INFO20003 Week 12 Lab
MongoDB: NoSQL in Practice
NOTE: the mongo syntax taught in this lab is NOT directly assessable. The concept of NoSql and differences with relational databases are however, and this lab can help you understand how the two compare.
(MongoDB is also used widely in industry (especially for web development), and so having a basic understanding of its working is always a good thing!)
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
In this lab, you will:
1. explore the difference between an SQL and NoSQL database
2. load data into the MongoDB instance
Section 2: Basic MongoDB
Similar but different concepts
The terminology of MongoDB is different to what you are familiar with in relational databases. Here are some important concepts translated from SQL to MongoDB:
Section 1: Install MongoDB
Task 1.1 Refer to the separate installation guide on the LMS to install mongoDB and mongoDB database tools.
Relational database concept
Database Table
Row Column Primary key Index
Joins between tables Aggregation (GROUP BY)
MongoDB concept
Database Collection Document Field
The _id field (the primary key always has this name) Index
The $lookup function or embedded documents Aggregation pipeline
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 1
About JSON
MongoDB documents are written in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) language. A JSON document contains a dictionary of fields and their values.
Here is an example of a JSON document:
_id: ObjectId(509a8fb2f3f4948bd2f983a0),
userID: 119,
name: ,
emailConfirmed: true,
hobbies: [Carpentry, Gardening, Non-relational Databases]
This document has 6 fields, including the special _id field which is the primary key.
Look at the hobbies field. Instantly you can see a difference compared to MySQL we can
store arrays in a MongoDB document!
In a JSON document, the value of a field can be one of the following types:
Boolean (true or false)
Array (enclosed in square brackets)
Object (another JSON document an embedded document enclosed in curly
null (same as SQL NULL but written in lowercase)
Creating and manipulating documents
In this subsection we will set up a simple MongoDB collection (table) listing some people.
Task 2.1 Create a collection called people. db.createCollection(people)
The equivalent SQL would be: (This is for your information only dont try and run this!)
CREATE TABLE people ();
Because MongoDB is schema-on-read, collections do not have a set schema (eg in this example, we havent told mongoDB what fields each person will have, something that you would have to do for a relational database inside of the CREATE TABLE statement). Each document in the collection can have any number of fields.
Task 2.2 Insert a person into the collection.
userID: 123,
name: ,
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 2
Equivalent SQL:
INSERT INTO people (userID, name, age) VALUES (123, , 45);
Task 2.3 Insert a second person with a different set of fields:
userID: 123,
name: ,
gender: F,
address: { street: 2 View Avenue, city: }
Even within the same collection, the documents can have different fields.
Notice the embedded document another JSON object, or document, has been included inside the overall document to describe the persons address in a structured way.
Task 2.4 Try an update command
{ gender: F },
{ $set: { gender: Female } }
Note that this update command uses fields that arent in all of the data, but thats OK!
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 3
Section 3: An No-sql data set
In this section we will load a collection into MongoDB and use Mongo command line client to inspect the collection.
Task 3.1 TASK 2.1 Download the primer-dataset.json file from the LMS Task 3.2 TASK 2.2 Ensure that MongoDB is started
You should ensure that you have a minimized terminal window running the mongod (note the d at the end) daemon. Google for how to install mongodb if you get stuck.
Task 3.3 TASK 2.3 Import the JSON file into the database
Make sure that you downloaded the monogodb database tools (see installation guide on LMS).
Open a command prompt/Terminal window and change to the folder containing the tools, then use mongoimport to import the JSON file into the database.
Eg if the db tools are in your downloads folder in a folder called mongotools which contains the file mongoimport.exe or mongoimport, you might type:
cd C:Users
./mongoimport.exe db test collection restaurants file
cd ~/Downloads/mongotools
./mongoimport db test collection restaurants file
Remember that the
Each of the switches (with the prefix) indicate a part of the MongoDB structure where the db is called test and the collection is called restaurants
Data Structure
The restaurant collection is a data set that is representative of the way data is displayed to end users.
Restaurant ID
Name Address
Top Level Field 30075445
Building Coordinates
[-73.856077, 40.848447]
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 4
Borough Cuisine Grades
Street Ave ZipCode 10462
Date 1 1393804800000 Date 2 1378857600000 Date 3 1358985600000 Date 4 1322006400000 Date 5 1299715200000 . .
