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The University of COMP3259: Principles of Programming Languages
Tutorial 8
Yaozhu Sun Instructor

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

19 April 2022

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
2 Monads 4
2.1 ANavigationLanguage ………………………. 4 2.2 IntroducingMonads ………………………… 5 2.3 ParametrizationofMonads …………………….. 7

1 Introduction
This tutorial aims at providing students with experience in writing monadic interpreters.

Let us take a closer look at monads and understand why they can be useful. In functional programming (in Haskell in particular), monads are used as a design pattern. This means that monads offer a reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem. The abstraction of monads reduces boilerplate code in Haskell programming. We are going to see several monads and how they can be used to model errors.
2.1 A Navigation Language
Suppose that we have a very small language which simulates movements in a plane. We may define the current location as a pair of coordinates:
type Loc = (Int, Int) — (x, y)
We want to define three functions (up, down, and left), which represent safe movements within the plane. By ¡°safe¡± we mean that only positive coordinates are allowed after movements. It should be clear that, in functional programming, we would like to have total functions. Thus, we want potential errors to be reflected in the type system, rather than take the risk of blowing up the program at run time.
Let us first consider the following (possibly unsafe) definitions:
up ::Loc->Loc –increasesyby1 down :: Loc -> Loc — decreases y by 1 left :: Loc -> Loc — decreases x by 1
Judged by their names and type signatures, the defintion of up should be correct: no matter what valid location is passed, it will always return another valid location. How- ever, down and left are error-prone: for some valid locations taken as input, they may produce invalid locations. For instance, down (3, 0) will produce the invalid location (3, -1). Therefore, we want down and left to return errors in those cases. Here are three possible options for down:
down1 :: Loc -> Maybe Loc
down2 :: Loc -> List Loc
down3 :: Loc -> Either String Loc

All the three implementations are trying to convey the same information. In case the movement is invalid, down1 returns Nothing; down2 returns an empty list; down3 returns Left err (where err is the error message). Otherwise, down1 returns Just v; down2 return [v] (a singleton list); down3 returns Right v.
Then we can write an example program that composes left, down, and an extra update. Note that we have to constantly check errors:
ex1 :: Loc -> Maybe Loc ex1 loc = case left1 loc of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just loc’ -> case down1 loc’ of
Nothing-> Nothing
Just loc” -> Just $ update (+1) (+1) loc”
ex2 :: Loc -> List Loc
ex2 loc = case left2 loc of
Nil -> Nil
Cons loc’ _ -> case down2 loc’ of
Nil -> Nil
Cons loc” _ -> singleton $ update (+1) (+1) loc”
ex3 :: Loc -> Either String Loc
ex3 loc = case left3 loc of
Left err -> Left err
Right loc’ -> case down3 loc’ of
Left err’ -> Left err’
Right loc” -> Right $ update (+1) (+1) loc”
As you can witness, this kind of code is extremely tedious to write. Furthermore, no matter which option we choose, the code looks remarkably similar. This motivates the need for a new design pattern. The most common solution amongst functional programmers is probably monads.
2.2 Introducing Monads
Monads are data structures that support two primitive operators: return and bind. Haskell models them as a type class, which can be thought as an interface that requires its every member to implement the two operators:
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) ::ma->(a->mb)->mb

The former (bind is denoted as >>= in Haskell) serves the purpose of sequencing; while the latter injects a value into a monad. The benefit of using a monad is that constant checking for corner cases is no longer visible to the programmer.
We can declare all the three types (i.e. Maybe, List, and Either String) as monads by define the two primitive operators. You should have tried to implement bind for Either in Assignment 1. It is important for you to understand what is happening under the hood for the other two cases. For example, the Maybe monad is implemented as:
instance Monad Maybe where
return a = Just a
ma >>= a2mb = case ma of Nothing -> Nothing
Justa ->a2mba
We define two functions: return a and ma >>= a2mb. The first function, given a value of any type, injects it into the monad by applying the Just constructor to it. The second function, given a computation which is already inside the monad (i.e. a term of type Maybe a) and a continuation in case the evaluation is successful, performs pattern matching and applies the continuation only when the first computation succeeds. There- fore, error checking is hidden behind the >>= operator. In fact, our previous example ex1 was no more than a sequence of these checks, followed by an injection of an application of the update function. It means that we can write less verbose code to express equivalent logic:
ex1monad :: Loc -> Maybe Loc
ex1monad loc = left1 loc>>= loc’->
down1 loc’ >>= loc” ->
return $ update (+1) (+1) loc”
This pattern is so common in Haskell that there is special syntax for it. The same program can be written with the do-notation:
ex1do :: Loc -> Maybe Loc
ex1do loc = do loc’ <- left1 loc loc” <- down1 loc’ return $ update (+1) (+1) loc”Here, do is a keyword indicating that the inner block is running inside a monad. Each occurrence of <- is translated to a use of >>=. Finally, return remains unchanged. This notation is reminiscent of some form of imperative programming.
Question 1. Complete the definitions of ex2do and ex3do using the do-notation.

2.3 Parametrization of Monads
Though we have already written neat monadic code, we can still add a final degree of abstraction. Since we went through the trouble of defining safe operators for all the three monads, we can now easily offer programmers the opportunity to choose their preferred monads!
The idea is that we define a new function that runs our language inside any monad, as long as it provides the basic constructs. Thus, the example can be parametrized by the type of monads:
exM :: Monad m => (Loc -> m Loc) -> (Loc -> m Loc) -> (Loc -> m Loc)
-> Loc -> m Loc
exM up down left loc = undefined
The first three parameters are the base constructs: up, down, and left. The forth pa- rameter is the input location. Notice that even though we are free to choose a Monad and its implementation for the basic operators, we can not mix different monads together. We can choose to call exM with up1, down1, and left1, but not with nonsensical com- binations like up1, down2, and left3. For example, the following program instantiates exM with the Either String monad:
exEither :: Loc -> Either String Loc
exEither = exM up3 down3 left3
Question 2. Complete the definition of exM using the do-notation, whose logic is equivalent to ex1do, ex2do, or ex3do.

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