[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL Oregon State UniversityPractice problems Query Optimization

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Oregon State UniversityPractice problems Query Optimization
CS 540, Winter 2021
1: Query Optimization
Consider the following relational schema and SQL query: Suppliers(sid,sname,address,category)
SELECT S.sname, P.pname
FROM Suppliers S, Parts P, Supply Y
WHERE sS.sid = Y.sid AND Y.pid = P.pid
1. Give two examples of join orderings that System R will not consider.
System R optimizer does not consider join orderings that require the computation of cross-products to calculate this join. Further, it considers only left-deep joins. The followings are two join orderings that are not left-deep and/or contain Cartesian product.
• P ◃▹ (S ◃▹ Y) (right-deep join)
• (S ◃▹ P) ◃▹ Y (Cartesian product)
2. Enumerate all joins orderings that System R optimizer considers.
System R optimizer does not consider join orderings that require the computation of cross-products to calculate this join. Further, it considers only left-deep joins. Thus, ot considers the following join orderings:
• (S ◃▹ Y) ◃▹ P • (Y ◃▹ S) ◃▹ P • (P ◃▹ Y) ◃▹ S • (Y ◃▹ P) ◃▹ S
2: Query Optimization
Consider relations R(A,B) and S(B,C). Assume that R contains 2,000 tuples, and that s contains 5,000 tuples. We want to compute the equi-join R ◃▹ S over attribute B.
1. Without any further assumptions, what is the maximum number of tuples that the resulting relation may contain?
The join will have the maximum number of tuples if all values of attribute B in R and S have equal values, therefore, the maximum number of tuples is 2000 × 5000 = 10,000,000.

Oregon State UniversityPractice problems Query Optimization CS 540, Winter 2021
2. Now assume that we know that the number of distinct values of B in R is 500. What is now a reasonable estimate on the size of join?
Solution: 2000 × 5000 / 500 = 20,000.
3. Finally, assume we know that B is a primary key in S. What is now a reasonable estimate
on the size of join?
If B is the primary key of S, it will have 5,000 distinct values in S. Hence, the size of join will be:
2000 × 5000 / max(500,5000) = 2,000.


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL Oregon State UniversityPractice problems Query Optimization
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