[SOLVED] 代写 UML software COMP 3700

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COMP 3700
Software Modeling and Design Homework 2
Due: Sunday, February 3rd, 2019 by 11:59PM (midnight)
[This assignment is worth 100 points. You are required to use a UML tool such as Visio or ArgoUML (http://argouml.tigris.org/) to develop the solutions that require modeling UML statechart dia- grams. Please submit one single WORD or PDF file. Most UML tools have export capabilities to generate pictures from the diagrams displayed in the editor. These figures can then be imported and embedded into a WORD document or your favorite text editor before it can be converted to PDF.]
(1) (a) Specify and draw a UML statechart to represent the stages of a person applying to become a student at a university: application, conditional or unconditional acceptance, or rejection, and for conditionally accepted students, confirmation of acceptance or rejection (once further information is available]. Finally, accepted applicants are registered as students of the college.
(b) Extend the previous solution by adding an event, withdraw that terminates the applicant¡¯s appli- cation lifecycle regardless of which state they are in.
(2) A lift-control system is to be developed to control the operation of a set of m lifts running between n floors of a building, where 1 < m < n. Each lift has a lift motor lm, which can be set to up, down, or stop. It also has a door motor dm, which can be set to opening, closing, and stopped. There are similar doors on each floor for each shaft.The system has a set of internal request buttons in each lift, one button per floor. These are lit when a request has been made and continue to stay lit until the floor is visited after the request. There are also two external request buttons (for up and down) on every floor except the top (down button only) and bottom (up only) floors. On every floor, and for each lift shaft, there is a set of lights (one per floor) showing where the lift is. There is similar set inside each lift. For each floor f there is a sensor fpsfs: Boolean for each shaft s, which registers if a lift is positioned at that floor in that shaft. The doors of this shaft can only open on floor f if fpsfs = true. The lift and floor doors should always open and close together (their door motors should always be set identically). For each door, there are Boolean sensors dcs and dos, indicating whether the door is completely closed or opened, respectively. The lifts should respond to requests without duplicating effort (external requests will only be answered by one lift, internal requests in a lift will only be answered by the lift itself).(a) Draw a UML class diagram for this system.(b) Draw a UML statechart of an individual lift¡¯s behavior. Assume that m = 2 and n = 10, but ensure that the diagrams can be reused for other settings of these parameters.1(3) Question 5.5 from your textbook(4) Question 6.7 from your textbook.(5) Question 6.10 from your textbook.2


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[SOLVED] 代写 UML software COMP 3700
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