open Types
open Format
let string_of_const =
function True -> true
| False ->false
| Int n -> string_of_int n
let string_of_op =
Plus -> (+)
| Minus -> (-)
| Times -> (*)
| Div -> (/)
| Lt -> (<)”| Gt -> (>)
| Le -> (<=)”| Ge -> (>=)
| Eq -> (=)
| And -> (&&)
| Or -> (||)
let rec fprint_val f =
function Const c -> fprintf f %s (string_of_const c)
| Fun (x, e) -> fprintf f @[
| Op o -> fprintf f %s (string_of_op o)
and fprint_exp f =
function Var v -> fprintf f %s v
| Value v -> fprint_val f v
| Let (x, e1, e2) ->
fprintf f @[
fprint_exp e1
fprint_exp e2
| If (e1, e2, e3) ->
fprintf f @[
fprint_exp e1
fprint_exp e2
fprint_exp e3
| App (e1, e2) ->
fprintf f @[
fprint_exp e1
fprint_exp e2
let pprint_exp e =
(fprint_exp Format.std_formatter e;
Format.print_newline ())
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