[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 python Computational Methods

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Computational Methods
for Physicists and Materials Engineers
Systems of Nonlinear Equations

xi are unknowns to be determined Aij and bi are coefficients (knowns)
Matrix form:
Recap: system of linear equations
N linear equations: AxAxAxb
11 1 12 2 1N N 1 AxAxAxb
21 1 22 2 2N N 2 
AxAxAxb N1 1 N2 2 NN N N
AAAxb  11 12 1N   1   1 
21 22 2N 2 2 AAAxb
 A A Ax b
 N1 N2 NN   N   N  A xb

System of nonlinear equations
From linear to nonlinear
Ax  b
(I  I  A)x  b
If g is a linear operator
x  (I  A) x  b  f(x)
linear constant A(αx)  αAx
operator vector
However, in general, f cannot be written in this form, e.g. f(x)  (xT x)a
f(x)  sin(x)
If so, the system of equations is nonlinear
System of nonlinear equations can only be solved by iterative method
g(αx)  αg(x) For a matrix A

Root finding problem: Single‐variate single equation
x4 5×3 2×2 x10 Single‐variate nonlinear equation
-4 -2 0
sin(x)  1 x
f 0 -20
System of nonlinear equations: The product of two numbers is 10 and the sum of their squares is 36; what are the numbers?
xy  10
x2 y2 36
6 y0 -6
40 f 0 -40
10 20
-6 0 6

If there are two phases, we have g(x) for each phase:
Calculation of phase diagrams
Consider an A‐B binary system. Molar Gibbs free energy is a function of
the composition of B, x. E.g. from regular solution model, gα(x)(1x)gα xgα (1x)xωα RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
gαA, g αB ωα
: molar Gibbs free energies for pure A and B in α structure : the parameter which describes interaction energy in α
: gas constant (8.314 J∙K‒1∙mol‒1)
 gβ(x)(1x)gβ xgβ (1x)xωβ RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
gα(x)(1x)gα xgα (1x)xωα RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
Both gα and gβ vary with temperature T. Phase diagram can be produced by the common tangent construction at each T

Calculation of phase diagrams
At each temperature T, the slope of gα at x1 is same as the slope of gβ at x2:
gα(x)(1x)gα xgα (1x)xωα RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
gβ(x)(1x)gβ xgβ (1x)xωβ RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
Both gα and gβ vary with temperature T. Find the tangent line common for two curves. The tangent points x1 and x2 correspond to the phase boundaries at this T
gα  gβ
x xx1 x xx2

Calculation of phase diagrams
The two lines should be the same line: f1(x) = f2(x)
xx 1
f (x)gα(x ) f (x)gβ(x )
(xx ) (xx )
gα(x)(1x)gα xgα (1x)xωα RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
gβ(x)(1x)gβ xgβ (1x)xωβ RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
The tangent lines at x1 of gα and at x2 of gβ are
1 1 x 1
2 2 x 2 x 2
gα gα x gα(x )
xx2 xx1
x gβ(x ) x 1 1 x 2 2
gα x
(x x )gβ(x )gα(x )
(xx )

Calculation of phase diagrams
In reality, the function g(x) is more complicated than the regular solution model. Numerical method is required
gα(x)gα gα (12x)ωα RTln BA
x 1x
gβ(x)gβ gβ (12x)ωβ RTln BA
x 1x
gα(x)(1x)gα xgα (1x)xωα RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
gβ(x)(1x)gβ xgβ (1x)xωβ RT (1x)ln(1x)xlnx
For each T, solve the system of nonlinear equations: gα(x )gβ(x )
gα(x )(x x )gβ(x )gα(x ) 12121

System of nonlinear equations
Fixed‐point problem:
Find x such that f(x) = x
Root‐finding problem:
Find x such that f(x) = 0

Basics of iterative method: Banach fixed point theorem
An operator f is called contraction if there exists a constant q  [0, 1) s.t.
f(x)f(y) q xy forallx,y Banach fixed point theorem:
Let f be a contraction. There exists a unique element x* (fixed point) s.t. f(x*)x*
The sequence constructed by
xn1 :f(xn)
converges to the unique fixed point x* with arbitrary initial guess x0
Priori error estimate: Posteriori error estimate:
xn x* 1q x1 x0
xnx* q xnxn1 1q

