[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 Excel Society and Technology Diagnosing the Digital Present

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Society and Technology Diagnosing the Digital Present
Thursday 13th May 2021
This assignment is 30% of the total module mark
Module: Interaction Design (UFCFQ5-30-3)
Semester 2: 8th February 2021 – 7th May 2021 Component: A1
Weighting: 30% of Module Total
Contact Time: 3 hrs per week
Coursework preparation: 3 hrs per week |
Reading and learning course material: 4.8 hrs per week Module Leader email: [email protected]

Assignment Overview
Society and Technology: Diagnosing the Digital Present
For your Society and Technology project you will individually demo your Society and Technology prototype alongside a bespoke PDF graphic display / poster. This may be live, or maybe over a video link.
The presentation will professionally and convincingly explain the driving ideas and research that underpin your prototype as well as a demo of the prototype in action.
The demo will be followed by a short Viva / Q&A.
The Q&A will further explore the driving ideas and research that underpinned your prototype as well as the development of the project.
Deliverables – May 13th Presentation 7 mins A group presentation / viva which includes the following
• Prototype Demo – Individual work. A live demo of your prototype. This maybe in person or via video link.
• Graphic Display – Individual work. A graphic display / poster/s that accompanies
your prototype and creates a graphic identity for it. Consider the relationship
between your prototype, documentation and the graphic display.
This should be in PDF form and can be emailed in advance or added to your log / slack channel
Important dates
• May 13th Prototype demo and presentation.

Presentation Assessment Criteria / Marking Guidance
The presentation will be marked by your tutors and will be assigned an overall group mark. Tutors reserve the right to reduce the mark for any single individual by up to 20%, based on clear evidence of non-participation. Any team member not present on the date and time allocated for the start of the presentation’s session will be marked as “not submitted”.
Submissions will receive an overall mark out of 100 based on the following criteria:
< 40 40-50 50-6060-70 70+ Presentation 100%(each criterion has equal weighting) Fluid, clear & confident presentationSignificant style errors and poor presentation. Complete lack of preparation. Some style errors and moderate presentation. Some lack of preparation evident. Fair presentation, some lack of clarity about some aspects of the project and process.Generally good presentation with clear and confident delivery. Excellent, professional presentation, very convincing and confident. Staged with flair and imagination. Imaginative & thoughtful consideration of interaction design principles Very poor and uninspiring implementation of interaction design. Not much evidence of how interaction design has been considered. Basic implementation of interaction design. But some evidence of how interaction design has been considered.Fair implementation of interaction design principles. Much room for a more imaginative approach. Good implementation of interaction design principles. Quite imaginative.Highly imaginative approach to interaction design principles and field. Innovative and thoughtful. Convincing & creative prototype demo Very poor demo, unconvincing. Most aspects of the demo and prototype not thought through. Basic demo, quite unconvincing. Many aspects of the demo and prototype not thought through. Fair demo, most aspects of the demo and prototype convincing, but much room for improvement. Good demo, convincing prototype. Thorough and creatively demonstrated. Completely convincing demo and prototype. Professionally and creatively demonstrated. Prototype very well thought out. Convincing graphic display & relationship with prototypeVery poor graphic design, completely lacking in imagination. Little relationship to prototype. Basic graphic design, not very imaginative with tenuous relationship to prototype. Moderately well-designed graphics, moderately well produced but needing much improvement. Fair relationship with prototype.Well designed graphics, imaginative and well produced and appropriate but needing some refinement. Clear. Highly imaginative creative / appropriate graphics, excellently designed, professionally produced. Inventiverelationship with prototype. relationship with prototype.Submission DetailsEnsure that you test your prototype on the presentation machine. Any external links or online media must work.Your graphic display and documentation display will be presentedSubmission format guides:Report: You must submit a PDF of your report (including research journal, design brief andprototype report). You report will be designed and presented in an appropriate layout.Graphic display: You will print and display your graphic panels / poster/s alongside your prototype and documentation.Documentation display: You will display your screen based documentation of your prototype.Study Support:The following links provide detailed information on study skill provision and UWE academic policy. In submitting your final submission for examination you agree that you have read the following guides linked to below:• Digital Media BSc Learning Policy:• UWE Study skills: http://goo.gl/NalwD5• UWE Word count policy: http://goo.gl/Qe8kbg• UWE Referencing policy (UWE Harvard): http://goo.gl/Iu3S3L• UWE Plagiarism policy: http://goo.gl/vAHWOp• UWE Academic appeal process: http://goo.gl/Tf1nv3Plagiarism Advice:The usual university strictures about plagiarism apply to this assignment. It is good practice in academic writing to reference correctly the work of others that you may draw upon for your own. Please help us to clearly distinguish your original efforts by so doing.If you use code from other sites, the sources must be referenced in your Bibliography. If you use any other site(s) as a source of ideas for your site, you must reference the source. If you copy code and/or ideas from another student’s work, or even if you are helped by another student, you must reference/acknowledge the source.• UWE Plagiarism policy: http://goo.gl/vAHWOp


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 Excel Society and Technology Diagnosing the Digital Present
30 $