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
A Score 2 A Score 6 A Score 10 A Score 9 B Score 14
Figure 1: Paper representation of the Restaurants collection
The way this data is represented in the JSON file is below
address: {
building: 1007,
coord: [ -73.856077, 40.848447 ],
street: Ave,
zipcode: 10462
borough: Bronx,
cuisine: Bakery,
grades: [
{ date: { $date: 1393804800000 }, grade: A, score: 2 },
{ date: { $date: 1378857600000 }, grade: A, score: 6 },
{ date: { $date: 1358985600000 }, grade: A, score: 10 },
{ date: { $date: 1322006400000 }, grade: A, score: 9 },
{ date: { $date: 1299715200000 }, grade: B, score: 14 }
name: Bake Shop,
restaurant_id: 30075445
Task3.4 RecordyourobservationsaboutthestructureofthedataintheJSONfile. How would you restructure the Restaurants collection to make it suitable for a relational database management system?
Figure 2: The JSON structure of the Bake Shop record from the Restaurants collection
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 5
Section 4: More Practice with mongo
This section will teach you more about mongo syntax and basic queries. Material in this section is not assessable and is for interests sake (remember though that mongoDB is widely used, so getting a bit of hands on experience cant hurt!)
Mongo shell
Mongo shell is a command line interface (CLI) client that enables you to connect to the MongoDB server and interrogate the collection in the database.
Task 4.1 Open a new command window and navigate to the MongoDB bin directory (MongoDBServer3.6bin on Windows)
For macOS:
On Windows be sure to use
The command prompt will change to > to indicate you are in the Mongo shell
The command use will set the correct database
> use test
To find all documents in a collection
> db.
TASK 3.2 Find all documents in the restaurant collection
> db.restaurants.find()
If you see the output type it for more, this means there is more of the collection to be displayed. Type it and you will see more of the collection.
To exit the mongo shell simply type exit
Tip for Windows users
To paste commands into your mongo shell: (if shift-insert or right click isnt working)
1. Click the icon in the top-left of the Command Prompt window
2. Go to the Edit menu
3. Click Paste
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab
Query Methods
Try to start the mongo shell again if you have exited.
Query a top-level field
To find a restaurant with the name Pizza we can query at the top level:
Task 4.2 Find the information for a restaurant called FinneganS Wake (note the capital S)
> db.restaurants.find( {name: FinneganS Wake} )
List the Borough, Zip Code, Cuisine and Street shown in the record
Query a field in an embedded document (the document inside a document)
To find other restaurants in the same zipcode as Pizza we would type
> db.restaurants.find( { address.zipcode: 10004 } )
When there are many records, MongoDB will only show the first few. Type it (short for iteration) until all records are returned. You will know when you are at the end of the cursor because you will see the message no cursor.
Query a field in an array
> db.restaurants.find( {name: Pizza} )
The grade section of the restaurant collection is an array of reviews containing a timestamp, a grade and a score .
Task 4.3 Find restaurants across all ofs five boroughs that have received a C grade using:
> db.restaurants.find( { grades.grade: C } )
Combining query conditions
The form to combine query conditions is
Task 4.4 find any restaurants with a C grade in zipcode 10004: > db.restaurants.find( { address.zipcode: 10004 ,
grades.grade: C})
Operators & Conditions
Below is a table of the operators and conditions and an example of their use in MongoDB:
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 7
Operator Syntax Example:
Greater $gt Than
Less Than $lt
db.restaurants.find( { grades.score: { $gt: 30 } })
db.restaurants.find( { grades.score: { $lt: 10 } })
db.restaurants.find( { grades.score: { $gte: 30
Greater $gte
Less Than $lte
AND db.restaurants.find( { address.zipcode: 10004,
db.restaurants.find( { grades.score: { $lte: 10 }})
OR $or Not equal $ne IN (array) $in NOT IN $nin
grades.grade: C } )
db.restaurants.find( { $or: [ { cuisine: Italian }, { address.zipcode: 10004 } ] } ) db.restaurants.find( { cuisine: { $ne: Italian }})
db.restaurants.find( { cuisine: { $in: [ Italian, American ] } } ) db.restaurants.find( { cuisine: { $nin: [ Italian, American ] } } )
Table 4: Basic operators and conditions syntax in MongoDB
Insert, Update & Delete Methods
The Mongo shell provides the ability to add, update and delete records.
