[SOLVED] 代写 html Java SQL database software Programme(s)

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New Zealand Diploma in Software Development


Application Testing and Maintenance

Assessment Number
and Version
Individual Assignment
Prescription Version

Version 1

Semester & Year

Term 1, 2019



Hand in Date
Due Date


Learning Outcomes
Outcome Assessed


1. Migrate a web solution from
development to a testing environment.

2. Create and use a test plan for a web solution.

3. Move a solution from a test
environment to a live platform.

4. Configure applications to meet
requirements and obtain client

5. Produce user-training material.

Assessment 1: Test
Environment Assignment


Assessment 2: Solution
Testing Assignment


Assessment 3: Project




•This is an individual assignment.
•Do not copy the answer of others. This will result zero marks.
•Please complete the student declaration and submit it as part of your answer.
•Take note of due date /time to complete. Works submitted after that date will have marks deducted. (refer to Programme regulations)
•If you have circumstance that mean you cannot complete the work on time discuss it with your tutor.


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Jimmy Connors Chettipally Jessie



The aim of this course is to provide students with the skills to publish a web application, and produce user documentation and training material.
For this assessment, you are required to select a web application. You can choose different web applications from the internet or any web-based project that you have already developed during earlier terms. The application you have chosen must also have software requirements specification (SRS) document. These web-based applications need to be approved from your lecturer. If you cannot find any on your own inform the lecturer, he /she will provide one.
Once you have finalised your web application, use any integrated development environment (IDE) like Xampp, Wampp, visual studio, net beans, aptana/ eclipse and phpstorm etc. to run the application.

ASSESSMENT 1: Test Environment Assignment (TOTAL 65 MARKS)

Learning outcome 1: Migrate a web solution from development to a testing environment.

Learning outcome 2: Create and use a test plan for a web solution.

Instructions: Install Katalon Studios (Testing tool for manual, scripted and automated testing) in your laptop/desktop. If you are unable to install it, take help from https://www.katalon.com/resources-center/tutorials/get-started/install-setup-katalon-studio/ .

Question 1: Migrate your web application from IDE to Katalan studios. This should bring all internal and external links of the application including databases.

(5 Marks)

Question 2:

Instructions: You can choose any of manual, scripted or automated testing tools, according to the requirements of test cases, from Katalan Studios for solving following problems. You need to keep track of every activities you perform during testing otherwise your work will not be eligible for evaluation and marking. You can do so by using web record utility available within software.

•Create at least 10 different test cases for Functional Testing and execute the test against these test cases. If any bugs are identified, fix them. Your test cases may include (but not limited to) following test scenarios (20 Marks)
Test scenarios for Functional testing.

•Test all the mandatory fields should be validated.

•Test the asterisk sign should display for all the mandatory fields.

•Test the system should not display the error message for optional fields.

•Test that leap years are validated correctly & do not cause errors/miscalculations.

•Test the numeric fields should not accept the alphabets and proper error message should display.

•Test for negative numbers if allowed for numeric fields.

•Test division by zero should be handled properly for calculations.

•Test the max length of every field to ensure the data is not truncated.

•Test the pop-up message (“This field is limited to 500 characters”) should display if the data reaches the maximum size of the field.

•Test that a confirmation message should display for update and delete operations.

•Test the amount values should display in currency format.

•Test all input fields for special characters.

•Test the timeout functionality.

•Test the Sorting functionality.

•Test the functionality of the buttons available

•Test the Privacy Policy & FAQ is clearly defined and should be available for users.

•Test if any functionality fails the user gets redirected to the custom error page.

•Test all the uploaded documents are opened properly.

•Test the user should be able to download the uploaded files.

•Test the email functionality of the system.

•Test the Java script is properly working in different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, safari and Opera).

•Test to see what happens if a user deletes cookies while in the site.

•Test to see what happens if a user deletes cookies after visiting a site.

•Test all the data inside combo/list box is arranged in chronological order.

•Create at least 5 different test cases for database testing and execute the test against these test cases. If any bugs are identified, fix them. Your test cases may include (but not limited to) following test scenarios. (10 marks)

Test scenarios for Database Testing:

•Verify the database name: The database name should match with the specifications.

•Verify the Tables, columns, column types and defaults: All things should match with the specifications.

•Verify whether the column allows a null or not.

•Verify the Primary and foreign key of each table.

