[SOLVED] OCaml代写:CMSC 330 Project 2B

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Project 2B: OCaml Higher Order Functions and Data

CMSC 330, Fall 2017 Due Monday, October 2nd, 2017

Ground Rules and Extra Info

This is NOT a pair project. You must work on this project alone as with most other CS projects. See the Academic Integrity section for more information.

In your code, you may only use library functions found in the Pervasives module and the functions provided in funs.ml . You may not use any imperative structures of OCaml such as references.

At a few points in this document, it will be requested that you raise an Invalid_argument exception. To raise an exception in OCaml, use the function raise : exn -> 'a . The argument exn is the exception to raise, and Invalid_argument is part of the exn data type. The return value is 'a in order to match to surrounding branch types and can therefore be ignored. In order to raise an Invalid_argument exception with the message, “something went wrong”, the following line of code would suffice:

raise (Invalid_argument("something went wrong"))


The goal of this project is to increase your familiarity with programming in OCaml using higher order functions and user-defined types. You will have to write a total of 15 small functions, the specifications of which are given below. Some of them start out as code we provide you. In our reference solution, each function typically requires writing or modifying 5-8 lines of code, except for the last function, reachable , which is more involved.

This project is due in one week! We recommend you get started right away, going from top to bottom. The problems get increasingly more challenging, and in many cases later problems can take advantage of earlier solutions.

Project Files

To begin this project, you will need to commit any uncommitted changes to your local branch and pull updates from the git repository. Click here for directions on working with the Git repository. The following are the relevant files:

<!– TODO add the real files to the document and ensure that they’re correct –>

  • OCaml Files
    • data.ml : This is where you will write your code for all parts of the project. All other files will be discarded.
    • data.mli : This file is used to describe the signature of all the functions in the module. Don’t worry about this file, but make sure it exists or your code will not compile. It also contains our type definitions.
    • funs.ml and funs.mli : These files contain definitions for map, fold, length, and reverse.
    • public.ml : This file contains all of the public test cases.
  • Submission Scripts and Other Files
    • submit.rb : Execute this script to submit your project to the submit server.
    • submit.jar and .submit : Don’t worry about these files, but make sure you have them.
    • Makefile : This is used to build the public tests by simply running the command make , just as in 216.

Compilation and Tests

In order to compile your project, simply run the make command and our Makefile will handle the compilation process for you, just as in 216. After compiling your code, the public tests can be run by running public.native (i.e. ./public.native ; think of this just like with a.out in C)

Part 1: High Order Functions

Write the following functions using map , fold , or fold_right as defined in the file funs.ml .

count e lst

  • Type : 'a -> 'a list -> int
  • Description : Returns how many times the element e occurs in lst .
  • Examples:
count 3 [1;3;1;1;3] = 2count "hello" ["there";"ralph"] = 0

divisible_by n lst

  • Type : int -> int list -> bool list
  • Description : Returns a list of booleans where each boolean represents if the corresponding element of lst is divisible by n . Take note that 0 is divisible by 0.
  • Examples:
divisible_by 2 [1;3;4;8;0] = [false;false;true;true;true]

divisible_by_first lst

  • Type : int list -> bool list
  • Description : Returns a list of booleans where each boolean represents if the corresponding element of lst is divisible by the first element of lst . Take note that 0 is divisible by 0.
  • Examples:
divisible_by_first [2;3;4;8;0] = [true;false;true;true;true]divisible_by_first [2] = [true]divisible_by_first [] = []

pairup lst1 lst2

  • Type : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
  • Description : Returns a list of tuples containing every possible combination of elements from lst1 and lst2 and nothing more.
  • Examples:
pairup [] [] = []pairup [1;2] [3;4;5] = [(1, 3); (1, 4); (1, 5); (2, 3); (2, 4); (2, 5)]

concat_lists lst

  • Type : 'a list list -> 'a list
  • Description : Returns a list consisting of the elements of lst concatenated together. Note that only the top level of lists is concatenated, whereas List.flatten concatenates all levels.
  • Examples:
concat_lists [[1;2];[7];[5;4;3]] = [1;2;7;5;4;3]concat_lists [[[1;2;3];[2]];[[7]]] = [[1;2;3];[2];[7]]

Part 2: Integer BST

You will write functions that will operate on a binary search tree whose nodes contain integers. Provided below is the type of int_tree .

type int_tree =  IntLeaf| IntNode of int * int_tree * int_tree

According to this definition, an int_tree is either: empty (just a leaf), or a node (containing an integer, left subtree, and right subtree). An empty tree is just a leaf.

let empty_int_tree = IntLeaf

Like lists, BSTs are immutable. Once created we cannot change it. To insert an element into a tree, create a new tree that is the same as the old, but with the new element added. Let’s write insert for our int_tree . Recall the algorithm for inserting element x into a tree:

  • Empty tree? Return a single-node tree.
  • x less than the current node? Return a tree that has the same content as the present tree but where the left subtree is instead the tree that results from inserting x into the original left subtree.
  • x already in the tree? Return the tree unchanged.
  • x greater than the current node? Return a tree that has the same content as the present tree but where the right subtree is instead the tree that results from inserting x into the original right subtree.

