[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 open List

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open List
open Sets

(* Types *)

type (‘q, ‘s) transition = ‘q * ‘s option * ‘q

type (‘q, ‘s) nfa_t = {
sigma: ‘s list;
qs: ‘q list;
q0: ‘q;
fs: ‘q list;
delta: (‘q, ‘s) transition list;

(* Utility *)

(* explode converts a string to a character list *)
let explode (s: string) : char list =
let rec exp i l =
if i < 0 then l else exp (i – 1) (s.[i] :: l)inexp (String.length s – 1) [](****************)(* Part 1: NFAs *)(****************)let move (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) (qs: ‘q list) (s: ‘s option) : ‘q list =failwith “unimplemented”let e_closure (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) (qs: ‘q list) : ‘q list =failwith “unimplemented”let accept (nfa: (‘q,char) nfa_t) (s: string) : bool =failwith “unimplemented”(*******************************)(* Part 2: Subset Construction *)(*******************************)let new_states (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) (qs: ‘q list) : ‘q list list =failwith “unimplemented”let new_trans (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) (qs: ‘q list) : (‘q list, ‘s) transition list =failwith “unimplemented”let new_finals (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) (qs: ‘q list) : ‘q list list =failwith “unimplemented”let rec nfa_to_dfa_step (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) (dfa: (‘q list, ‘s) nfa_t)(work: ‘q list list) : (‘q list, ‘s) nfa_t =failwith “unimplemented”let nfa_to_dfa (nfa: (‘q,’s) nfa_t) : (‘q list, ‘s) nfa_t =failwith “unimplemented”


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 open List
30 $