[SOLVED] 编程辅导 NKR462″ }; To access/modify an object’s properties:

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Arrays and Objects
Computer Science and Engineering  College of Engineering  The Ohio State University

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Given: roster of students (an array)
Write a JavaScript program that outputs an html list of students (name and midterm score) whose gpa is > 3.0, such that the list is sorted by midterm score
1. Xi Chen (85)
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Arrays: Basics
Numbered starting at 0
Indexed with [ ]
Property length is # of elements
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {sum += n[i]; }Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State UniversityArray Instantiation/InitializationInstantiate with newvar n = new Array(3);Initially, each element is undefinedNote: Elements can be a mix of typesn[0] = 10;n[1] = “hi”;n[2] = new Array(100);Array literals usually preferredvar n = [10, 20, 30, 40];var m = [“hi”, , “world”, 3.14];[3, “hi”, 17, [3, 4]].length == 4Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State UniversityDynamic SizeArrays can growComputer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State Universityvar n = [“tree”, 6, -2]; n.length == 3 //=> true n[8] = 17;
n.length == 9 //=> true
Arrays can shrink
n.length = 2;
// n is now [“tree”, 6 ]

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var n = [];

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var n = [];

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
n[3] = 3.14;

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
1 undefined 2 undefined 3

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
1 undefined 2 undefined 3
n[1] = “hi”;

Arrays are Dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
2 undefined 3

Accessors: Searching
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Find occurrence: indexOf/lastIndexOf Returns -1 if not found
indexOf(element[, startIndex]) lastIndexOf(element[, lastIndex])
Optional parameter: start/end index Uses strict equality (===)
var i = n.indexOf(elt);
while (i != -1) {
i = n.indexOf(elt, i + 1);

Accessors: Extracting
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
None of the following change the array Return a new array/string with result
Concatenate: concat concat(a1, a2, …, aN) var d = n.concat(n);
Extract a sub-section: slice slice(startIndex, endIndex)
k = n.slice(1, 3); // k is n[1], n[2]
Combine into string: join join(separator)
s = n.join(” “); // default is “,”

Mutators: Growing/Shrinking
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Add/remove from end: push/pop var n = [10, 20];
newLength = n.push(30, 40); //=> 4 lastValue = n.pop(); //=> 40
Add/remove from beginning: unshift/shift
var n = [10, 20];
newLength = n.unshift(30, 40); //=> 4 firstValue = n.shift(); //=> 30
Push/shift gives FIFO queue

Push Example
function findAll(n, elt) {
var indices = [];
var i = n.indexOf(elt);
while (i != -1) {
i = n.indexOf(elt, i + 1);
return indices;
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Mutators: Delete/Insert/Replace
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Delete/insert/replace sub-array: splice splice (index, howMany[, e1, e2, …, eN])
Modifies array (cf. slice, an accessor)
Returns array of removed elements
var magic = [34, -17, 6, 4];
var removed = magic.splice(2, 0, 13); // removed is []
// magic is [34, -17, 13, 6, 4]
removed = magic.splice(3, 1, “hi”, “yo”);
// removed is [6]
// magic is [34, -17, 13, “hi”, “yo”, 4]

Mutators: Rearrange
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Transpose all elements: reverse var n = [5, 300, 90]; n.reverse(); // n is [90, 300, 5] 
Order all elements: sort
var f = [“blue”, “beluga”,”killer”]; f.sort(); // f is
// [“beluga”, “blue”,
n.sort(); // n is [300, 5, 90]

Mutators: Rearrange
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Transpose all elements: reverse var n = [5, 300, 90]; n.reverse(); // n is [90, 300, 5] 
Order all elements: sort
var f = [“blue”, “beluga”,”killer”]; f.sort(); // f is
// [“beluga”, “blue”,
n.sort(); // n is [300, 5, 90]
Problem: Default ordering is based on string representation (lexicographic) Solution: Use a function that compares

Sorting with Comparator
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
A comparator (a, b) returns a number
< 0 iff a is smaller than b == 0 iff a is same size as b > 0 iff a is greater than b
function lenOrder(a, b) {
return a.length – b.length;
function compareNumbers(a, b) {
return a – b; }

