[SOLVED] module DPLLSpec


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module DPLLSpec

import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit

Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef

import CNF

import qualified DPLL
import Parser (parse)
import qualified Tseitin

sat :: String -> Bool
sat = DPLL.satisfiable . Tseitin.equisat . parse

tests :: Spec
tests = do
describe resolve $ do
it removes Or if it contained the literal $ do
DPLL.resolve (Lit 0) (And []) @?= And []
DPLL.resolve (Lit 0) (And [Or [Lit 0]]) @?= And []
DPLL.resolve (Lit 0) (And [Or [], Or [Lit 1, Lit 0, Lit 2], Or [Lit 2]]) @?= And [Or [], Or [Lit 2]]
it removes literal from Or if negation was contained $ do
DPLL.resolve (Lit 0) (And [Or [Neg 0]]) @?= And [Or []]
DPLL.resolve (Neg 2) (And [Or [], Or [Lit 1, Lit 0, Lit 2], Or [Lit 2]]) @?= And [Or [], Or [Lit 1, Lit 0], Or []]
describe dpll $ do
it computes satisfiability $ do
sat a & b & c & d & e & f & g & (-a | -b) @?= False
sat a & -b & c & d & e & f & g & (-a | -b) @?= True
sat (a | b | c) & (-a | -b | -c) @?= True
sat (a | b | c) & (-a & (-b | -(a & c)) | -c) @?= True
sat (a | b | c | d | e) & -a & -b & -c & -d & -e @?= False
sat (x | y | z) & (x | y | -z) & (x | -y | z) & (x | -y | -z) & (-x | y | z) & (-x | y | -z) & (-x | -y | z) & (-x | -y | -z) @?= False
describe bcp $ do
it resolves all occurences of single variables $ do
DPLL.bcp (And [Or [Neg 0], Or [Lit 0, Lit 1, Lit 2]]) @?= And [Or [Lit 1, Lit 2]]
DPLL.bcp (And [Or [Lit 0, Lit 1, Lit 2], Or [Lit 0]]) @?= And []
DPLL.bcp (And [Or [Neg 0, Lit 1, Lit 2, Neg 3], Or [Lit 0], Or [Lit 3]]) @?= And [Or [Lit 1, Lit 2]]

CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] module DPLLSpec