# First lets do some general
# code block practice
# Given a hash, return
# all values that are divisble
# by 2. Assume values are ints
# Use a code block.
def evens_string(hash)
raise unimplemented
# Now lets up the stakes
# Given an array of elements
# return a new array whose
# elements have been processed
# by the code block
# If no code block is given,
# simply return an array where
# every element is increased by 1
def map_w_code_block(arr)
raise unimplemented
# Time for some regex practice!
# Write a regular expression to
# capture a time.
# Times are defined in the following
# way:
# A 2 digit hour (from 01 to 12)
# A 2 digit minute (from 00 to 59)
# A 2 digit second (from 00 to 59)
# A two letter indication : A.M., P.M.
# EX. 12:31:59 P.M.
# If I give you a valid time:
# return the string It is _ _,
# where the first blank is replaced
# by the hour, and the second blank
# is replaced by A.M. or P.M.
# EX. It is 12 P.M. (It doesnt
# matter if its 12:59:59 Its still
# 12 for us)
# If I give you ANYTHING else
# return the string Invalid
def time_teller(time_str)
raise unimplemented
# Alright, weve got three basic
# exercises out of the way, lets
# put it all together!
class Grader
# Youll be given a file of strings
# Each line has a first name and last name
# (Start with capital, then lowercase),
# followed by a comma and then their grade
# a number from 0 to 100
# EX. Frodo Baggins, 98
def initialize(filename)
# initialize some relevant data
# structure here
File.foreach(filename) do |line|
# code here
# Because 330 is so great,
# well sometimes spontaneously
# give all students some extra
# credit, defined by a code block
# we pass in. Update your data
# to add this extra credit
def add_extra_credit()
raise unimplemented
# Return the grade for the
# specified student
def get_grades_for_student(student_Name)
raise unimplemented
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