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3/11/2021 Section 12.23 – I&C SCI 31: Introduction to Programming
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12.23 Clone of W21 ZyProject: Irma Pince’s Library Management System
While we do our best to make our projects error- free, since we modify projects each quarter, errors can get past the review process. Please notify the staff of any errors/inconsistencies you see in the specication. We will work quickly to resolve any issues as soon as possible.
A tool you might nd useful to compare expected & actual output: https://www.diffchecker.com/
This ZyProject is designed to test you on everything you have learned, and designed to test all concepts you’ve learned so far.
Each succeeding stage is built upon what you have already written for the previous stage. We expect you to design, write, and test this program according to these stages—rst get the rst-stage program working,
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then modify it to satisfy the second stage, and so on. You should make sure that each stage is entirely correct and working perfectly before you go on to the next. As you complete each stage, you should check that you passed the relevant test cases before you go on to the following stage.
Development by stages is good software engineering practice. It is far better to have a program that is correct but incomplete (i.e., it doesn’t implement all the features but what it does implement is correct) than one that contains bugs.
Statement of the problem
Madam Irma Pince is the Librarian for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.
You are being asked to code a library inventory system to support the various functions/duties of the librarian.
The Hogwarts librarian has many duties, including:
Establishing library rules, regulations, policies and procedures. Preparing the library due date sheets and maintaining overdue records.
Prepare and manage the library budgets, circulation les, statistics and inventories.
Classify, and catalogue library books in order to properly making them ready for checkout.

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Practical work:
Monitoring the Library, as well as keeping it organized, clean and neat.
Assisting students and staff members in nding the desired reading material.
Implementing and enforcing library rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
Placing spells on the books aimed at protecting them from mistreatment or theft.
Checking the authenticity of the written permissions slips for the Restricted Section.
Making sure all students have left the library by 8:00 pm, at which time the library closes.
Overseeing the Study Hall and helping students with academic research and/or homework.
Undertaking any other reasonable duty at the request of the Headmaster/Headmistress of Hogwarts.
Your program will keep track of the library’s inventory.
Each test case will be run with a given le. You will need to read the given le and implement the contents based on the directions given for each stage.
Technical Details
1. Everything in Stage I goes into main.py
2. Take a command line argument which is the lename, which is the
command script, in your main statement. Do NOT take input! Read
the le with the given lename.
3. Create a function called hogwarts_library() which takes one input
argument which is a string representing all the contents of command script.

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4. Process the string line-by-line (Hint: split by newline character)
5. Create a variable (in modular scope) named “book_collection”, as a dictionary with the key being a string, book_title, and the value a
Book nametuple instance.
6. Create a function command_nb() which takes in one single line of
command (a string) starting with “NB” and process accordingly
7. Create a function command_li() which takes in one single line of
command (a string) starting with “LI” and process accordingly
8. Create a function command_db() which takes in one single line of
command (a string) starting with “DB” and process accordingly
9. Create a function command_fb() which takes in one single line of command (a string) starting with “FB” and process accordingly
10. Create a function command_as() which takes in one single line of command (a string) starting with “AS” and process accordingly
11. Create a function command_lm() which takes in one single line of command (a string) starting with “LM” and process accordingly
12. Create a function command_pl() which takes in one single line of command (a string) starting with “PL” and process accordingly
13. In hogwarts_library(), call one of the command_* functions whenever a newline in command script is stepped onto
14. Add functions using the format/pattern above for other
commands as needed in each stage
15. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
Hints and Suggestions
It is recommended to program this assignment using debugging tools found in Python Tutor or in your favorite IDE such as OnlineGDB, IDLE, Visual Studio, PyCharm and etc. These tools help you debug and refactor your program. ZyBooks is not intended for larger scale in- browser Python development, but you of course are welcome to just use ZyBooks.

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One of the early questions to ask when designing a program is what data structure(s) you should use to represent the main information in the program. Making decisions like this becomes easier with practice, but there are two things to keep in mind. First, start with the simplest data structure that does the job. (For the collection of bedrooms in this stage, maybe a list of integer room numbers is good enough, or maybe a set of room numbers.)
Second, accept that your rst choice may not be your nal choice; as the specications become clearer or as circumstances change (or as you get to later stages in a problem like this one), you may decide that something else would work better.
This kind of revision is a normal part of programming. It’s no tragedy to rewrite some code in a better way, just as you should expect to revise natural-language documents. (For the books in this problem, we might decide to use a dictionary whose key is the book title and whose value is a namedtuple of book information. But we shouldn’t necessarily jump to this arrangement until we’re sure it helps us, but it isn’t a bad idea…)
Lastly, READ ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM of this specication before you get started.
Don’t give up! The lab is long, but if you follow the hints, use good data structures, break things down step by step, and think ahead it is not dicult!
Stage I
For this stage, your program will keep track of the rooms that are available. This stage implements four commands, as described below. On each command line, the rst two non-whitespace characters are the command; command letters may be upper or lower case.
1. NB (for “Add a New Book”) followed by a comma separated list of elds:

