[SOLVED] CS代写 Robotic Mapping

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Robotic Mapping
Introduction to Mapping
slides are from different sources, e.g. D. Lee(UPenn), D. Kelin & P. Abbeel (UC Berkeley) , Wikipedia, …

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Map and Mapping (for robots)
• Map is a spatial model of a robot’s environment. • Mapping is a process for building a map.
• Mapping is essentially a perception problem which is about what is where from sensor readings.
• Consideration for mapping – Map representation
– What coordinate we should use, how detailed information should be included
– Available sensors
– Quality and extent of the map
– how to interpret the sensor information properly
– Purpose of mapping
– What is the application? avoiding local collision while navigating, build a fine globally-consistent map….-> determine the level of precision and accuracy of the map

Types of Map (representation)
• Metric Map
• Topological Map • Semantic Map

Types of Map (1) ─ Metric map
Latitude & Longitude
Vancouver/Coordinates 49.2827° N, 123.1207° W

Types of Map (1) ─ Metric map
A location is represented as a coordinate.

Types of Map (2) ─ Topological map
Part of SkyTrain Map
Geometric scale of the map is not correct because we don’t care about the exact numeric location of the stations in this map.
Purpose of this map: which train stops at which station and which station connects different lines.

Types of Map (2) ─ Topological map
Locations are represented as nodes and their connectivity as arcs.

Types of Map (2) ─ Topological map
Only the connectivity between nodes matter. Exact location is not important.

Types of Map (2) ─ Topological map
Graph representation is useful for path planning.

Types of Map (3) ─ Semantic map
Part of Campus Building Map
Semantic map is a map with labels.
Labels and the relative relations of the labeled objects are important.
Ex.: Building H is on the left/west side of Mc . , Building D is between B and S,…

Types of Map
• Metric Map
• Topological Map • Semantic Map

• What make it challenging?
– Noisy measurement in local coordinate
• Recall: Mapping is essentially a perception problem which is about what is where from sensor readings.
• The fact that we are relying on sensors implies two things:
• (1) Measurements are noisy, so we need a robust estimation method.
• (2) measurement are usually measured in a local coordinate frame which needs to be
interpreted in the world coordinate frame of our interest.
Key challenges:
.Track helicopter position and orientation during flight
GPS (mostly) does not work when flying upside down
. Decide on control inputs to send to helicopter
Autonomous Helicopter Flight

• What make it challenging?
– Noisy measurement in local coordinate
– Motion involved
– Mapping is actually involves other robotic problems such as planning and navigation because mapping is usually happens when the robot is moving around.

• What make it challenging?
– Noisy measurement in local coordinate
– Motion involved
– Change over time
– Real-world objects could change over time. In theory, a map should be constantly updated to reflect the reality.

• What make it challenging?
– Noisy measurement in local coordinate
– Motion involved – Change over time

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[SOLVED] CS代写 Robotic Mapping
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