Sorting with Comparator
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Optional argument to sort
n.sort(function(a, b) {
return a – b;

Iteration: Logical Quantification
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
function isBig(elt, index, array) {
return (elt >= 10);
Universal quantification: every
[5, 8, 13, 44].every(isBig); // false [51, 18, 13, 44].every(isBig); // true 
Existential quantification: some [5, 8, 13, 44].some(isBig); // true [5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBig); // false 
Neither modifies original array

Iteration: Filter
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Pare down an array based on a
condition: filter filter(predicate) predicate(element, index, array)
Returns a new array, with elements that satisfied the predicate
Does not modify the original array Example
t = [12, 5, 8, 13, 44].filter(isBig);

Iteration: Map
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Transform an array into a new array, element by element: map
E.g. an array of strings into an array of their lengths
[“hi”, “there”, “world”] -> [2, 5, 5]
map(callback) callback(element, index, array)
len = names.map(function(elt, i, a) {
return elt.length

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Transform an array into a new array,
element by element
Uses block to calculate each new value a.map { |item| block }
resulting array

Iteration: For Each
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Similar to map, but preferred for side-
effects and changing an array in place
forEach(callback) callback(element, index, array)
function logArrayElts(elt, i, array) {
console.log(“[” + i + “] = ” + elt);
[2, 5, 9].forEach(logArrayElts);

Iteration: Reduce
Applies a binary operator between all the elements of the array
E.g., to sum the elements of an array
[15, 10, 8] -> 0 + 15 + 10 + 8 -> 33 reduce(callback[, initialValue]) callback(previous, elt, index, array) Examples
function sum(a, b) { return a + b; } function acc(a, b) { return a + 2 * b; } [2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(sum) //=> ?
[2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(sum, 0) //=> ?
[2, 3, “7”, 1].reduce(sum) //=> ? [2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(acc) //=> ? [2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(acc, 0) //=> ?
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Iteration: Reduce
Applies a binary operator between all the elements of the array
E.g., to sum the elements of an array
[15, 10, 8] -> 0 + 15 + 10 + 8 -> 33 reduce(callback[, initialValue]) callback(previous, elt, index, array) Examples
function sum(a, b) { return a + b; } function acc(a, b) { return a + 2 * b; } [2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(sum) //=> 13
[2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(sum, 0) //=> 13
[2, 3, “7”, 1].reduce(sum) //=> “571” [2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(acc) //=> 24 [2, 3, 7, 1].reduce(acc, 0) //=> 26
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Recall: Ruby’s Reduction Chain
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
resulting value

Iteration: Reduce
Examples with anonymous functions
[2, 3].reduce( function(a, b) {
return a + b;
}); //#=> ?
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]].reduce(
function(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
}); //#=> ?
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Iteration: Reduce
Examples with anonymous functions
[2, 3].reduce( function(a, b) {
return a + b;
}); //#=> 5
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]].reduce(
function(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
}); //#=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Given: roster of students (an array)
Write a JavaScript program that outputs an html list of students (name and midterm score) whose gpa is > 3.0, such that the list is sorted by midterm score
1. Xi Chen (85)
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Example Input
var roster =
[ { name: ” “,
midterm: 80 },
{ name: “Xi Chen”,
midterm: 85 },
{ name: ” “,
midterm: 74 },
{ name: ” “,
midterm: 68 } ];
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

One Solution

  1. “);
    roster.filter(function (e, i, a) {
    return e.gpa > 3.0;
    }).sort(function (a, b) {
    return b.midterm – a.midterm;
    }).map(function (e, i, a) {
    return e.name + ” (”
    + e.midterm + “)”;
  2. “));

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Array accessors and mutators
Accessors: indexOf, slice
Mutators for extraction: push/pop, unshift/shift, splice
Mutators for rearranging: reverse, sort
Array iteration
Quantification: every, some, filter
Map (foreach for side-effects & mutating) Reduce

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var d = new Dog();
d instanceof Dog; //#=> true d instanceof Pet; //#=> true
What is Dog? (A class? An interface? …) What is Pet?
How are they related? Draw the hierarchy

