[SOLVED] 代写 Go语言 ECS 140A

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ECS 140A Programming Languages
Winter 2019
Homework 2
• This assignment asks you to complete programming tasks using the Go programming language.
• To complete the assignment (i) download hw2-handout.zip from Canvas, (ii) modify the .go files in the hw2-handout directory as per the instructions in this document, and (iii) zip the hw2-handout directory into hw2-handout.zip and upload this zip file to Canvas by the due date.
Do not change the file names, create new files, or change the directory structure in hw2-handout.
• This assignment has to be worked on individually.
• We will be using Go version 1.11.4, which can be downloaded from
Run the command go version to verify that you have the correct version installed: $ go version
go version go1.11.4
• Go 1.11.4 is installed on all CSIF machines in the directory /usr/local/go/; the go
binary is, thus, at /usr/local/go/bin/go. Consider adding /usr/local/go/bin to your PATH.
• Information about using CSIF computers, such as how to remotely login to CSIF computers from home and how to copy files to/from the CSIF computers using your personal computer, can be found at http://csifdocs.cs.ucdavis.edu/about-us/ csif-general-faq.
• Begin working on the homework early.
• Apart from the description in this document, look at the unit tests provided to under-
stand the requirements for the code you have to write.
• Post questions on piazza if you require any further clarifications. Use private posts if your question contains part of the solution to the homework.


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triangle (5 points)
Modify the unit tests in the TestGetTriangleType function in hw2-handout/triangle/triangle test.go.
One unit test has already been written for you.
The goal is to write enough unit tests to get 100% code coverage for the code in
From the hw2-handout/triangle directory, run the go test -cover command to see
the current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/triangle directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov
Do NOT modify the code in hw2-handout/triangle/triangle.go.
min (5 points)
Modify the Min function in hw2-handout/min/min.go.
The function Min should return the minimum/lowest value in the argument arr, and
0 if the argument is nil.
Some unit tests are provided for you in hw2-handout/min/min test.go.
From the hw2-handout/min directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests. If needed, add more unit tests in hw2-handout/min/min test.go to get 100% code
coverage for the code in hw2-handout/min/min.go.
From the hw2-handout/min directory, run the go test -cover command to see the
current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/min directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov

3 nfa (10 points)
A non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) is defined by a set of states, symbols in an alphabet, and a transition function. A state is represented by an integer. A symbol is represented by a rune, i.e., a character. Given a state and a symbol, a transition function returns the set of states that the NFA can transition to after reading the given symbol. This set of next states could be empty. A graphical representation of an NFA is shown below:
In this example, {0, 1, 2} are the set of states, {a, b} are the set of symbols, and the transition function is represented by labelled arrows between states.
• If the NFA is in state 0 and it reads the symbol a, then it can transition to either state 1 or to state 2.
• If the NFA is in state 0 and it reads the symbol b, then it can only transition to state 2.
• If the NFA is in state 1 and it reads the symbol b, then it can only transition to state 0.
• If the NFA is in state 1 and it reads the symbol a, it cannot make any transitions.
• If the NFA is in state 2 and it reads the symbol a or b, it cannot make any transitions.
A given final state is said to be reachable from a given start state via a given input sequence of symbols if there exists a sequence of transitions such that if the NFA starts at the start state it would reach the final state after reading the entire sequence of input symbols.
In the example NFA above:
• The state 1 is reachable from the state 0 via the input sequence abababa.
• The state 1 is not reachable from the state 0 via the input sequence ababab. • The state 2 is reachable from state 0 via the input sequence abababa.
The transition function for the NFA described above is represented by the expTransitions function in hw2-handout/nfa/nfa test.go. Some unit tests have also been given to you in hw2-handout/nfa/nfa test.go. From the hw2-handout/nfa directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests.

