[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 assembler x86 compiler mips assembly data structure ECE437: Introduction to Digital Computer Design

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ECE437: Introduction to Digital Computer Design
Chapter 2 – Instructions Spring 2021
• Lab1 is on basic 270/337 material and is not covered in 437 lectures
• Homeworks given out every Friday, due the next Friday at the start of the lecture
• Slidesandhomeworkspostedonthecoursewebsite – Slides will be posted before each lecture so you
can print before the lecture for taking notes
• Please speak your questions/answers – Unmute, speak, mute (Chat is no good)
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (2) 1/27/2021
• Instructions are the “words” of a computer
• Instruction set architecture (ISA) is its “vocabulary”
• With a few other things, this defines the interface of computers
– But implementations vary
• We will study MIPSTM ISA
– but the next ISA is not too hard after the first
• We won’t write much assembly code – ECE362
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Computer • What does it do?
– Fetch instruction from address in Program Counter (PC)
– Execute instruction
– Update PC to point to next instruction
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi
Fetch [PC]
Update PC

– Registers and ALU ops – Memory and load/store – Branches and jumps
– And more . . .
• Read Chapter 2 and skim through Appendix E (on CD) for MIPS ISA
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (5) 1/27/2021
• Instructions – Basics
• C statement
• f=(g+h)-(i+j)
• MIPS instructions*
addt0,g,h //t0=g+h addt1,i,j // t1=i+j subf,t0,t1 // f =t0–t1
• Opcodes/mnemonic, operands, source/destination
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• Opcode: Specifies the kind of operation (mnemonic)
• Operands: input and output data (source/destination)
• Operands t0, t1 are temps
• One operation, two inputs, one output
• Multiple instructions for one C statement
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Why not have bigger instructions?
• Whynothave“f=(g+h)-(i+j)”asoneinstruction?
• Church-Turingthesis:Averyprimitivecomputercan
compute anything that a fancy computer can compute – need only logical functions, read and write memory and data-
dependent decisions
• Therefore,ISAselectedforpracticalreasons: performance and cost, not computability
• Simplicity/regularitytendtoimproveboth
– E.g.,H/Wtohandlearbitrarynumberofoperands
– complex, slow and rarely usable and NOT NECESSARY
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Registers and ALU ops
• Ok,Ilied!
• Operandsmustberegisters,notvariables
– add $8, $17, $18 // $8 <- $17 + $18 – destination LEFT MOST – if you confuse this, you won’t get anything right in 437– add$9,$19,$20– sub$16,$8,$9• MIPShas32registers$0-$31(figurenextslide)– $0always0(writingto$0hasnoeffect–anoop(NOP))• Registers$8,$9aretemps,$16-f,$17-g,$18-h,• MIPSalsoallowsoneconstantcalled“immediate” – laterwewillseeimmediateis16bits[-32768,32767]ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (9) 1/27/2021$19 – i, $20 – j Registers and ALU $0 $1$31ALU ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (10) 1/27/2021 ALU ops• Some ALU ops:– add, addi, addu, addiu (immediate, unsigned)• Caution: casting signed to unsigned in System Verilog may cause weirdness– sub…– mul, div– and, andi – or, ori– sll,srl,…- weird!• Why registers? Specifiers fit in instructions, smaller memory is faster• Are registers enough?ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (11) 1/27/2021 Memory and load/store• But need more than 32 words of storage• Memory – an array of locations M[addr], indexed by addr (figure next slide)• Data movement (on words or integers) – load word for reg <– memory– lw $17, 1002 // get input g– store word for reg –> memory
– sw $16, 1001 // save output f
• Note: destination LAST for stores!
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (12) 1/27/2021