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title=Title,author=Author,year_published=####,subject=Subject, section=Restricted Add a new book with the specied information. To keep the project simple, we only allow one copy of a book to present in the library.
2. LI (for “List Inventory”). Print a list of all books owned/maintained by the library sorted by title.
3. DB (for “Delete Book”) followed by a title=Title. Print the message, “Book Not Found. Cannot be deleted.” if the specied book isn’t present in the library. NOTE: You will update this function again in Stages II & III.
4. FB (for “Find Books”) followed by 0 or more of the following search criteria:
title=Title,author=Author,year_published=####,subject=Subject,sectio Print a list of books, sorted by title, that are owned/maintained by
the library that meet the provided criteria. If 0 criteria is provided, then print all books. If no books are found matching the criteria provided, print the message, “No Books Found.”
5. AS (for “Add Student”) followed by the following elds: student_name=Student Name, house_name=House. Add the student to library members. If the student is already present, print “Student Name is already present.”
6. LM (for “List Members”) prints members according to each house, sorted by house and member name. If no members of a house are registered, print “No Registered Members”.
7. PL (for “Print Line”), followed by any text. Simply print (or “echo”) a line, copying the input (not counting the PL and leading whitespace) to the output. You’ll nd it useful in testing, and it’s also a simple way to make the program’s reports clearer or fancier.
8. ** Comment, followed by any text. Like comments in a program, comment lines don’t have any effect on the program’s behavior; they just serve as annotations in the command le.
The input le may contain any number of these commands in any order. See the sample output below for the format of the printed books list.

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Below is a sample command script for this stage(also in Stage1Commands.txt).
** This is a sample command file for the Hogwarts
Library, Stage I
PL Here is a list of available books (before
adding any!)
** A well-written program works gracefully with
empty structures.
PL ** List Inventory when there are no books
PL ** Now let’s add a book:
NB title=Curses and Counter-
PL ** List Inventory when there is 1 book
** And some more:
** Extra blanks around the command should be
Nbtitle=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water
PL Try adding a book that is already in inventory
Nbtitle=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water

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From this input le, your program should produce the following output:
NB title=Ancient Runes Made
PL ** List Inventory when there are multiple books
PL ** Test deleting a book from the book
DB title=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water Plants
PL ** Test Find Book with a single search
FB section=Restricted
** Add Students to Library Members
AS student_name=Draco Malfoy,house=Slytherin
AS student_name=Hermione Granger,house=Gryffindor
AS student_name=Harry Potter,house=Gryffindor
AS student_name=Luna Lovegood,house=Ravenclaw
PL ** List Current Library Members
PL Thank you for using the Hogwarts Library
Management System!
** That’s the end of the sample data for Stage I.

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Here is a list of available books (before adding
** List Inventory when there are no books
Number of books available:0
** Now let’s add a book:
** List Inventory when there is 1 book
Number of books available:1
Title: Curses and Counter-Curses
Author: Vindictus Viridian
Date: 1703
Subject: Curses
Section: Restricted
Try adding a book that is already in inventory
Winogrand’s Wondrous Water Plants already present.
** List Inventory when there are multiple books
Number of books available:3
Title: Ancient Runes Made Easy
Author: Laurenzoo
Date: 1992

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Subject: Ancient Runes
Section: Non-Restricted
Title: Curses and Counter-Curses
Author: Vindictus Viridian
Date: 1703
Subject: Curses
Section: Restricted
Title: Winogrand’s Wondrous Water Plants
Author: Selina Sapworthy
Date: 1970
Subject: Water plants
Section: Non-Restricted
** Test deleting a book from the book collection
** Test Find Book with a single search parameter
Number of books found:1
Title: Curses and Counter-Curses
Author: Vindictus Viridian
Date: 1703
Subject: Curses
Section: Restricted
** List Current Library Members
Harry Potter

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Stage II
Each stage of this assignment will continue to handle all the commands of the previous stages, of course. For this stage, your program will handle student requests, and deletions from the list of available books.
1. SD (for “Start Date”) followed by a date in the following format, mm/dd/yyyy, which sets the library’s current date to the date listed. The current date will serve as the basis for reports, calculating penalties, etc…
2. CB (for “Checkout Book”) followed by the following elds: title=Title, the student’s name: student_name=Student Name, then an optional number_of_days=from 1 to 14 and pass_code=PassCode for books that are Restricted. If number_of_days are not specied, then the default checkout period is 2 weeks. Your program will keep track of all the checkouts. Create a new checkout record for the specied book, and calculate a due_date.
NOTE: valid pass codes to checkout books in the Restricted section are “Accio”, and “Protego”.
Hermione Granger
No Registered Members
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Thank you for using the Hogwarts Library
Management System!