Here’s one implementation:

let rec int_insert x t =match t with  IntLeaf -> IntNode (x, IntLeaf, IntLeaf)| IntNode (y, l, r) when x < y -> IntNode (y, int_insert x l, r)| IntNode (y, l, r) when x = y -> t| IntNode (y, l, r) -> IntNode (y, l, int_insert x r)

Note : The when syntax may be unfamiliar to you – it acts as an extra guard in addition to the pattern. For example, IntNode (y, l, r) when x < y will only be matched when the tree is an IntNode and x < y . This serves a similar purpose to having an if statement inside of the general IntNode match case, but allows for more readable syntax in many cases.

Let’s try writing a function which determines whether a tree contains an element. This follows a similar procedure except we’ll be returning a boolean if the element is a member of the tree.

let rec int_mem x t =match t with  IntLeaf -> false| IntNode (y, l, r) when x < y -> int_mem x l| IntNode (y, l, r) when x = y -> true| IntNode (y, l, r) -> int_mem x r

It’s your turn now! Write the following functions which operate on int_tree .

int_size t

  • Type : int_tree -> int
  • Description : Returns the number of nodes in tree t .
  • Examples:
int_size empty_int_tree = 0int_size (int_insert 1 (int_insert 2 empty_int_tree)) = 2

int_max t

  • Type : int_tree -> int
  • Description : Returns the maximum element in tree t . Raises exception Invalid_argument("int_max") on an empty tree. This function should be O(height of the tree).
  • Examples:
int_max (int_insert_all [1;2;3] empty_int_tree) = 3

int_insert_all lst t

  • Type : int list -> int_tree -> int_tree
  • Description : Returns a tree which is the same as tree t , but with all the integers in list lst added to it. Try to use fold to implement this in one line.
  • Examples:
int_as_list (int_insert_all [1;2;3] empty_int_tree) = [1;2;3]

int_as_list t

  • Type : int_tree -> int list
  • Description : Returns a list where the values correspond to an in-order traversalon tree t .
  • Examples:
int_as_list (int_insert 2 (int_insert 1 empty_int_tree)) = [1;2]int_as_list (int_insert 2 (int_insert 2 (int_insert 3 empty_int_tree))) = [2;3]

int_common t x y

  • Type : int_tree -> int -> int -> int
  • Description : Returns the closest common ancestor of x and y in the tree t (i.e. the lowest shared parent in the tree). Raises exception Invalid_argument("int_common") on an empty tree or where x or y don’t exist in tree t .
  • Examples:
let t = int_insert_all [6;1;8;5;10;13;9;4] empty_int_tree;;int_common t 1 10 = 6int_common t 8 9 = 8

Part 3: Polymorphic BST

Our type int_tree is limited to integer elements. We want to define a binary search tree over any totally ordered type. Let’s define the type 'a atree to do so.

type 'a atree =  Leaf| Node of 'a * 'a atree * 'a atree

This defintion is the same as int_tree except it’s polymorphic. The nodes may contain any type 'a , not just integers. Since a tree may contain any value, we need a way to compare values. We define a type for comparison functions.

type 'a compfn = 'a -> 'a -> int

Any comparison function will take two 'a values and return an integer. If the integer is negative, the first value is less than the second; if positive, the first value is greater; if 0 they’re equal.

Finally, we can bundle the two previous types to create a polymorphic BST.

type 'a ptree = 'a compfn * 'a atree

An empty tree is just a leaf and some comparison function.

let empty_ptree f : 'a ptree = (f, Leaf)

You can modify the code from your int_tree functions to implement some functions on ptree . Remember to use the bundled comparison function!

pinsert x t

  • Type : 'a -> 'a ptree -> 'a ptree
  • Description : Returns a tree which is the same as tree t , but with x added to it.
  • Examples:
let int_comp x y = if x < y then -1 else if x > y then 1 else 0;;let t0 = empty_ptree int_comp;;let t1 = pinsert 1 (pinsert 8 (pinsert 5 t0));;

pmem x t

  • Type : 'a -> 'a ptree -> bool
  • Description : Returns true iff x is an element of tree t .
  • Examples:
(* see definitions of t0 and t1 above *)pmem 5 t0 = falsepmem 5 t1 = truepmem 1 t1 = truepmem 2 t1 = false

Part 4: Graphs with Records

For the last part of this project, you will implement functions which operate on graphs.