• Write an implementation of the Reachable function in hw2-handout/nfa/nfa.go that returns true if a final state is reachable from the start state after reading an input sequence of symbols, and false, otherwise.
• If needed, write new tests, in hw2-handout/nfa/nfa test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code.
From the hw2-handout/nfa directory, run the go test -cover command to see the current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/nfa directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov
Working with expression AST

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For parts 4 and 5, you will be using the expr package in the hw2-handout/expr directory.
You should NOT modify any code in the hw2-handout/expr directory. hw2-handout/expr/ast.go defines an abstract syntax tree (AST) for arithmetic ex-
pressions. Theexpr.ParsefunctionparsesastringintoanAST;seehw2-handout/expr/parse.go.
The expr.Eval method evaluates an expression given a mapping from variables to values; see hw2-handout/expr/eval.go.
The expr.Format function formats an expression AST as a string; see hw2-handout/expr/print.go.
Note the use of type switches and type assertions in this code for inspecting the concrete types that an Expr interface type represents.
This code is also described in Chapter 7 of The Go Programming Language book: http://gopl.io.
depth (10 points)
Implement the function Depth in hw2-handout/depth/depth.go that, given an AST represented by expr.Expr, returns the maximum number of AST nodes between the root of the tree and any leaf (literal or variable) in the tree.
Unit tests have been provided in hw2-handout/depth/depth test.go.
From the hw2-handout/depth directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests.

If needed, write new tests, in hw2-handout/depth/depth test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code in hw2-handout/depth/depth.go.
From the hw2-handout/depth directory, run the go test -cover command to see the current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/depth directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov
simplify (20 points)
Implement the Simplify function in hw2-handout/simplify/simplify.go.
Given an arithmetic expression as an expr.Expr and an environment expr.Env, Simplify simplifies the given expression using the values of the variables in the environment and by performing some algebraic simplifications.
Your implementation of Simplify should perform the following simplifications:
– Any Var whose name is in the provided map should be replaced with its value.
– Any unary operator whose operand is a Literal should be replaced with a Literal representing the result.
– Any binary operator whose operands are both Literals should be replaced with a Literal representing the result.
– Any binary operator performing addition, where one operand is 0, should be reduced. (0+X=X=X+0)
– Any binary operator performing multiplication, where one operand is 1 or 0, shouldbereduced. (1∗X=X=X∗1and0∗X=0=X∗0)
No other simplifications should be performed.
Unit tests have been provided in hw2-handout/simplify/simplify test.go.
From the hw2-handout/simplify directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests.
If needed, write new tests, in hw2-handout/simplify/simplify test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code in hw2-handout/simplify/simplify.go.
From the hw2-handout/simplify directory, run the go test -cover command to see the current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/simplify directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov


Working with the Go AST
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For parts 6, 7, and 8, you will be writing Go code that works with the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the Go language itself.
Information about the go/ast package can be found at https://golang.org/pkg/go/ast/, which lists the different types of AST nodes along with their fields.
You might also find it useful to take a look at the source code for go/ast, which can be found at https://golang.org/src/go/ast/.
Sample code illustrating how to build the AST given Go code and then print it using ast.Print can be found at https://play.golang.org/p/1g-lt3D1N6a.
Sample code computing the number of function calls using ast.Inspect can be found at https://play.golang.org/p/cq2OI6CA6v_n.
An alternative to ast.Inspect is to use ast.Walk, which uses the ast.Visitor inter- face type.
Sample code that modifies Go code programmatically can be found at https://play.golang.org/p/mRKeN7SZD8g.
An introduction to the go/ast package can be found at https://zupzup.org/go-ast-traversal/.
branch (20 points)
Modify hw2-handout/branch/branch.go by implementing the branchCount function that returns the count of the number of branching statements in a Go function.
Branching statements are those where the program has a choice of what to execute next; e.g., if and for statements.
The branchCount function is called from the ComputeBranchFactor function that takes a Go program as a string, and for each function in that program, counts the number of branching statements in the Go function by calling branchCount.
ComputeBranchFactor returns a map[string]uint from the name of the function to the number of branching statements it contains.
You should not need to modify the implementation of ComputeBranchFactor. Unit tests have been provided in hw2-handout/branch/branch test.go.
From the hw2-handout/branch directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests.


