unique or creative.

Solutions to problems demonstrate some critical thinking skills; solutions contain only one unique programming technique.
Solutions to problems demonstrate good critical thinking skills; program contains at least two unique programming techniques.
Solutions to problems demonstrate excellent critical thinking skills; solutions contain multiple unique and innovative programming techniques
Overall Impression (features; creativity, effectiveness, quality of program)
(10 marks)

Program features are incorrect or irrelevant
Incomplete program
Program creative aspect is not included

Some notable features
Satisfactory program in terms of visual appearance and expectations
Program creative aspect is included with slight detail
Many notable features
Overall high quality program, in terms of visual appearance and expectations
Program creative aspect is included with good detail

Multiple notable features
High quality program that exceeds expectations and is visually appealing
Creative aspect is well designed and well-implemented
`Coding Style (Communication)

Code Structure and indentation 
(includes spacing and indentation)
(5 marks)

Variable and Method Naming 
(appropriate names & style conventions)
(5 marks)
Apparent lack of logical, consistent indentation and/or organization of code
Some difficulty following code

Inappropriate names used throughout
Most conventions not met
Somewhat consistent indentation and organization of code statements
Code is easy to read

Descriptive names used somewhat consistently
Some conventions not followed
Mostly consistent indentation and organization
Code has divisions between most sections

Descriptive names used consistently throughout
Style conventions are followed
Consistent, logical indentation and organization
Code is very easy to follow and sections are clearly indicated

All naming and style conventions met
Efficient use (re-use) of
variable names
(detailed program and method headers and program comments)
(5 marks)
Inappropriate or incomplete headers
Few comments used or are incomplete

Program headers complete
Some incomplete or missing comments

Program headers complete and accurate
Comments complete throughout program

Headers highly detailed and complete
Detailed comments complete throughout

Execution & Usage (Application)/40 MARKS
Program Execution (program runs and does not crash, handles different forms of input)
(10 marks)
Runs partially, or runs mostly incorrectly for normal input
Runs successfully for most normal input cases

Runs correctly for normal input cases

Runs correctly for all input cases

Transfer of Knowledge and Skills to New Contexts
(10 marks)
Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts in simplest form

Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with some effectiveness

Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with some effectiveness

Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness

Coding Features
(use of GUI, arrays, methods, and exception handling) 
(10 marks)
Any or all of the listed coding features not used, and/or some/all of the features do not work correctly
Any or all of the listed coding features used, but somewhat extraneous or erroneous to the program
Most of the listed coding features used as a main aspect of the program but some in a basic way
Advanced use of all topics listed, coding features used as integral parts of the program
User Friendliness
(program is easy to use with accurate prompting, and program is easy to follow and navigate)
(10 marks)
Program is not user friendly, hard and confusing to use program, navigation is not logical and hard to follow throughout
Program is somewhat user friendly, portions of program are easy to use, and program navigation is somewhat hard to understand.
Program is user friendly, for the most part easy to use and program navigation is simple and sensible

Program is incredibly user friendly, easy to use and program navigation is highly logical

ICS3U ISP Evaluation Rubric 2018-2019

TOTAL = ___ / 100MARKS


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[SOLVED] 代写 Mark Range
30 $