Here are the types for graphs. They use OCaml’s record syntax.

type node = inttype edge = { src: node; dst: node; }type graph = { nodes: int_tree; edges: edge list }

A graph is record with two fields: a set of nodes aptly called “nodes” (represented as an int_tree ), and a list of edges. A node is represented as an integer, and an edge is a record identifying its source and destination nodes.

An empty graph has no nodes (i.e., the empty integer tree) and has no edges (the empty list).

let empty_graph = { nodes = empty_int_tree; edges = [] }

Provided below is a function which adds an edge to a graph. Its type is edge -> graph -> graph .

let add_edge e { nodes = ns; edges = es } =let { src = s; dst = d } = e inlet ns' = int_insert s ns inlet ns'' = int_insert d ns' inlet es' = e::es in{ nodes = ns''; edges = es' }

Given an edge e and graph g , it returns a new graph that is the same as g , but with e added. Note this routine makes no attempt to eliminate duplicate edges; these could add some inefficiency, but should not harm correctness.

We also provide a function add_edges : edge list -> graph -> graph to add multiple edges at once.

Write the following functions which operate on graph .

graph_empty g

  • Type : graph -> bool
  • Description : Returns true iff graph g is empty.
  • Examples:
graph_empty (add_edge { src = 1; dst = 2 } empty_graph) = falsegraph_empty empty_graph = true

graph_size g

  • Type : graph -> int
  • Description : Returns the number of nodes in graph g .
  • Examples:
graph_size (add_edge { src = 1; dst = 2 } empty_graph) = 2graph_size (add_edge { src = 1; dst = 1 } empty_graph) = 1

is_dst n e

  • Type : node -> edge -> bool
  • Description : Returns true iff node n is the destination of edge e .
  • Examples:
is_dst 1 { src = 1; dst = 2 } = falseis_dst 2 { src = 1; dst = 2 } = true

src_edges n g

  • Type : node -> graph -> edge list
  • Description : Returns a list of edges in graph g whose source node is n .
  • Examples:
src_edges 1 (add_edges [{src=1;dst=2}; {src=1;dst=3}; {src=2;dst=2}] empty_graph) = [{src=1;dst=2}; {src=1;dst=3}]

reachable n g

  • Type : node -> graph -> int_tree
  • Description : Returns the set of nodes reachable from node n in graph g , where the set is represented as an int_tree . If n is neither a source nor a destination in the graph, IntLeaf should be returned.
  • Examples:
int_as_list (reachable 1   (add_edges [{src=1;dst=2}; {src=1;dst=3}; {src=2;dst=2}] empty_graph)) =   [1;2;3]int_as_list (reachable 3   (add_edges [{src=1;dst=2}; {src=1;dst=3}; {src=2;dst=2}] empty_graph)) =   [3]int_as_list (reachable 2   (add_edges [{src=0;dst=1}] empty_graph)) =   []

Project Submission

You should submit a file data.ml containing your solution. You may submit other files, but they will be ignored during grading. We will run your solution as individual OUnit tests just as in the provided public test file.

Be sure to follow the project description exactly! Your solution will be graded automatically, so any deviation from the specification will result in lost points.

You can submit your project in two ways:

  • Submit your data.ml file directly to the submit serverby clicking on the submit link in the column “web submission”. Then, use the submit dialog to submit your data.ml file directly. Select your file using the “Browse” button, then press the “Submit project!” button. You do not need to put it in a zip file.
  • Submit directly by executing a the submission script on a computer with Java and network access. Included in this project are the submission scripts and related files listed under Project Files . These files should be in the directory containing your project. From there you can either execute submit.rb or run the command java -jar submit.jar directly (this is all submit.rb does).

No matter how you choose to submit your project, make sure that your submission is received by checking the submit server after submitting.

Academic Integrity

Please carefully read the academic honesty section of the course syllabus. Any evidence of impermissible cooperation on projects, use of disallowed materials or resources, or unauthorized use of computer accounts, will be submitted to the Student Honor Council, which could result in an XF for the course, or suspension or expulsion from the University. Be sure you understand what you are and what you are not permitted to do in regards to academic integrity when it comes to project assignments. These policies apply to all students, and the Student Honor Council does not consider lack of knowledge of the policies to be a defense for violating them. Full information is found in the course syllabus, which you should review before starting.

<!– Link References –>

<!– These should always be left alone or at least updated –>


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[SOLVED] OCaml代写:CMSC 330 Project 2B
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