[SOLVED] CS代考 SWEN90016 Revision & Exam Preparation

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SWEN90016 Revision & Exam Preparation
School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne
Andrew University of Melbourne 2022
2022 – Semester 1 Week 12

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Lecture Outline
Consultation times When is the exam
– Double check your personal exam timetable!
What is the exam worth for the course, and hurdle information Structure of the exam
Online open-book exams / General Points
What to do if things go wrong in the exam
Practice exams/weekly practice quizzes in Canvas
What is examinable
Reminder of topics we have covered
– The summary here does not cover absolutely everything which is examinable.
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Consultation time
Thursday 26 May 4:15 – 5:15pm
– During the usual lecture time.
– This will be held via Zoom. An announcement will be posted to Canvas with details.
– Christoph and Andrew will be present to answer general questions about the exam.
– This session will not be about addressing answers to practice exam questions.
– This session will not be about discussing project feedback.
Other times To Be Advised.
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When is the exam
• Check your personal exam timetable.
• If you have an exam clash with another subject, contact the university exams team for help.
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What is the exam worth for the course, and hurdle information
• RefertotheSubjectHandbook.
From Subject Handbook:
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Exam structure
What is presented here is a general guide, not absolutely final. – The exam is still being constructed.
The exam is online, and open book.
The exam will be comprised of short MCQ, longer MCQ, and written questions.
There will be about 10 MCQ.
– MCQ will be worth a total of about 5-8 marks (out of 41).
– A questions may be worth 0.5 marks, for example.
There will be about 10 written questions.
– Note that each written question may have several sub-sections you need to answer.
– Written questions will be worth a total of about 32-36 marks (out of 41).
The exam is 120 minutes, plus 15 minutes reading time.
Look at mark allocations. There is 41 marks and 120 minutes. So you should spend about 2.5-3 minutes per mark.
If there is a picture you can download it to view it better.
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Online open-book exams
General Information and Tips for Studying
• https://students.unimelb.edu.au/academic-skills/explore-our-resources/exam-prep/open- book-exams
Academic Integrity
• Be aware that your exam responses may be checked with academic integrity checking tools.
• Please don’t engage in plagiarism or academic misconduct. It is a waste of both your own time and that of course teaching staff, and creates a lot of unnecessary paperwork.
• Always make sure to use quotation marks and provide the full reference for any information you are quoting.
• If there is something you aren’t sure about, please check with Christoph or Andrew before the exam.
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General Points
• Just because the exam is open book:
– If you think this means you don’t have to study…. you are mistaken. – Exam is timed… can’t learn that subject matter on the spot.
• Use open book as a reference.
– The good stuff should already be in your brain.
• Questions will often require short, written responses that reflect a meaningful comprehension of the subject matter.
– e.g. only giving a definition does not show comprehension (unless the question specifically asks for this).
– You need to explain and justify your responses to show comprehension.
– You can often use several bullet points to give a short, concise response.
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What to do if things go wrong in the exam
• If you have problems during the exam, there are several things you can do.
• Gather as much evidence as you can about the problem you had.
• Consider applying for Special Consideration.
– https://students.unimelb.edu.au/your-course/manage-your-course/exams-assessments- and-results/special-consideration
– There are specific circumstances that may be eligible.
• https://students.unimelb.edu.au/your-course/manage-your-course/exams-assessments-and- results/special-consideration#Eligibility
– Note that Special Consideration applications are assessed centrally by the university, not course teaching staff.
• If you have computer failure or technical issues – visit special consideration (technical).
• https://students.unimelb.edu.au/your-course/manage-your-course/exams-assessments-and- results/special-consideration/technical
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Practice exams/weekly practice quizzes in Canvas
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What is examinable
• Everything we have covered in the course is examinable. i.e.
– All lecture content is examinable.
• Includingcasestudies.
– All tutorial content is examinable.
• Includingcasestudies.
– All assignment-related content is examinable.
– The only content which is not examinable is the content of the 2 industry guest lectures.
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Reminder of topics we have covered
The summary here does not mention absolutely everything which is examinable, or every topic covered in the course.
– Refer to each lecture and tutorial for more details.
Use this to help yourself evaluate what you do and don’t know well.
Week 1 Introduction to Projects
1. Understand key elements of a Project and why organisations use them.
2. Understand the foundational components of Project Management.
3. Understand key skills and responsibilities / activities of a Project Manager.
Week 1 Projects
1. An initial look at (some) Project Management Methodologies / Standards.
2. Explore the key drivers of why projects fail / succeed.
3. Understand how organisations select the best / right projects (Project Screening).
4. Understand the Project Initialization process, Business Case structure and why organisations use them. 5. Explore various investment techniques and financial models.
6. Understand what a Project Charter is and how it is used.
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 2 Processes
1. Empirical Process Control 2. Defined v Empirical
Week 2 Software Development Lifecycles – Formal
1. Waterfall
2. Incremental 3. V-Model
Week 2 Software Development Lifecycles – Agile
1. Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming
2. Understand what Agile is and its origins.
3. Understand the Agile framework.
4. Understand Scrum – Roles, Ceremonies and Artefacts. 5. Understand advantages / disadvantages of Agile.
Week 2 PayPal Case Study
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 3 Risk Management
1. Understand the fundamentals of risk management
2. Understand the Risk Management Process
3. Understand how to:
– plan risk management activities
– identify risks
– analyze and assess risks
– respond to risks (risk strategies)
– monitor and control risks
Week 3 Risk Management Case Study
1. Risk vs Uncertainty
2. RECAP – Risk Management (Formal)
3. Kinds of Risk
4. Delphi Technique
5. Agile Risk Management
6. (Formal) Risk Identification
7. SWOT Analysis
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 4 Project Management Plan
Week 4 Stakeholder Management
1. Stakeholders & the Stakeholder Register.
2. Stakeholder Engagement and Planning.
Week 4 Communication Management
1. The communication challenge.
2. The importance of listening.
3. Communication key skills & importance.
4. Communication plans.
5. Virtual teams & communication.
6. Key communication considerations.
Week 4 NHS Case Study Week 4 Passport Case Study
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 5 Project Scheduling
1. Understand the role of a project schedule
2. Understand how to develop a project schedule
3. Understand how to use a project schedule to monitor and track project progress
4. Understand agile planning principles
Week 6 Cost Estimation- Agile & Formal approaches
1. Understand the importance of cost estimation and the challenges involved
2. Understand the techniques used for cost estimation
3. Understand software size estimation techniques
Week 6 Function points
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 7 Individuals, Motivation and Teams
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
Week 7 Quality Management
1. Understand the fundamentals of quality management
2. Understand the quality management process
3. Understand the following quality management activities:
– Quality Assurance
– Quality Planning
– Quality Control and Monitoring
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 8 Outsourcing
1. What is Outsourcing
2. Why Outsource?
Week 8 Procurement
1. The Procurement Management Process
2. Sourcing Procurements
3. Managing Procurements
Week 8 Contracts
1. Fixed Price contracts
2. Time & Material contracts
3. Key contractual conditions
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Reminder of topics we have covered
Week 9 Ethics
1. Australian Computer Society Code Of Ethics.
Week 10 Configuration Management
1. Understand the role of configuration management
2. 2Understand the configuration management process
3. Understand the tasks associated with configuration management
Week 10 Case Studies
1. GlobShop Case Study
2. Quality Management Case Studies
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• Good luck on the exam.
– You shouldn’t need it
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程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代考 SWEN90016 Revision & Exam Preparation
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