[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 Excel Society and Technology Diagnosing the Digital Present

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Society and Technology Diagnosing the Digital Present
Final Submissions:
Coursework Blackboard. Thursday May. 6th 2021 | 14:00 This assignment is 28% of the total module mark
Module: Interaction Design (UFCFQ5-30-3)
Semester 2: 8th February 2021 – 7th May 2021 Component: B1 (CW2)
Weighting: 28% Submission of Module Total
Contact Time: 3 hrs per week
Coursework preparation: 3 hrs per week |
Reading and learning course material: 4.8 hrs per week Module Leader email: [email protected]

Assignment Overview
Society and Technology: Diagnosing the Digital Present
What important issues impact the current relationship between Society and Technology? Which of these issues matter to you?
In groups of three research your chosen area. Create a log of your results in your Slack channel.
Individually create a mid-fidelity prototype with some hi-fidelity aspects / screens that explores and implements your research.
You should aim for your final prototype / project and documentation to be a platform and showcase for your creative skills.
Example approaches:
Creating a prototype that supports an organisation such as a charity, community interest group or company that is working in or associated with your defined area of interest.
Creating a prototype that supports a campaign or movement that is associated with your defined area of interest.
Creating a prototype that addresses a specific user group or audience that is associated with your defined area of interest.
Your prototype will simulate the design and interaction of your project, and aspects of it will be polished and finished. You will decide on the most appropriate form your prototype should take.

May 6th 2pm Blackboard submission
The following is a list of the deliverables that must be submitted in order to fulfil the requirements of the brief. Each student will submit and be assessed on:
• Design Brief – Individual work – A design brief (200 words) and presentation slides. (Note: As a group, you will present your brief to some of the class as a 4min presentation on March 4th 2020).
• A Prototype – Individual work – A prototype that demonstrates your exploration and design solution to your design brief. You will decide on the form your prototype takes.
• Prototype Report – Individual work – A prototype report (600 words) which includes links to / images of your prototype and that draws from your log. Discuss
how this prototype meets the design brief and responds to your research and the
iterative design process you have engaged in.
• Your PDF submissions will be designed and presented in an appropriate layout.
Important dates
• 4th March Presentation of your Design Brief
• May 6th Prototype Blackboard submission.
Coursework Assessment Criteria / Marking Guidance
Submissions will receive an overall mark out of 100 based on the following criteria:
< 4040-50 50-60 60-7070+ Design Brief 10% Clarity of brief / design problem Very poorly phrased brief, very poorly framed design problem . Only very basic grasp of design problem. Very poor slidesBasic brief, poorly framed and phrased. Basic grasp of design problem. Basic Slides. Moderately phrased and framed brief that would benefit from much more thought and development. Well phrased and framed brief, but needs some more development. Well put together slidesEloquently phrased and framed brief. Incisive and perceptive. Excellent slides Prototype Report 30% (each criterion has equal weighting)Research methods, examples and literature review Very poor or lacking research methods. One or no examples and no literature reviewBasic research methods. One or two examples and minimal literature review Fair research methods that could be much improved. Some examples and some engagement with relevant literature. Good, clear research methods. Good examples and literature review, citing multiple sources.Excellent, incisive research methods. Many examples and perceptive literature review citing many academic sources.Structure & grammar, references, illustrations and annotationsVery poor, almost no structure, entirely chronological. Not a fluid piece of writing. No bibliography or illustrations Basic structure, mostly chronological. Writing not very fluid. Minimal bibliography and minimal illustrations Fair structure, but with careless mistakes in grammar or spelling. Bare bibliography and sparsely illustrated.Generally good structure but writing could be improved in places.Good bibliography and some relevant illustrations.Fluidly written and eloquent with a clear structure that focuses on the research undertaken. Excellent bibliography and illustrations. Clarity of design solution and development of the design Very poor findings, unclear and vague design solution. Lack of development.Basic findings, quite vaguely defined solution. Basic level of development. Fair findings and reasonable clarity. Evidence of moderate development. Clear findings and good clarity. Evidence of good development.Clear and precise research and findings. Excellent development. Design solution (prototype) 60% (each criterion has equal weighting) Successfully fulfilled the design brief Very little connection between prototype and objectives Only basic connection between prototype and objectives Some match to research and brief but lacking quality or workability Good match to research and brief – but needing some refinement / development Excellent match between design and research & brief. Creative, critical and innovative approach Poor quality, really lacking in ideas and unlikely to lead to engagement.Basic quality, quite lacking in ideas and not likely to lead to engagement. Quite derivative or lacking in imagination – not very engaging. Engaging and showing creativity or innovation to a good level.Highly creative / innovative – likely to lead to strong engagement.Convincing prototypeVery poorly visualised prototype. Completely under developed and unconvincing.Only basic visualisation of prototype. Under developed and not very convincing. Quite well visualised prototype. Convincing but requires more developmentWell visualized prototype, convincing design but requires refinement. Excellent and completely convincing prototype.FeedbackVerbal feedback will be available in the workshop sessions and you are encouraged to seek this from your tutors throughout your process. You should also seek (and reflect on in your design journal) feedback from target communities and peers during the process.Submission DetailsWhere appropriate ensure that you test your prototype on multiple machines, relevant screen sizes and browsers. Any external links or online media must work such that the material is available to mark online. Work that is unavailable online cannot be marked.Submission format guides:All deliverables must be submitted to Blackboard. Where appropriate prototypes might also be published online.Prototype Report, Design Brief: An PDF with illustrations where appropriate. Prototype: You will decide the most appropriate format your prototype should take.Study Support:The following links provide detailed information on study skill provision and UWE academic policy. In submitting your final submission for examination you agree that you have read the following guides linked to below:• Digital Media BSc Learning Policy:• UWE Study skills: http://goo.gl/NalwD5• UWE Word count policy: http://goo.gl/Qe8kbg• UWE Referencing policy (UWE Harvard): http://goo.gl/Iu3S3L• UWE Plagiarism policy: http://goo.gl/vAHWOp• UWE Academic appeal process: http://goo.gl/Tf1nv3Plagiarism Advice:The usual university strictures about plagiarism apply to this assignment. It is good practice in academic writing to reference correctly the work of others that you may draw upon for your own. Please help us to clearly distinguish your original efforts by so doing.If you use code from other sites, the sources must be referenced in your Bibliography. If you use any other site(s) as a source of ideas for your site, you must reference the source. If you copy code and/or ideas from another student’s work, or even if you are helped by another student, you must reference/acknowledge the source.• UWE Plagiarism policy: http://goo.gl/vAHWOp


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 Excel Society and Technology Diagnosing the Digital Present
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