Banach fixed point theorem for 1 equation w/ 1 variable
An operator f is called contraction if there exists a constant q  [0, 1) s.t. f(x)f(y)qxy forallx,y
Banach fixed point theorem:
Let f be a contraction. There exists a unique solution x* (fixed point) s.t.
f (x*)  x * The sequence constructed by
Find the intersection between 2 curves:
y = x and y = f(x)
xn1 : f(xn)
converges to the unique fixed point x* with arbitrary initial guess x0
Priori error estimate: Posteriori error estimate:
xn x 1q x1 x0
xnx q xnxn1 1q

Requirement for f: There exists a constant q  [0, 1) s.t. f(x)f(y)qxy forallx,y
What does this mean?
Recap of calculus
The mean value theorem: f(x) is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b). There exists ξ  (a, b) s.t.
f(ξ) f(b) f(a) ba
f(x) f(b)
aξ ξ’b

Requirement for f: There exists a constant q  [0, 1) s.t. f(x)f(y)qxy forallx,y
What does this mean?
There exists ξ  (x, y) s.t.
f(ξ) f(x)f(y)
f(x) f(y)  f(ξ)(xy)  f(ξ) xy sup f(ξ) xy
f (x)  f (y)  q x  y So, convergence condition can be restated as:
sup f(x) 1 xD
In whole range slope of curve always < 1ξDqyy=xExample f (x)  xxy = f(x)yy=xFixed pointy = f(x)x*xExample f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solution Example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx* x0xInitial guessy = f(x)f(x0)y = f(x)yy=xExample f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx* x0x f(x0)y = f(x)yy=xExample f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx* x1 x0 = f(x0)xf(x1)Example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx* x1 x0xy = f(x) f(x1)Example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx*x2 x1 x0 = f(x1)xy = f(x)f(x2)Example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx*x2 x1 x0xy = f(x) f(x2)Example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx*x3 x2 x1 x0 = f(x2)xy = f(x)Example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx*x3 x2 x1 x0xlimxn x* ny = f(x)Homework problemTry this f(x) with |f’(x)| > 1
x0 Try this initial guess
Example f (x)  x
y = f(x)

Another example f (x)  x
y = f(x) x

Another example f (x)  x
Since slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionFixed pointx*y = f(x) x yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx* x0 Initialy = f(x) xguess f(x0)y = f(x) xyy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx* x0 f(x0)y = f(x) xyy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx1 x* x0 = f(x0) f(x1)yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx1 x* x0y = f(x) xf(x1)yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx1 x* x2 x0 = f(x1)y = f(x) x f(x2)yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx1 x* x2 x0y = f(x) x f(x2)yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx1 x3x* x2 x0 = f(x2)y = f(x) xf(x3)yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx1 x3x* x2 x0y = f(x) x f(x3)Another example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionyy=xx x x*x x x 13420y = f(x) x= f(x3)yy=xAnother example f (x)  xSince slope |f’(x)| < 1 for all x, there is a unique solution. We can use successive approximation: xn+1 := f(xn) to find this solutionx x x*x x x 13420y = f(x) xlimxn x* n Homework problem Try this f(x) with |f’(x)| > 1
Another example f (x)  x
x0 Try this initial guess
y = f(x) x

If the convergence condition is not satisfied, how to rearrange the equation s.t. the condition is satisfied?
y = f(x) 45o
f(x)x withsupf(x)1 xD
y  f(x) x g(y) x g(x) yx 
α2 > 45o