Memory and load/store
$0 $1
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi
0 1 2 3
1001 f 1002 g
(13) 1/27/2021
Byte vs. Word addresses
• I lied again!
– we need to address bytes for characters
– words take 4 bytes
– therefore, word addresses must be multiples of 4 (i.e., end in 00)
– Addresses are ALWAYS byte addresses (next slide)
• NOT word addresses (previous slide) • figure next slide
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Memory and load/store
$0 $1
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi
0 4 8 0xC
0x4004 f 0x4008 g
(15) 1/27/2021
Memory and load/store
• Important for arrays
– A[i] = A[i] + h (figure next slide)
– # $8 – temp, $18 – h, $21 – (i x 4)
– Astart is 0x8000, A is an array of words NOT bytes
lw $8, Astart($21) // == 0x8000($21)
// Astart or 0x8000 is offset
add $8, $18, $8
// $8 <- M[Astart+$21]// or $8 <- M[0x8000+$21]sw $8, Astart($21) //offset is signed, can be negative • MIPS has other load/store for byte/halfwordECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (16) 1/27/20214Memory and load/store$0 $1$31ALUECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi0 4 8 0xC0x4004 f 0x4008 g0x8000 A[0] 0x8004 A[1] 0x8008 A[2]Maxmem(17) 1/27/2021 Endian• Word storage• Word = bytes (0x400,0x401,0x402,0x403)? • Word = bytes (0x403,0x402,0x401,0x400)?– It depends…• Big endian: MSB at address xxxxxx00– e.g., IBM, SPARC• Little endian: MSB at address xxxxxx11– e.g., Intel x86• Mode selectable– e.g., PowerPC, MIPSECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (18) 1/27/2021 Branches and JumpsWhile ( i != j) { j= j + i;i= i + 1; }• HLL->Assembly,$8isi,$9isj
Loop: beq $8, $9, Exit
// note that the condition is reversed
add $9, $9, $8 addi $8, $8 , 1 j Loop
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (19) 1/27/2021
Branches and Jumps
• Better yet:
beq $8, $9, Exit
Loop: add $9, $9, $8 addi $8, $8 , 1
bne $8, $9, Loop Exit:
// not !=
• Let compilers worry about such optimizations
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (20) 1/27/2021

Branches and Jumps
• What does bne do really?
– read $8; read $9, compare
– setPC=PC+4orPC=Target
• To do compares other than “equal” or “not equal”
– e.g., blt $8, $9, Target // assembler PSEUDO-
• expands to
– slt $1, $8, $9 // set less than $1 = ($8 < $9)?1:0 – bne $1, $0, Target // $0 is always 0ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (21) 1/27/2021instruction Branches and Jumps• Other MIPS branches/jumps– beq $8, $9, imm– //if($8==$9)PC=PC+imm<<2elsePC+=4• bne …• slt, sle, sgt, sge– with immediate, unsigned• j addr •jr $12 • jal addr// PC = addr //PC=$12// $31 = PC+4; PC = addr; used for procedure callsECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (22) 1/27/2021 Two-minute quizFill in the blanks• Abstraction separates __________ from ___________True or False:– A computer’s instruction set typically decides the subset of programs that the computer can run and the instruction set has to be expanded to run other programsECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (23) 1/27/2021 Assembly Exercise for(i=0;i assembly if (a=b)
a = a+b else
b = a+b
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi
(25) 1/27/2021
Assembly Exercise
• HLL-> assembly if (a=b)
a = a+b else
lw$8,a //a->$8 lw$9,b //b->$9 beq $8,$9,L_IF
add $8,$8,$9 // a = a+b sw $8,a // write a to mem j EXIT
b = a+b
add $9,$8,$9 // b= a+b
sw $9, b // write b to mem EXIT:
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Procedure Calls • See section 2.7 for more details
– save registers
– set up parameters – call procedure
– get results
– restore registers
Proc: save more registers do function
set up results
restore more registers return
• jal (call) is the ONLY operation in hardware: the rest is in software
• jal addr // $31 = PC+4 (return addr); PC = addr (UNLIKE 362 where return addr is saved on stack – too complicated/slow to do in fast clock)
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (27) 1/27/2021
• An important data structure for calls
• Stack grows from larger to smaller addresses • $29 is the stack pointer, points to top of stack
• push $2:
– addi $29, $29, -4 – sw $2, 4($29)
pop $2:
lw $2, 4($29) addi $29, $29, 4
• push, pop NOT real instructions
• Addi-sw/lw-addi order cannot change. Why?
– sw $2, 0($29)
– addi $29, $29, -4
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (28) 1/27/2021

