[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 cache #include

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#include #include

#include “../common/contextmanager.h”
#include “../common/crypto.h”
#include “../common/err.h”
#include “../common/file.h”
#include “../common/net.h”
#include “../common/pool.h”

#include “parsing.h”
#include “storage.h”

using namespace std;

/// arg_t represents the command-line arguments to the server
struct arg_t {
int port;// The port on which to listen
string datafile; // The file for storing all data
string keyfile;// The file holding the AES key
int threads = 1; // Number of threads for the server to use
size_t num_buckets = 1024; // Number of buckets for the server’s hash tables
size_t quota_interval = 60;// Seconds over which a quota is enforced
size_t quota_up = 1048576; // K/V upload quota (bytes/interval)
size_t quota_down = 1048576; // K/V download quota (bytes/interval)
size_t quota_req = 16; // K/V request quota (requests/interval)
size_t top_size = 4; // Number of keys to track for TOP queries
string admin_name = “”;// Name of the administrator

/// Construct an arg_t from the command-line arguments to the program
/// @param argc The number of command-line arguments passed to the program
/// @param argv The list of command-line arguments
/// @throw An intmd5eger exception (1) if an invalid argument is given, or if
///`-h` is passed in
arg_t(int argc, char **argv) {
long opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, “p:f:k:ht:b:i:u:d:r:o:a:”)) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case ‘p’:
port = atoi(optarg);
case ‘f’:
datafile = string(optarg);
case ‘k’:
keyfile = string(optarg);
case ‘t’:
threads = atoi(optarg);
case ‘b’:
num_buckets = atoi(optarg);
case ‘i’:
quota_interval = atoi(optarg);
case ‘u’:
quota_up = atoi(optarg);
case ‘d’:
quota_down = atoi(optarg);
case ‘r’:
quota_req = atoi(optarg);
case ‘o’:
top_size = atoi(optarg);
case ‘a’:
admin_name = string(optarg);
default: // on any error, print a help message.This case subsumes `-h`
throw 1;

/// Display a help message to explain how the command-line parameters for this
/// program work
/// @progname The name of the program
static void usage(char *progname) {
cout << basename(progname) << “: company user directory server
” << “-p [int]Port on which to listen for incoming connections
” << “-f [string] File for storing all data
” << “-k [string] Basename of file for storing the server’s RSA keys
” << “-t [int]# of threads that server should use
” << “-b [int]# of buckets for the server’s hash tables
” << “-i [int]Quota interval (seconds)
” << “-u [int]Upload quota (MB/interval)
” << “-d [int]Download quota (MB/interval)
” << “-r [int]Request quota (requests/interval)
” << “-o [int]Size of the TOP key cache
” << “-a [string] Specify name of admin user
” << “-hPrint help (this message)
“;}};int main(int argc, char **argv) {// Parse the command-line arguments//// NB: It would be better not to put the arg_t on the heap, but then we’d need// an extra level of nesting for the body of the rest of this function.arg_t *args;try {args = new arg_t(argc, argv);} catch (int i) {arg_t::usage(argv[0]);return 1;}// print the configurationcout << “Listening on port ” << args->port << ” using (key/data) = (” << args->keyfile << “, ” << args->datafile << “)
“;// If the key files don’t exist, create them and then load the private key.RSA *pri = init_RSA(args->keyfile);
if (pri == nullptr)
return -1;
ContextManager r([&]() { RSA_free(pri); });

// load the public key file contents
auto pub = load_entire_file(args->keyfile + “.pub”);
if (pub.size() == 0)
return 1;

// If the data file exists, load the data into a Storage object.Otherwise,
// create an empty Storage object.
Storage storage(args->datafile, args->num_buckets);
auto res = storage.load_file();
if (!res.succeeded)
return intErr(1, res.msg.c_str());
cout << res.msg << endl;// Start listening for connections.int sd = create_server_socket(args->port);
ContextManager csd([&]() { close(sd); });
// Create a thread pool that will invoke parse_request (from a pool thread)
// each time a new socket is given to it.
thread_pool pool(args->threads, [&](int sd) {
return parse_request(sd, pri, pub, storage);

// Start accepting connections and passing them to the pool.
accept_client(sd, pool);

// The program can’t exit until all threads in the pool are done.
delete args;
cout << “Server terminated


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 cache #include
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