[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 matlab Hive Computer Vision and Imaging [06-30213] Formative Assignment 1

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Computer Vision and Imaging [06-30213] Formative Assignment 1
February 22, 2020
Contribution to overall module mark: Submission Method:
Dr. Hyung Jin Chang Dr. Yixing Gao
Dr. Mohan Sridharan Dr. Masoumeh Mansouri 0%
This assignment must be submitted through Canvas.
Important note on plagiarism
Plagiarism can have very serious potential consequences. Please see https://www.cs.bham.ac. uk/internal/taught-students/plagiarism for further information. Plagiarism includes failure to provide proper attribution for ideas originating from external sources, and copying from other students or external sources. Changing the wording of copied text is still considered plagiarism. It is acceptable, and even encouraged, to discuss course content and assignments with your fellow students. However, you must write your answers to all assignments individually and you must not share those answers with other students.
This assignment is formative and contains three parts. In part 1, you will answer questions on camera geometry and calibration. In part 2, you will perform basic digital image processing tasks via MATLAB. In part 3, you will implement your own morphological operators.
Your assignment must be submitted to Canvas before the deadline in the form of a single zip archive file containing:
1. Your answers to the questions in prose and diagrams. This should take the form of a single PDF document with the answers for each question using the provided LaTeX template.
2. Your code and any accompanying files necessary to execute the code for any programming questions as specified in the LaTeX template.
Some or all of the text of each question is emphasised using italics. This emphasis indicates a question that must be explicitly answered or a task that must be completed.
This assignment is designed to be written in the MATLAB programming language.

Part 1
Question 1.1 Describe homogeneous coordinates and explain why they are useful for transforma- tions between the world and camera coordinate systems, and for projections onto the camera image plane.
Question 1.2 Calibration of camera intrinsic and extrinsic properties often involves the use of calibration patterns which contain landmarks at known locations. List desirable properties of such calibration patterns and explain why these properties are important.
Part 2
Question 2.1 Load in the pizza.jpg file. With a suitable operation adjust the contrast of the image. Using the circle.jpg image create an arbitrary size binary annulus. Create an image by properly combining the circle, the annulus and the pizza image, so you get a circular section of the landscape image with black background and with white frame around. Save the result as username assignment2 1.jpg using your username.
Question 2.2 Display the dark gray buttons on the calculator buttons.jpg image on a white back- ground with black.
First create a gray scale image and erode the image with a disk-shaped structuring element with radius 4. Then take the difference between the original image and the eroded image. Display and save the histogram of the difference image using the imhist MATLAB function (username assignment2 2.jpg). Based on the histogram choose a suitable threshold value and threshold the image. Display and save the result image(username assignment2 3.jpg).
(a) Expected result of question 2.1 (b) Expected result of question 2.2
Part 3
Question 3.1 Implement the following operators: erosion, dilatation. Do not use the existing imerode, imdilate functions. Show the performance of your operators on one of the MATLAB built-in demo images. What is the use of the erosion and dilatation? When do we use them and what can we expect as an output?


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 matlab Hive Computer Vision and Imaging [06-30213] Formative Assignment 1
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