Consider the following record for a restaurant called Vella:
address : {
street : 2 Avenue,
zipcode : 10075,
building : 1480,
coord : [ -73.9557413, 40.7720266 ]
borough : Manhattan,
cuisine : Italian,
grades : [
date : ISODate(2014-10-01T00:00:00Z),
grade : A,
score : 11
name : Vella,
restaurant_id : 41704620
date : ISODate(2014-01-16T00:00:00Z),
grade : B,
score : 17
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 8
To insert this information we would use the insert statement
TASK 3.4 Add the restaurant Vella to the collection
> db.restaurants.insert({
address : {
street : 2 Avenue,
zipcode : 10075,
building : 1480,
coord : [ -73.9557413, 40.7720266 ]
borough : Manhattan,
cuisine : Italian,
grades : [
date : ISODate(2014-10-01T00:00:00Z),
grade : A,
score : 11
name : Vella,
restaurant_id : 41704620
If the row is successfully inserted, you will see the result
WriteResult({ nInserted : 1 })
TASK 3.5 Add the following restaurant, LAtelier de, to the collection:
address : {
street : 10 Avenue,
zipcode : 10011,
building : 85,
borough : Manhattan,
cuisine : French,
name : LAtelier de
Updates in MongoDB depend on whether the field to be updated is the top level, as part of a document, or in an array.
To update top-level fields
date : ISODate(2014-01-16T00:00:00Z),
grade : B,
score : 17
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 9
{ name : Juni },
$set: { cuisine: American (New) },
$currentDate: { lastModified: true }
If successful will return the result
WriteResult({ nMatched : 1, nUpserted : 0, nModified : 1 })
To update an embedded field
{ restaurant_id : 41156888 },
{ $set: { address.street: East 31st Street } }
Result:WriteResult({ nMatched : 1, nUpserted : 0, nModified : 1 }) To update more than one document:
By default the update method updates a single document. If you need to update more than one document you will need to use the {multi: true} option in the update method.
{ borough : Missing },
{ $set: { borough : Missing data } },
{multi: true}
Task 4.5 Update the document to add the latitude -73.9563219 and longitude 40.7299648 (the coord field) for LAtelier de (the restaurant you just inserted).
db.restaurants.update({name:LAtelier de}, {$set:
{address.coord:[-73.9563219, 40.7299648]}})
Ensure you see 1 record matched and 1 record modified in the write result:
WriteResult({ nMatched : 1, nUpserted : 0, nModified : 1 })
In MongoDB the remove keyword is used to remove records from the collection
db.restaurants.remove( )
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 10
To remove the record with the restaurant name Vella we would enter
db.restaurants.remove( {name:Vella} )
This should remove all restaurants that have the name Vella in the collection.
Task 4.6 Remove the Manhattan restaurant Pizza Confirm that the record exists
db.restaurants.find( {name: Pizza, borough :
Now remove the record
db.restaurants.remove( {name: Pizza, borough :
Aggregate Pipeline
Sometimes it is handy to count or use other aggregate functions. MongoDB can perform aggregation operations, such as grouping by a specified key and evaluating a total or a count for each distinct group.
The aggregate method performs stage-based aggregation. The aggregate() method accepts as its argument an array of stages, and each stage is processed sequentially.
db.collection.aggregate( [
Consider the following use of the aggregate method on the restaurants collection.
{ $group: { _id: $borough, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
The first stage is creating a cursor of collection type borough (note the $ prefacing the borough type). The second is the type of aggregation totalling the values
The result set is as follows
{ _id : Manhattan, count : 10259 }
{ _id : Missing, count : 51 }
{ _id : Queens, count : 5656 }
{ _id : Bronx, count : 2338 }
{ _id : , count : 969 }
{ _id : Brooklyn, count : 6086 }
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 11
Consider the following use of the aggregate method:
{ $match: { borough: Queens, cuisine: Brazilian } },
{ $group: { _id: $address.zipcode , count: { $sum: 1 } } }
In this case we are matching the first set of conditions that the borough equals Queens and the cuisine equals Brazilian. The second section is counting the number of Brazillian restaurants in each zipcode in Queens.
End of Week 12 Lab
INFO20003 Week 12 Lab 12
CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
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