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Week 2
Computer Science for Designers and Artists
1. Write a program to calculate the area of this triangle.
The formula to calculate the area of a right triangle is: area = 1⁄2 (base * height)
– comment your code
– use variables for the area, base and height, use good variable names
– print the result
2. Determine the result of each of the following lines of code (either True or False) given the following values for x, y and z.
x = True y = False z = True
x and y
☐ True or ☐ False
x and z
☐ True or ☐ False
x or y
☐ True or ☐ False
x and y or z
☐ True or ☐ False
y or (x and y)
☐ True or ☐ False

3. Write the output for the following block of code
x = ‘17’ y=x*4 print (y)
4. State the bugs in this code
_length = 4
alex = “Alex”
and = “and”
er = “er”
short_name = alex/_length
print short_name
5. Is this number PRIME?
Prime numbers are awesome – and will probably be on the test we get from intelligent aliens when they contact us. Knowing if a number is prime just might save the human race. Here’s the definition of a prime: A Prime
Number has no divisors other than 1 and itself. And it must be a whole number greater than 1.
So wouldn’t you know, we’ve just received a transmission of alien origin containing a number! It’s go time – let’s see if it is a prime number. The number in question is in the variable: potential_prime. For each of the three conditions of being a prime number (listed below), show code that will give a value of True if it satisfies the condition or False if it does not.
Is potential_prime greater than one?
Is potential_prime a whole number?
For every number between 1 and potential_prime (let’s represent that with a variable named: index) Is potential_prime Indivisible by index?
6. Hack the dice rolling program
Load the dice.py program. Give the code a look to see if you can figure out what it does. Run it to roll the dice. Make the following changes to the code:
1) Change the program so you are using 3, twenty sided dice (like a wizard) instead of 5 six sided dice. Save this as dice_wizards.py and submit.
2) Go back to 5 six sided dice, but make it so that it only ever rolls even numbers (2,4 and 6). Save this as dice_evens.py and submit.


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