•Verify the Stored Procedure:

•Test whether the Stored procedure is installed or not.

•Verify the Stored procedure name

•Verify the parameter names, types and number of parameters.

•Test the parameters if they are required or not.

•Test the stored procedure by deleting some parameters

•Test when the output is zero, the zero records should be affected.

•Test the stored procedure by writing simple SQL queries.

•Test whether the stored procedure returns the values

•Test the stored procedure with sample input data.

•Verify the behavior of each flag in the table.

•Verify the data is properly saved into the database after each page submission.

•Verify the data if the DML (Update, delete and insert) operations are performed.

•Check the length of every field: The field length in the back end and front end must be same.

•Verify the database names of QA, UAT and production. The names should be unique.

•Verify the encrypted data in the database.

•Verify the database size. Also, test the response time of each query executed.

•Verify the data displayed on the front end and make sure it is same in the back end.

•Verify the data validity by inserting the invalid data in the database.

•Verify the Triggers.

•Create at least 10 different test cases for Usability Testing and execute the test against these test cases. If any bugs are identified, fix them. Your test cases may include (but not limited to) following test scenarios (20 Marks)

Test scenarios for Usability Testing:

•Web page content should be correct without any spelling or grammatical errors

•All fonts should be same as per the requirements.

•All the text should be properly aligned.

•All the error messages should be correct without any spelling or grammatical errors and the error message should match with the field label.

•Tool tip text should be there for every field.

•All the fields should be properly aligned.
•Enough space should be provided between field labels, columns, rows, and error messages.

•All the buttons should be in a standard format and size.

•Home link should be there on every single page.

•Disabled fields should be grayed out.

•Check for broken links and images.

•Confirmation message should be displayed for any kind of update and delete operation.

•Check the site on different resolutions (640 x 480, 600×800 etc.?)

•Check the end user can run the system without frustration.

•Check the tab should work properly.

•Scroll bar should appear only if required.

•If there is an error message on submit, the information filled by the user should be there.

•Title should display on each web page

•All fields (Textbox, dropdown, radio button etc.) and buttons should be accessible by keyboard shortcuts and the user should be able to perform all operations by using keyboard.

•Check if the dropdown data is not truncated due to the field size and also check whether the data is hardcoded or managed via administrator.

•Create at least 5 different test cases for Compatibility Testing and execute the test against these test cases. If any bugs are identified, fix them. Your test cases may include (but not limited to) following test scenarios (10 Marks)

Test scenarios for Compatibility Testing:

•Test the website in different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera) and ensure the website is displaying properly.

•Test the website in different devices (mobile, laptop and PC) and ensure the website is displaying properly.

•Test the HTML version being used is compatible with appropriate browser versions.

•Test the images display correctly in different browsers.

•Test the fonts are usable in different browsers.

•Test the java script code is usable in different browsers.

•Test the Animated GIF’s across different browsers.

ASSESSMENT 2: Solution Testing Assignment (TOTAL 25 MARKS)

Learning outcome 3: Move a solution from a test environment to a live platform.

Learning outcome 4: Configure applications to meet requirements and obtain client acceptances.

Question 1: Using a unique domain name, host the web application you have tested into World Wide Web server. (Student are allowed to use free web domain and services) (5 Marks).

Question 2: Obtain client acceptance for the web application you have hosted. For this purpose, you can use software requirement specification (SRS) to ascertain that application has meet user requirements. Validate at least 10 user requirements from SRS. You are free to consider your lecturer as client and take acceptance. (20 Marks)


Learning outcome 1: Migrate a web solution from development to a testing environment.

Learning outcome 2: Create and use a test plan for a web solution.

Learning outcome 3: Move a solution from a test environment to a live platform.

Learning outcome 4: Configure applications to meet requirements and obtain client acceptances.

Learning outcome 5: Produce user-training material.

Question1: You are required to produce a user-training manual for the web application you have tested. (50 Marks)

To accomplish this task, you can follow following procedure:
•Begin with an introductory overview.

•Break up the main web application into different components and sections.

•Add subsections to the main sections.

•For each subsection, use a visual process. You can use screenshots of each steps with proper description.

We have uploaded few samples of user training manuals in Moodle for your reference. Since each project you have taken is unique, it is expected that you will produce a unique training manual. Your training manual must describe all the user functionalities of the web application you have tested.


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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java SQL database software Programme(s)
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