x=y x
α2 < 45o yx = g(y) If the convergence condition is not satisfied, how to rearrange the equation s.t. the condition is satisfied?g(x)x withsupg(x)1 xDmaxiter = 1000tol = 1e-10x = 10.0for n in range(1, maxiter+1):# max allowed iterations# tolerance# initial guessxprev = xx = f(x)Python : Fixed‐point iterationif abs(x – xprev) < tol:print(f”Solution is x = {x}”)breakx f(x)0.4arctan(x) f(x) 0.4×2 1Always |f’(x)| ≤ 0.4. So, xn+1 := f(xn) converges to the fixed point x*import numpy as npdef f(x):return 0.4 * np.arctan(x)if n == maxiter:print(f”Convergence is not achieved in {n} steps!”) import scipy.optimizeimport numpy as npdef f(x):return 0.4 * np.arctan(x)Python : Fixed‐point iterationx f(x)0.4arctan(x)print(scipy.optimize.fixed_point(f, [10.0], xtol=1e-10, maxiter=1000))# scipy.optimize.fixed_point(function, [initial guess], tolerance, maximum allowed steps)Python : Fixed‐point iterationx  f (x)  10arctan(x) f(x) 10×2 1About x = 0, |f’(x)| > 1. So, xn+1 := f(xn) won’t find x* = 0
f f(x)0 ‐20
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20
f 10arctan(x)xtan(0.1f)g(f) f g(f)
Aboutf=0,|g’(f)|<1.So,fn+1 :=g(fn)canfindf*=0f  x  Banach fixed point theorem for a system of equations w/ N variables x  f(x ,x ,,x )Jacobian matrix of f is1 112 N 2212Nxx , f(x)f(x ,x ,,x ) x  f (x ,x ,,x ) N N12 Nf ff 111x1 x2 xN  f f f  f 222 f(x)xx1 x2 xN  ff fMMMxx x 12N Banach fixed point theorem for a system of equations w/ N variables Let f be continuous and differentiable with the property:There exists a unique solution x* s.t. f(x*)x*The sequence constructed byxn1 :f(xn)sup f(x) 1 xDconverges to the unique fixed point x* with arbitrary initial guess x0Priori error estimate: Posteriori error estimate:qnxn x* 1q x1 x0xnx* q xnxn1 1qExample Solve the system of nonlinear equations:x1 0.5cosx1 0.5sinx2 x2 0.5sinx1 0.5cosx2f f1 1f(x)x1 x2 0.5sinx1 0.5cosx2   0.5cosx 0.5sinx  x1 x2  f f2 2 1 2 (0.5sin x )2  (0.5cos x )2  (0.5cos x )2  (0.5sin x )2 1/2  0.5 21122f(x)So, we can construct the successive approximation:s.t.xn1 :f(xn) x1,n1 0.5cosx1,n 0.5sinx2,nlimxn x* x2,n1 0.5sinx1,n 0.5cosx2,n n import numpy as npdef f(x1, x2):f1 = 0.5*np.cos(x1) – 0.5*np.sin(x2) f2 = 0.5*np.sin(x1) + 0.5*np.cos(x2) return (f1, f2)maxiter = 10000 # max allowed iterations tol = 1e-10 # tolerancex1_arr = np.array([]); x2_arr = np.array([])x1 = 0; x2 = 0x1_arr = np.append(x1_arr, x1)x2_arr = np.append(x2_arr, x2)for n in range(1, maxiter+1):# initial guessExamplex1_prev = x1; x2_prev = x2x1, x2 = f(x1, x2)x1_arr = np.append(x1_arr, x1)x2_arr = np.append(x2_arr, x2)if np.linalg.norm([x1 – x1_prev, x2 – x2_prev], 2) < tol:breakif n == maxiter:print(f”Solution is (x1, x2) = ({x1}, {x2}).”)print(f”Convergence is not achieved in {n} steps!”) import scipy.optimizeimport numpy as npExample Use SciPydef f_arr(x_arr):return np.array([0.5*np.cos(x_arr[0]) – 0.5*np.sin(x_arr[1]),0.5*np.sin(x_arr[0]) + 0.5*np.cos(x_arr[1])])# note that function used by scipy.optimize.fixed_point must return numpy arrayprint(scipy.optimize.fixed_point(f_arr, [0., 0.], xtol=1e-10, maxiter=1000))x2Example Solve the system of nonlinear equations:0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2Different initial guesses converge to the same fixed pointx1 0.5cosx1 0.5sinx2 x2 0.5sinx1 0.5cosx20.00.0 0.2x 0.4 0.6 1 For example,f(x)0 f(x)x2 10Root finding : Newton’s methodSolve the system of nonlinear equations: f(x)0This is a root‐finding problemAgain, we start from 1D. Solve a nonlinear equation:f (x)  sin(x)cos(2x) f(x)cos(x)x3If g is a linear operatorg(αx)  αg(x) Find x s.t. f(x) = 0Newton’s method for 1 variablef(x)xxto 1st order,f(x) f(x0) f(x0)(xx0) f(x)Newton’s method for 1 variableLet x0 be approximation to the solution. By Taylor expansion about x = x0xx0x Newton’s method for 1 variableLet x0 be approximation to the solution. By Taylor expansion about x = x0to 1st order,f(x) f(x0) f(x0)(xx0)f(x )f(x )(x x )0x x  f(x0)001010f (x0)f(x)xx1 x0xto 1st order,f(x) f(x1) f(x1)(xx1) f(x)Newton’s method for 1 variableLet x0 be approximation to the solution. By Taylor expansion about x = x1xx1 x0x Newton’s method for 1 variableLet x0 be approximation to the solution. By Taylor expansion about x = x1to 1st order,f(x) f(x1) f(x1)(xx1)f(x )f(x )(x x )0x x  f(x1)112121f (x1)f(x)xx2 x1 x0x Newton’s method for 1 variablef(x)xx n1 nf(xn) f(xn)limxn x nxx2 x1 x0ximport numpy as np fromsympyimport*f (x ) xn1 xn   nNewton’s method for 1 variableExamplef(x)cos(x)x3 0 f(x)sin(x)3x2x = symbols(‘x’, real=True)expr = cos(x) – x**3dexpr = diff(expr, x)f = lambdify([x], expr, “numpy”)fprime = lambdify([x], dexpr, “numpy”)# convert sympy expression to python function (see Lecture 2) maxiter = 10000tol = 1e-5x = 0.5 # if initial guess is x = 0, won’t converge for n in range(1, maxiter+1):xprev = xx = x – f(x) / fprime(x)if abs(x – xprev) < tol:print(f”Solution is x = {x}”)breakif n == maxiter:print(f”Convergence is not achieved in {n} steps!”)f (xn ) import numpy as npimport scipy.optimizeNewton’s method for 1 variableExamplef(x)cos(x)x3 0 f(x)sin(x)3x2x = symbols(‘x’, real=True)expr = cos(x) – x**3dexpr = diff(expr, x)f = lambdify([x], expr, “numpy”) fprime = lambdify([x], dexpr, “numpy”)Use SciPyprint(scipy.optimize.newton(f, 0.5, fprime=fprime, tol=1e-5, maxiter=10000))# scipy.optimize.newton(function, initial guess, derivative of function, tolerance, maximum allowed steps)# it’s possible that there are multiple solutions. try different initial guess# if fprime is not provided, secant method will be appliedNewton’s method for N variablesLet x0 be approximation to the solution x. By Taylor expansion of themulti‐variate function about x = x0 to 1st order, f(x)  f(x0 )  f(x0 )(x  x0 )Recall: f’(x) denotes Jacobian matrixf(x0)f(x0)(x1 x0)0x1 x0 [f(x0)]1f(x0)xn1 xn [f(xn)]1f(xn)In practice, NOT calculate the inverse of Jacobian. At Step (n), we solvethe system of linear equations:f(xn ) (xn  xn1 )  f(xn ) Gaussian, LU, QRAxbIterative:Direct:Jacobi, Gauss‐Seidel, SOR, GMRES, CG Problems of the original Newton’s methodTwo issues(i) Initial guess does not guarantee convergence→ Damped Newton method(ii) Computation of the Jacobian [f’(xn)]‒1 is costly → Quasi‐Newton methodConvergence of Newton’s method xn1 xn [f(xn)]1f(xn)g(xn)This successive approximation is equivalent to that used to solving thefixed point problem:The convergence condition isx  g(x) sup g(x) 1xDTheorem: Let f be twice continuously differentiable. Assume that x* is a zero of f s.t. f’(x*) is nonsingular. Then, the Newton’s method is locally convergent: there exists a neighborhood B of x* s.t. Newton iterations converge to x* for all initial guess x0  BNewtons’ method is local. What about fixed point method? n1 n n n1 In damped Newton method,Damping factor λn > 0
Damped Newton method
Correction to the guess at previous step:
try  1
In Newton’s method,
Δxnxn1xn[f(xn)] f(xn) x x Δx xtry
try  1
xn1 xn [f(xn)] f(xn)
x xλΔx n1 n n n
Initially, λn = 0 (start from n = 0). When ‖f(xn+1)‖ > ‖f(xn)‖, reject this xn+1 and reduce λn (usually halved) until ‖f(xn+1)‖ < ‖f(xn)‖f(x)Convergence of Newton’s methodx1x2 x0xf(x)Convergence of Newton’s methodx1 x1xBy Newton’s method, when the initial guess x0 is sufficiently close to the zero point, iteration converges; otherwise, not necessarily convergesx2 x0 x0 x1tryxf(x) f(x0)Convergence of Newton’s methodf(x1try)|f(x1try)| > |f(x0)|
In damped Newton method, reject this trial