Procedure Example
• HLL code for swap
{ temp = v[k]; /* code for swap */
v[k] = v[k+1]; v[k+1] = temp; return (temp); }
• Corresponding assembly code
swap: addi $29, $29, -8 // save registers
sw $15, 4($29) sw $16, 8($29)
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Procedure Example
muli* add lw
lw sw sw mov* lw
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi
$2, $5, 4 $2, $4, $2 $15, 0($2) $16, 4($2) $16, 0($2) $15, 4($2)
$2, $15 $15, 4($29) $16, 8($29) $29, $29, 8
// procedure body; $2 <- k*4// $2 <- v + k*4 == address of v[k]// $15 <- v[k] // $16 <- v[k+1] // v[k] <- $16 // v[k+1] <- $15// return value// restore registers// returnlwaddijr• Allpush/popins/w$31(30) 1/27/2021 Procedure Call Example• Now, calling the procedure – HLL codereturn_value = swap(arr_A, i); /* call swap */mov $4, $18 mov $5, $17 jal swap mov $20, $2ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi// first parameter // second parameter// copy return value(31) 1/27/2021 Layers of Software• Notation – program: input data -> output data – executable: input data -> output data
– loader: executable file -> executable in memory
– linker: object files -> executable file
– assembler: assembly file -> object file – compiler: HLL file -> assembly file
– editor: editor commands -> HLL file
• Possible only because programs can be manipulated as data
– “stored program computer”
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MIPS Machine Language
• All 32-bit instructions
• Assembly: add $1, $2, $3
– 14 ASCII (or Unicode) codes 6164642024312C202432 2C202433(hex)
• Machine code: 1 word
000000 00010 00011 00001 00000 010000
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (33) 1/27/2021
Instruction Format
• R-format:
opcode rs rt rd shamt funct
• Digression:
– Howdoyoustorethenumber4,392,976? – Sameasadd$1,$2,$3
• Storedprogram:instructionsarerepresentedas numbers
– programscanberead/writteninmemorylikenumbers
• Other R-format: addu, sub*, and, or ….. etc
ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (34) 1/27/2021
Instruction Format
• Assembly: lw $1, 100($2) • Machine:
100011 00010 00001 0000000001100100
lw 2 1 100 (in signed binary)
• I-format:
opcode rs rt address/immediate
– Addr/immediate is 16 bits signed 2’s complement
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16 (signed)
Instruction Format
• I-format also used for ALU ops with immediates
– addi $1, $2, -4
– 001000 00010 00001 1111111111111100
• What about constants larger than 16 bits = [-
– e.g., 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 0000 0000 1111 or 0x000C000F?
lui $4, 0xC // $4 <- 0x000C0000ori $4,$4, 0xF // $4 <- 0x000C000F• All loads and stores use I-formatECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (36) 1/27/202132768, 32767]?9Instruction Format • I-format for branches: beq $1, $2, 7• 000100 00001 00010 0000 0000 0000 0111 • PC=PC+(00000111<<2) //wordoffset Finally, J-format: opcode addr6 26• addr is weird in J-format:– Target address = 4 MSB of PC:addr:00 (4+26+2 = 32) – Why MSB of PC? We have 26, we need 30– Can we Pad with 0s? Restricts jumps to top16th of address spaceECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (37) 1/27/2021 MIPS: branch vs jump• Branch: 16 bit displacement – Current word +/- 215– Range is symmetric• Range(forward) = Range(backward) = 2150xE000 0000• Jump: 26 lower-bit concatenation in word address– Jump anywhere within a 226 segment – Range may be asymmetric• Range(forward) + Range(backward) = 226ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (38)215215226-X 0xEFFF FFFF1/27/2021X Summary: Instruction Formats • R-format: opcode rs rt rd shamt funct• I-format: opcode rs rt address/immediate • J-format: opcode addr• Instr decode– Theory: Inst bits -> identify instrs -> control signals
– Practice: Instruction bits -> control signals
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Addressing modes
• There are many ways of accessing data • 1. Register addressing
– add $1, $2, $3
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Register file