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

What is an Object?
Property: a key/value pair (aka “name” /value)
Creating an object, literal notation
var myCar = { make: “Acura”,
year: 1996,
plate: “NKR462” }; To access/modify an object’s properties:
myCar.make = “Ford”; //cf. Ruby myCar[“year”] = 2006;
var str = “ate”;
myCar[“pl” + str] == “NKR463”;
Object: a partial map of properties Keys must be unique
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Object Properties
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
make year plate
“Ford” 2006 “NKR463”

Arrays vs Associative Arrays
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
0 4 1 “hi”
0 true 1 true 2 false
age 4 greeting “hi”
0 true 1 true 2 false

Dynamic Size, Just Like Arrays
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Objects can grow
myCar.state = “OH”; // 4 properties var myBus = {};
myBus.driver = true; // adds a prop myBus.windows = [2, 2, 2, 2];
Objects can shrink
delete myCar.plate;
// myCar is now {make: “Ford”, // year: 2006, state: “OH”}

Object Properties
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
make year plate
“Ford” 2006 “NKR463”

Object Properties
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
myCar.state = “OH”;
make year plate state
“Ford” 2006 “NKR463” “OH”

Object Properties
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
delete myCar.plate;
make year state
“Ford” 2006 “OH”

Testing Presence of Key
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Boolean operator: in propertyName in object
Evaluates to true iff object has the indicated property key
“make” in myCar //=> true “speedometer” in myCar //=> false “OH” in myCar //=> false
Property names are strings

Iterating Over Properties
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Iterate using for…in syntax
for (property in object) { …object[property]…
for (p in myCar) {
document.write(p +”: ” + myCar[p]);
Notice [] to access each property

The value of a property can be:
A primitive (boolean, number, string, null…)
A reference (object, array, function) var temp = function(sound) {
return 0; }
myCar.honk = temp; More succinctly:
myCar.honk = function(sound) {
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Example: Method
var myCar = {
make: “Acura”,
year: 1996,
plate: “NKR462”,
honk: function(sound) {
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Object Properties
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
make year plate honk
“Acura” 1996 “NKR462”

Keyword “this” in Functions
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Recall distinguished formal parameter
x.f(y, z); //x is the distinguished argmt.
Inside a function, keyword “this”
function report() {
return this.plate + this.year;
At run-time, “this” is set to the distinguished
argument of invocation
myCar = {plate: “NKR462”, year: 1996}; yourCar = {plate: 340, year: 2013}; myCar.register = report;
yourCar.info = report; myCar.register(); //=> “NKR4621996” yourCar.info(); //=> 2353

Object Properties
plate “NKR462” year 1996
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
plate 340 year 2013
return this.plate
+ this.year;

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
Any function can be a constructor When calling a function with “new”:
1. Make a brand new (empty) object
2. Call the function, with the new object as the
distinguished parameter
3. Implicitly return the new object to caller
A “constructor” often adds properties to the new object simply by assigning them
function Dog(name) {
this.name = name; // adds 1 property // no explicit return
var furBall = new Dog(“Rex”);
Naming convention: Functions intended to be constructors are capitalized

function Circle(x, y, radius) {
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.area = function() {
return Math.PI * this.radius *
var c = new Circle(10, 12, 2.45);
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Creating a Circle Object
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var c = new Circle(10, 12, 2.45);
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
… Etc …

Creating a Circle Object
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var c = new Circle(10, 12, 2.45); Circle
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
… Etc …

Creating a Circle Object
centerX centerY 12
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var c = new Circle(10, 12, 2.45); Circle
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
… Etc …
return Math.PI *
this.radius *

Creating a Circle Object
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var c = new Circle(10, 12, 2.45); Circle
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
… Etc …
return Math.PI *
this.radius *
centerX centerY 12

Creating a Circle Object
Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University
var c = new Circle(10, 12, 2.45); Circle
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
… Etc …
return Math.PI *
this.radius *
centerX centerY 12

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[SOLVED] 编程辅导 NKR462″ }; To access/modify an object’s properties:
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