[SOLVED] scheme代写: CMPT 383 scheme assignment 2

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In this assignment, your task is to learn basic Schemeprogramming. We’ll do this by implementing a number of basic Schemefunctions.

Your solutions are restricted to use only the following:

  • define , lambda , let , let* , cond / else , if
  • null? , car , cdr , cons , list? , list
  • not , and , or , #t , #f
  • arithmetic operators like + , / , mod , < , >= , …
  • data types: numbers, strings, lists

Any functions you define in this assignment must use only these elementary forms. You can (should!) create helper functions, and you may also use functions from previous questions in the answers to later questions.

Many of the functions you are asked to implement are versions of existing Schemefunctions. Those functions start with my- .

  1. Implement a function called (singleton? x) that returns #t if x has exactly 1 element, #f otherwise. For example:

    > (singleton? '(4 mouse ()))#f> (singleton? '(xy))#t> (singleton? 4)#f
  2. Implement a function called (my-make-list n x) that returns that returns list of containing n copies of x . For example:

    > (my-make-list 3 'a)(a a a)> (my-make-list 2 '(1 2 3))((1 2 3) (1 2 3))> (my-make-list 2 (my-make-list 3 '(a b)))(((a b) (a b) (a b)) ((a b) (a b) (a b)))

    If n is 0 or less, then return the empty list.

    You can assume n is a valid integer. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  3. Implement a function called (my-iota n) that returns a list containing the numbers from 0 to n-1. For example:

    > (my-iota 0)()> (my-iota 1)(0)> (my-iota 2)(0 1)> (my-iota 5)(0 1 2 3 4)

    If n is 0 or less, then return the empty list.

    You can assume n is a valid integer. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  4. Implement a function called (my-len lst) that returns that returns the number of items in lst . For example:

    > (my-len '())0> (my-len '(a))1> (my-len '(a (b c)))2> (my-len '(a (b c) d))3

    You can assume lst is a valid list. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  5. Implement a function called (nth lst i) that returns that returns the item at index location i in lst . The indexing is 0-based, so, the first element is at index location 0, the second element is at index location 1, and so on. For example:

    > (nth '(a b c) 0)a> (nth '(a b c) 1)b> (nth '(a b c) 2)c> (nth '(a b c) 3);bad index

    You can assume lst is a valid list. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

    If i is less than 0, or if its greater than or equal to the length of lst , call the error function.

    You can assume i is a valid integer. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  6. Implement a function called (my-last lst) that returns the lastelement of lst . For example:

    > (my-last '(cat))cat> (my-last '(cat dog))dog> (my-last '(cat dog (1 2 3)))(1 2 3)> (my-last '())my-last: empty list

    Notice that calling my-last on the empty list prints the error message “my-last: empty list”. Use the error function to do this, e.g. (error "my-last: empty list") .

    You can assume lst is a valid list. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  7. Implement a function called (my-filter pred lst) that returns a list containing just the elements of lst that satisfied the predicate function pred . For example:

    > (my-filter odd? '(5 7 0 -6 4))(5 7)> (my-filter odd? '(10 5 7 0 11 4))(5 7 11)> (my-filter list? '(hat (left right) 4 ()))((left right) ())> (my-filter (lambda (x) (or (= x 5) (< x 0))) '(5 6 9 -6 2 5 0 5))(5 -6 5 5)

    You can assume pred is a predicate function that takes one input, and returns either #t or #f . If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

    You can assume lst is a valid list. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  8. Implement a function called (my-append A B) that returns a list that has all the elements of A followed by all the elements of B . For example:

    > (my-append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6 7))(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)> (my-append '(1 2 3) '(4))(1 2 3 4)> (my-append '() '(4))(4)

    You can assume A and B are valid lists. If they’re not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  9. Implement a function called (append-all lol) that returns a list that has all the lists of lol appended into one list. For example:

    > (append-all '())()> (append-all '((a)))(a)> (append-all '((a) (b c)))(a b c)> (append-all '((a) (b c) (d)))(a b c d)> (append-all '((a) (b c) (d) (e f)))(a b c d e f)

    You can assume lol a valid list of lists, i.e. lol is a list whose elements are all lists. If lol is not a list of lists, it’s fine if your function crashes.

  10. Implement a function called (my-sort lst) that returns the numbers on lst in sorted order. For example:

    > (my-sort '())()> (my-sort '(3))(3)> (my-sort '(4 1 3 7 5 5 1))(1 1 3 4 5 5 7)

    You can assume lst a valid list of numbers. If lol it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

    It’s fine if your algorithm runs in quadratic time.

    Hint: Recursive sorting algorithms, like quicksort or mergesort, are good choices for Scheme

  11. Implement a function called (all-bits n) that returns a list of 2n sub-lists, where each sub-list is a different pattern of n 0s and 1s. For example:

    > (all-bits 0)()> (all-bits 1)((0) (1))> (all-bits 2)((0 0) (0 1) (1 0) (1 1))

    The order of the sub-lists doesn’t matter, as long the returned list contains exactly all 2n possible bit lists.

    Important: your function should, at least in theory, work for any n no matter how big. Do not use any tricks that assume a limit on the size of n .

    If n is less than or equal to 0, return the empty list.

    You can assume n is a valid integer. If it’s not, it’s fine if your function crashes.

What to Submit

Put all your code into a single Scheme source file called a2.scm , and this submit this online in Canvas .

Please make sure to use exactly the function names and inputs as described above, otherwise your functions will get marked as incorrect.


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[SOLVED] scheme代写: CMPT 383 scheme assignment 2
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