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3. CR (for “Checkout Report”) prints all the books checked out. List checked out books with title, the name of their current borrower, and their due date. Report of books checked out needs to be organized by each school name sorted alphabetically, then each student name sorted alphabetically, and each book title sorted alphabetically. NOTE that eld widths may cause book titles to be truncated in this report. Field-widths can be found in the format_string section of the le, utilities.py.
4. LA (for “List Available”) print books, sorted by title, that are available to be checked out from the library inventory.
5. DT (for “Due Today”) prints all the book titles & student names for books due on the current date. The report should print the the information by titles in sorted order. NOTE that eld widths may cause book titles to be truncated in this report. Field-widths can be found in the format_string section of the le, utilities.py.
6. AD (for “Advance Date”) advances the current library date by one day. NOTE: You will update this in Stage III.
7. Update command_db() to ensure that any checkout records/information associated with a deleted book are also removed/updated.
To make your coding task easier, import the Python library datetime and use it for date calculations. It’s harder than you might think to get calculations about dates (e.g., how many days from date A to date B?) correct. The library will do it for you at the low cost of reading the documentation to see how it works. The split function with a “/” argument will be helpful, too.
Here is some sample input for this stage:
** This is a sample command file for the Hogwarts
Library, Stage II
** Add Books to Library inventory

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NB title=Hogwarts a History,author=Bathilda
Nb title=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water
NB title=Ancient Runes Made
NB title=Magick Moste
NB title=Secrets of the Darkest Art,author=Owle
NB title=Fifteenth-Century
NB title=Basic Hexes for the Busy and
** Add Students to Library Members
AS student_name=Draco Malfoy,house=Slytherin
AS student_name=Hermione Granger,house=Gryffindor
AS student_name=Harry Potter,house=Gryffindor
AS student_name=Luna Lovegood,house=Ravenclaw
** Set Current Date
SD 12 / 09 / 2020
PL ** Test Checking Out Books
n r
i x

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PL **** Successful Checkout: Optional
number_of_days Present
Fiends,student_name=Harry Potter,number_of_days=2
CB title=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water
PL **** Successful Checkout:Optional
number_of_days Not Present
CB title=Ancient Runes Made
Easy,student_name=Draco Malfoy
PL **** Checkout a Restricted Title
PL ****** Checkout a Restricted Title: with a
Valid Pass Code
CB title=Secrets of the Darkest
Art,student_name=Hermione Granger,pass_code=Accio
cb title=Magick Moste Evile,student_name=Draco
PL ** Test Check Out Reports
** Checkout Report
PL **** List books available to be Checked Out
PL ** Test Due Today Report & Advance Date

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For the above input, your program should produce the following output:
** Advance the Current Date
** Due Today Report
PL Thank you for using the Hogwarts Library
Management System!
** That’ s the end of the sample data for Stage
****************Wednesday 09, December
** Test Checking Out Books
**** Successful Checkout: Optional number_of_days
**** Successful Checkout:Optional number_of_days
Not Present
**** Checkout a Restricted Title
****** Checkout a Restricted Title: with a Valid
Pass Code

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** Test Check Out Reports
Book TitleStudent Name
Due Date
Fifteenth-Century FiendsHarry Potter
Secrets of the Darkest ArtHermione Granger
Winogrand’s Wondrous Water PlaHermione Granger
Ancient Runes Made Easy Draco Malfoy
Magick Moste EvileDraco Malfoy
**** List books available to be Checked Out
Number of books in available:2
Title: Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed
Author: Unknown
Date: 1994
Subject: Hexes
Section: Non-Restricted
Title: Hogwarts a History
Author: Bathilda Bagshot
Date: 1947
Subject: Historical
Section: Non-Restricted
** Test Due Today Report & Advance Date Function

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*******BOOKS DUE
No books due today.
*****************Thursday 10, December
*******BOOKS DUE
Magick Moste Evile
Draco Malfoy
******************Friday 11, December
*******BOOKS DUE
Fifteenth-Century Fiends
Harry Potter
*****************Saturday 12, December
*******BOOKS DUE
No books due today.
Thank you for using the Hogwarts Library
Management System!

