[SOLVED] 代写 database 2019/2/11 Homework 1

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2019/2/11 Homework 1
Homework 1
Submit Assignment
Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload File Types zip Available Feb 8 at 12am ­ Feb 16 at 11:59pm 9 days
Develop a Windows Form Application that takes First Name, Last Name, and Age through separate text boxes as input. When the user clicks on a button to enter this information, the First Name and Last Name information together with the corresponding group the Age information belongs to (Junior (0­17), Adult (18­ 59), Senior (60 ­ )) should be concatenated and appended to the text property of a label object, which is used like a database. Each entry should appear on a separate line, up to 10 entries. The enter button should be the accept button for the form. Appropriate static labels should be created alongside the text boxes to inform the user what type of information is needed.
Your application should be able to perform error checking and handling using try­catch structures. First Name and Last Name textboxes should not be empty, and Age should be a non­negative numeric value. If an errors occur when the user clicks Enter or leaves one of the textboxes, the user should be warned with an appropriate message in a message box, and the focus should be put on the textbox with the error. Wiring needed for event handling should be established in your code.
You should give appropriate names to the form and all of the controls on it, including the appropriate prefixes for the controls. You can create functions, subprocedures, declare module level and local variables, use structures like if­then­else or select­case as you need them. Use appropriate names for all of your functions, subprocedures and variables following the naming convention we use in class.
A screenshot of the application is given at the bottom of the instructions. Note that you will have to set the AutoSize property of the label object to False to be able to resize it and change its properties.
When you are done, please save all of your work and close the project, zip the entire project folder, and name the zip file using the format _HW1.zip if you are submitting by yourself, replacing with your own lastname (e.g. Seref_HW1.zip). If you are submitting as a group of two students, then use the format _ _HW1.zip (e.g. Seref_Skywalker_HW1.zip).If you are submitting as a group of two students, only one student should submit the assignment.
https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/86444/assignments/582316 1/2


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[SOLVED] 代写 database 2019/2/11 Homework 1
30 $