[SOLVED] 代写 math Your assignment will be assigned the grade corresponding to the column that best describes your assignment. In the event that no single column best describes your assignment, a judgement will be made on the balance of the criteria, with criteria becoming more important as you move down the page.

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File Name: 代写_math_Your_assignment_will_be_assigned_the_grade_corresponding_to_the_column_that_best_describes_your_assignment._In_the_event_that_no_single_column_best_describes_your_assignment,_a_judgement_will_be_made_on_the_balance_of_the_criteria,_with_criteria_becoming_more_important_as_you_move_down_the_page..zip
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Your assignment will be assigned the grade corresponding to the column that best describes your assignment. In the event that no single column best describes your assignment, a judgement will be made on the balance of the criteria, with criteria becoming more important as you move down the page.
High Distinction mark = 7
Distinction mark = 6
Credit mark = 5
Pass mark = 4
Fail mark = 3
mark (2, 1 or 0)
How well is the code commented?
Are the computations executed correctly?
Does the code run and meet the specifications?
What level of mastery of the principles of scientific communication is demonstrated in the output of the program?
How likely is this program to achieve its (highly ambitious) purpose? (A holistic assessment)
There is sufficient commenting. It is clear and accurate.
Conceptual understanding of the mathematical models has been demonstrated and accurately applied.
The code runs without error, and the output file demonstrates that it meets the specifications, for all target audiences and expected inputs.
The communication of scientific information and ideas is clear, fluent, and uses a level and style appropriate for each target audience. It displays insight and originality.
The program is very likely to achieve its purpose (as articulated in the quote from the exhibition prospectus) for all patrons.
There is sufficient commenting. It is clear and accurate.
Conceptual understanding of the mathematical models has been demonstrated and accurately applied.
The code runs without error, and the output file demonstrates that it meets the specifications, for all target audiences and expected inputs.
The communication of scientific information and ideas is clear, fluent, and uses a level and style appropriate for each target audience.
The program is likely to achieve its purpose (as articulated in the quote from the exhibition prospectus) for most patrons.
There is sufficient commenting. It is clear and accurate.
Conceptual understanding of the mathematical models has been demonstrated and accurately applied.
The code runs without error and meets the specifications for all target audiences and expected inputs.
The communication of scientific information and ideas is mostly clear, fluent, and uses a level and style appropriate for each target audience.
The program may achieve its purpose (as articulated in the quote from the exhibition prospectus) for some patrons.
There is sufficient commenting.
Conceptual understanding of the mathematical models has mostly been demonstrated.
The code runs without error for most expected inputs. It meets specifications in all but perhaps a few minor ways.
The communication of scientific information and ideas is adequate for most target audiences.
There is commenting in the code.
Limited conceptual understanding of the mathematical models has been demonstrated.
The code runs for most expected inputs.
The communication of scientific information and ideas lacks clarity or is not at the appropriate level for most target audiences.
Does not meet the criteria for a 3.
This rubric has been constructed with reference to, and in compliance with, the UQ grade descriptors specified at http://ppl.app.uq.edu.au/content/3.10.07-grading-system


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[SOLVED] 代写 math Your assignment will be assigned the grade corresponding to the column that best describes your assignment. In the event that no single column best describes your assignment, a judgement will be made on the balance of the criteria, with criteria becoming more important as you move down the page.
30 $