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Stage III
For this stage, your program will allow library members to request holds on books that are currently checked out. The rst new command for this stage adds a hold request:
1. RH (for “Request Hold”) followed by the following elds: title=Title, and the student’s name: student_name=Student Name, then an optional number_of_days=from 1 to 14. If number_of_days are not specied, then the default checkout period is 2 weeks. Add a new hold record for the specied book. Check for the following conditions and print the appropriate message: if book doesn’t exist print “title not in inventory.”; if student doesn’t exist print “student is not a registered library member.”; if book is available for checkout print “title is available to be checked out. Use command to checkout book.”; if book is already checked out by this student print “student currently has checked out title.”
Also handle these commands:
2. HR (for “Hold Requests Report”). Lists all hold requests for a given book. Print sorted by title, then the student name & number of days for each request in their position of request. Print “No Holds Requested.” when there are no holds for the entire library. NOTE that eld widths may cause book titles to be truncated in this report. Field-widths can be found in the format_strings section of the le, utilities.py.
3. RB (for “Return Book”), followed by the book title, title=Title. Updates checkout records & print an error message if the specied book isn’t found in inventory. An automatic checkout record should be generated for the rst student who has a hold request placed for this title. If any information is missing, or the book is either not present in inventory, checkout, etc, print “Invalid Return Request for

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title.” When a book is returned, the curse for that student is removed, but any penalty points remain.
4. OR (for “Overdue Report”) prints all the book titles, student names, and days past due. The report should print the information with titles in sorted order, or “No books overdue today.” when the library has no books that are overdue. NOTE that eld widths may cause book titles to be truncated in this report. Field-widths can be found in the format_strings section of the le, utilities.py.
5. Update command_ad() to assess house late penalties each time the current date advances.
6. Update command_db() to remove any holds associated with this book when the book is deleted.
It’s a common temptation to use an elaborate test case like this one as the rst test of your newly modied program. It’s all right to indulge that temptation once, if you must; of course, your test will fail. Newly modied programs always have bugs. At that point, however, you should try a succession of smaller, more circumscribed tests, rather than ramming this same large test through the program over and over again until you nally force it through successfully. It’s more productive, more thorough, and better organized in the long run to test each feature separately before going on to complex combinations. By the same token, however, adequate testing involves more than this single combination test case; this one case does not test everything that needs testing for this stage.
NOTE: Commands to create books & students, set the date, and checkout books are not shown, but are present in Stage3Commands.txt
** This is a sample command file for the Hogwarts
Library, Stage III
** Add Books to Library inventory from Stage II

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** Add Students to Library Members from Stage II
** Set Current Date from Stage II Commands
** Checkout Books from Stage II Commands
PL ** Test Requesting a Book Hold
RH title=Ancient Runes Made Easy,student_name=Luna
RH title=Ancient Runes Made
RH title=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water
Plants,student_name=Luna Lovegood,number_of_days=1
RH title=Winogrand’s Wondrous Water
Plants,student_name=Draco Malfoy,number_of_days=1
PL ** Test Requesting a Book Hold for a book that
is available
RH title=Hogwarts a History,student_name=Draco
PL ** Testing Book Hold Report
PL ** Testing Return Book
PL **** Test Returning a Book without a hold
RB title=Fifteenth-Century Fiends
PL **** Test Returning a Book with a hold creates
new checkout
PL for first student with hold
RB title=Ancient Runes Made Easy
** Checkout Report

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** Hold Report
PL ** Testing Delete Book
PL **** Test Deleting a Book that is checked out &
has holds
DB title=Ancient Runes Made Easy
** Checkout Report
** Hold Report
PL ** Test Overdue Report Before Any Books are
PL ** Advancing Date to test Overdue Report
PL ** Test Overdue Report Now that Books are
PL Thank you for using the Hogwarts Library
Management System!

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The sample input above should produce results as shown below:
** That’s the end of the sample data for Stage
****************Wednesday 09, December
** Test Requesting a Book Hold
** Test Requesting a Book Hold for a book that is
Hogwarts a History is available to be checked out.
Use command to checkout book.
** Testing Book Hold Report
Student Name # of Days
Ancient Runes Made Easy
Luna Lovegood1
Hermione Granger 1
Winogrand’s Wondrous Water Plants
Luna Lovegood1
Draco Malfoy 1
** Testing Return Book
**** Test Returning a Book without a hold

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**** Test Returning a Book with a hold creates new
for first student with hold
Book TitleStudent Name
Due Date
Secrets of the Darkest ArtHermione Granger
Winogrand’s Wondrous Water PlaHermione Granger
Ancient Runes Made Easy
Magick Moste Evile
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Student Name # of Days
Ancient Runes Made Easy
Hermione Granger 1
Winogrand’s Wondrous Water Plants
Luna Lovegood1
Draco Malfoy 1
** Testing Delete Book

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