f(x) f(x0)
x1try half f(x1try)
Convergence of Newton’s method
λ0 := λ0/2 i.e. half x1try – x0 |f(x1try)| < |f(x0)| Accept this trial, let x1 = x1tryx2 x0 xn1 xn Anf(xn) An = [f’(x0)]‒1 which keeps same at all stepsChord methodFor 1 variable:xn1 xn [f(x0)]1f(xn) xn1 xn [f(x0)]1 f(xn)Quasi‐Newton method xn1 xn [f(xn)]1f(xn)Computation of Jacobian f’(xn) at each step is costly Replace [f’(xn)]‒1 by some approximate matrix An:For 1 variable: replace derivative by difference xn1 xn [f(xn)]1 f(xn)Quasi‐Newton methodxn1 xn [f(xn)]1f(xn) Computation of Jacobian f’(xn) at each step is costlyReplace [f’(xn)]‒1 by some approximate matrix An: xn1 xn Anf(xn)Secant method f(x)f(x )  f(x) n n1 Jnxxn n n11 xn1xnJn f(xn) Quasi‐Newton methodBut Jn which satisfies these equations is not unique Jn1 is known from the previous stepBroyden’s methodSecant method for N variables: replace derivative by difference f(xn)(xn xn1)f(xn)f(xn1)JΔx Δf nnnJΔx Δf nnnFind the Jn which is the closest to Jn1 Recall: Frobenius normA A2min JnJn1 Fik  FJnΔxnΔfn i,k1ΔfJ Δx JJn n1 nΔxTn n1 ΔxT Δx n nn1xn1 xn Jn f(xn)n 1/2Damping factor λn > 0 1
1 λ Δx  J Δf T 1
Quasi‐Newton method
Good Broyden’s method
1 1 Δx J Δf T1
Jn Jn1 n n1 nΔxnJn1 ΔxT J1 Δf
xn1 xn Jn f(xn)
Since xn+1 is updated by Jn , it is convenient to directly update Jn
nn1 n 1
Damped good Broyden’s method
try 1
xn1 xn Jn f(xn)
Δx xtry x J1f(x ) n n1 n n n
x xλΔx n1 n n n
JnJn1n nn1nΔxnJn1
ΔxT J1 Δf nn1 n