Addressing Modes
• 2. Base addressing (aka displacement)
– lw $1, 100($2) // $2 == 400, M[500] == 42
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address (= 100)
Register file 400
Memory 42
Addressing Modes
• 3. Immediate addressing – addi $1, $2, 100
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Addressing Modes
• 4. PC relative addressing
– beq$1,$2,100//if($1==$2)PC=PC+100
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displacement (= 100)
Addressing Modes
• Pseudodirect addressing
– j Loop // instruction contains address*
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Addressing Modes
NOT found in MIPS
• 5. Indexed: add two registers – base + index
• 6. Indirect: M[M[addr]] – two memory references
• 7. Autoincrement/decrement: add data size
• 8. Autoupdate – found in IBM PowerPC, HP PA-RISC
– like displacement but update register
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Addressing Modes
• Autoupdate
lwupdate $1, 4[$2] // $1 == M[4+$2]; $2 == $2 + 4
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Register file
Addressing Modes
for (i = 0, I < N, i +=1) sum += A[i];• $7-sum,$8-addressofa[i],$2–tmpinner:lw $2, 0($8) addi $8, $8, 4 add $7, $7, $2new inner:lwupdate $2, 4($8)add $7, $7, $2 • any problems with new inner ?ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (47) 1/27/2021 How to Choose ISA• Minimize what?– Two way constraint satisfaction– What can be implemented in hardware? From below– What ISA is better for optimized compilation? From above• In 1985-1990 technology, simple modes like MIPS good – Easy to implement, not a real reason in the business world – Very compelling reason in the classroom• As technology changes, computer design options change• For small memory, dense instructions important and dense usually complex/irregular• For high speed, pipelining important and for pipelining simple/regular importantECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (48) 1/27/202112Intel 80386 ISA• 8 32-bit registers• Two register machine: src1/dst src2– reg-reg,reg-immed,reg-mem,mem-reg,mem – imm• seven addressing modes• 16-bit and 32-bit ops on memory and registers– 8-bit prefix to override default data size – condition codes• part of normal operation, extends operation time, often not looked atECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (49) 1/27/2021 Intel 80386 ISA• Decoding nightmare– instructions 1 to 17 bytes– prefixes, postfixes– crazy “formats” – e.g., register specifiers move around– but key instructions not terrible– yet have to make ALL work correctlyECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (50) 1/27/2021 One-minute quiz• In stored-program computers, what is the difference between how code and data are handled (i.e., read from/ written to memory and manipulated)?• Previous quiz answers– Abstraction separates the interface (OR the what) from the implementation (OR the how)– A computer’s instruction set typically decides the subset of programs that the computer can run and the instruction set has to be expanded to run other programs.• FalseECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (51) 1/27/2021Current Approach• Current Intel chips– Instruction decode logic translates into “RISCy Ops”– RISC – Reduced Instruction Set Computer– Execution unit runs RISCy ops– Backward compatibility– Complex decoding– Execution unit as fast as RISC• We work with MIPS to keep it simple • Learn x86 on the job!ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (52) 1/27/202113Complex Instructions• More powerful instructions not necessarily faster execution• E.g. – string copy– Option 1: move with repeat prefix for memory to memory move– special-purpose– Option 2: use loads into register and then stores– generic instructions– Option 2 faster on the same machine!ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (53) 1/27/2021 •––OutlineSo far, too MIPS-centric Rich design space:Other possibilities: Stack and Accumulator architectures :Ch 2 (on CD)ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (54) 1/27/2021 General Purpose Architecture• General Purpose Register architecture – 3 operands: 2 source + 1 dest– Depends on addressing modes• Register-register only– MIPS : all register operands except load/store• Memory-memory (all memory operands) • Eg– f = (g+h) *(i-j)ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (55) 1/27/2021 Add t1, g, h Sub t2, i, j Mul f, t1, t2 Stack Machine• Push, Pop with one address – Last in, first out• Binary/Unary Op operates on– Implicit operands– Top one/two element(s) of stack• Eg– f = (g+h) *(i-j)ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (56)1/27/2021 Push g Push h Add Push i Push j Subtract Mul14Accumulator Machine• One address– 2nd implicit operand: accumulator– accumulatoris2nd source operand as well as destination• Eg– f = (g+h) *(i-j)ECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi(57) 1/27/2021 Loadg //Acc=g Add h // Acc = Acc+h Storet //t=g+h Loadi //Acc=iSubt j // Acc = Acc-j Mul t1 // Acc = Acc*t Store f Concluding Remarks• Simple and regular– same length instructions, fields in same place• Small and fast– Small number of registers• Compromises inevitable– There is NO PERFECT ISA!– Pipelining should not be hindered (more later)• Common case fast• Read Chapter 2• Read Chapter 4a 4.1-4.4 (coming up next)– Ch 4a+b is 1/3rds of this course, labECE437,S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (58) 1/27/202115


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 assembler x86 compiler mips assembly data structure ECE437: Introduction to Digital Computer Design
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