If needed, write new tests, in hw2-handout/branch/branch test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code in hw2-handout/branch/branch.go.
From the hw2-handout/branch directory, run the go test -cover command to see the current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/branch directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov
rewrite (30 points)
Modify the rewriteCalls function in hw2-handout/rewrite/rewrite.go to rewrite occurrences of calls to expr.ParseAndEval in the input Go code so as to simplify the first argument to expr.ParseAndEval.
The definition of the function expr.ParseAndEval can be found in hw2-handout/expr/parse and eval.go.
As an example of the rewrite, the following statement in the input Go program:
x := expr.ParseAndEval(“2 + 3”, env)
would be rewritten to
x := expr.ParseAndEval(“5”, env)
The rewriteCalls function you have to implement has to do the following:
– Identify calls to expr.ParseAndEval in the input Go code.
– If the first argument to this call is a string literal, then parse this string into an
– Simplify this expr.Expr using the simplify.Simplify function you implemented
in part 5 (using an empty expr.Env).
– Format the resulting expr.Expr into a string.
– Replace the first argument in expr.ParseAndEval with this string representing the simplified expression in the input Go code.
Unit tests have been provided in hw2-handout/rewrite/rewrite test.go, which read inputs and outputs from the hw2-handout/rewrite test directory.
From the hw2-handout/rewrite directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests.
If needed, write new tests, in hw2-handout/rewrite/rewrite test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code in hw2-handout/rewrite/rewrite.go.
From the hw2-handout/rewrite directory, run the go test -cover command to see the current code coverage.



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From the hw2-handout/rewrite directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov
bonus (10 points)
This part of the homework is extra credit. You will get full credit for Homework 2
even if you do not attempt this part of the homework.
This part is an extension of the rewrite you had to do in part 7.
Modify the rewriteCalls function in hw2-handout/bonus/bonus.go to rewrite oc- currences of calls to expr.ParseAndEval in the input Go code so as to simplify the first argument to expr.ParseAndEval and replace the call to expr.ParseAndEval if the expression in the first argument simplifies to a numeric constant (literal).
The definition of the function expr.ParseAndEval can be found in hw2-handout/expr/parse and eval.go.
As an example of this “bonus” rewrite, the following statement in the input Go pro- gram:
x := expr.ParseAndEval(“2 + 3”, env)
would be rewritten to
x := 5
The rewriteCalls function you have to implement has to do the following:
– Identify calls to expr.ParseAndEval in the input Go code.
– If the first argument to this call is a string literal, then parse this string into an
– Simplify this expr.Expr using the simplify.Simplify function you implemented
in part 5 (using an empty expr.Env).
– If the simplified expression is an expr.Literal, then replace the call to
expr.ParseAndEval with this literal in the input Go code.
– If the simplified expression is NOT an expr.Literal, then format the resulting expr.Expr into a string. Replace the first argument in expr.ParseAndEval with this string representing the simplified expression in the input Go code.
Unit tests have been provided in hw2-handout/bonus/bonus test.go, which read in- puts and outputs from the hw2-handout/bonus test directory.
From the hw2-handout/bonus directory, run the go test command to run the unit tests.


• If needed, write new tests, in hw2-handout/bonus/bonus test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code in hw2-handout/bonus/bonus.go.
From the hw2-handout/bonus directory, run the go test -cover command to see the current code coverage.
From the hw2-handout/bonus directory, run the following two commands to see which statements are covered by the unit tests:
$ go test -coverprofile=temp.cov
$ go tool cover -html=temp.cov


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[SOLVED] 代写 Go语言 ECS 140A
30 $