Fixed‐point problem:
Equivalent root‐finding problem:
import scipy.optimize
import numpy as np
def f_fp(x):
# function for fixed-point problem
return 0.4 * np.arctan(x)
def f_rf(x):
# function for root-finding problem
return 0.4 * np.arctan(x) – x
Python : Root finding
x  0.4arctan(x) 0.4arctan(x) x  0
print(scipy.optimize.fixed_point(f_fp, [10], xtol=1e-10, maxiter=1000))
sol = scipy.optimize.root(f_rf, [10], method=’hybr’)
# scipy.optimize.root(function, initial guess, method)
# ‘hybr’: hybrid method (default); ‘broyden1′: good broyden print(sol.x)
# return .x: solution; .success: if exit with success

Fixed‐point problem: Root‐finding problem:
x1 0.5cosx1 0.5sinx2 x2 0.5sinx1 0.5cosx2
def f_arr_fp(x_arr):
# function for fixed-point problem
Python : Root finding
0.5cosx1 0.5sinx2 x1 0 0.5sinx1 0.5cosx2 x2 0
return np.array(
[0.5*np.cos(x_arr[0]) – 0.5*np.sin(x_arr[1]),
0.5*np.sin(x_arr[0]) + 0.5*np.cos(x_arr[1])])
def f_arr_rf(x_arr):
# function for root finding problem
return np.array(
[0.5*np.cos(x_arr[0]) – 0.5*np.sin(x_arr[1]) – x_arr[0],
0.5*np.sin(x_arr[0]) + 0.5*np.cos(x_arr[1]) – x_arr[1]])
print(scipy.optimize.fixed_point(f_arr_fp, [0, 0], xtol=1e-10, maxiter=1000))
sol = scipy.optimize.root(f_arr_rf, [0, 0], method=’hybr’) print(sol.x)

System of nonlinear equations
Iterative method
Fixed‐point problem
Recursion formula according to Banach theorem
Root‐finding problem
(i) Newton’s method
(ii) Damped Newton method: convergence (iii) Quasi‐Newton method: speed
Chord method
Secant method
Broyden’s method
Good Broyden’s method Damped good Broyden’s method


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