[SOLVED] CS代考 IEEE 754 single precision floating point number.

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3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Started: Mar 17 at 8:01am
Quiz Instructions
This exam is open book, open note, and open web(only for accessing the google drive) .

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Question 1 1 pts
Convert 75314 to base 38.
3438 10138
2738 144438
Question 2 1 pts
Represent the 8-bit two¡¯s complement number 0xD32C as a 16-bit sign magnitude number.
0x80D3 0xFFD3 0xFFAD 0x802D 0x00AD

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 3 1 pts
What is the smallest number that we can represent in 25-bit sign magnitude numbers?
-224 -225 -224-1 0 -225-1
Question 4 1 pts
Represent the 4-bit one’s complement number 0x71C as a 8-bit two¡¯s complement number.
0xF8 0xF7 0x07 0x88
Question 5 1 pts

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 6 1 pts
Which of these 8-bit two’s complement computations has overflow and no carry out?
0x99 + 0xE6 0x31 + 0x76 0x3E + 0x2F 0xCE + 0xB3
What is the result after arithmetic shift right of 0x91 by 3?
0x92 0xF2 0x88 0x32 0x12
Question 7 1 pts
Select the Boolean expression that equals

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 8 1 pts
Select the Boolean expression that equals
Answer not listed
Answer not listed
Question 9 1 pts
Assume values A and B are 1 and 1, respectively. What are the values on wires C and D, respectively?

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 10 1 pts
Which of the following timing diagram represent the falling (negative) edge triggered D-flipflop?
x and y are inputs and z is the output
Answer not listed
keep the old values restricted combination 0, 0

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 11 1 pts
What device does this timing diagram represent? x and y are inputs and z is the output
D Latch positive level
D Flip-Flop, rising edge triggered Not enough information given
D Flip-Flop, falling edge triggered
Question 12 1 pts
Select the boolean expression that describes this logic gate.

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 13 1 pts
This circuit represents which logic element?
Answer not listed OR gate
Answer not listed
Question 14 1 pts
What Sum of Products expression does the following circuit represent?

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Answer not listed
Question 15 1 pts
Represent the decimal floating point number -2.2510 as an IEEE 754 single precision floating point number.
0xC0480000 0xC0100000 0x80900000 0x40100000 Answer not listed

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 16 1 pts
Convert 4 + 4 fixed point unsigned binary number 0110.01102 to decimal number.
Answer not listed 12.6
Question 17 1 pts
This circuit represents which boolean expression?
Answer not listed

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 18 1 pts
Convert unsigned decimal 5.3810 to 3+5 fixed point binary with highest possible precision.
101.01100 101.01110 101.01111 101.01101
Question 19 1 pts
Assume an arbitrary 16-bit instruction format as follows:
If there are a total of 9 general purpose registers and the immediate field occupies 6 bits, how many unique instructions can be encoded at most?
Answer not listed 16

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 20 1 pts
Which of the following instructions moves data from register to memory? (Select all that apply)
sh $t0, ($t1)
lb $s2, 4($s1)
Answer not listed
Question 21 1 pts
What is the value in $s0 after running the following instructions?
Not enough information given 18

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 22 1 pts
What is the value in $s0 after running the following instructions?
Answer not listed 22
Question 23 1 pts
What is the value in $s0 after running the following MIPS instructions? Assume the memory is little endian.
Hint: You do not need to know what specific address s1 is pointing to in memory in order to solve this!
Not enough information given

3/17/2021 Quiz: Final
Question 24 1 pts
What is the value in $s0 after running the following instructions? The $0 register is hardwired to always contain the value 0
Not enough information given 14
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[SOLVED] CS代考 IEEE 754 single precision floating point number.
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