[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 module PlayerTest where

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module PlayerTest where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck

import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Action
import Player
import Game
import Players.Human

Some defaults.

— Column in the middle of the board.
middleColumn :: Column
middleColumn = intToColumn ((div boardSize 2) + 1)

— Starting players in the usual positions. Note that the player type is irrelevant for this test.
startingPlayers :: [Player]
startingPlayers =
[makeHumanPlayer “X” (middleColumn, firstRow) wallsPerPlayer winningX,
makeHumanPlayer “Y” (middleColumn, lastRow) wallsPerPlayer winningY]
winningX = [(i, lastRow) | i<-allColumns]winningY = [(i, firstRow) | i<-allColumns]{-Unit tests.-}{-playerInCell :: [Player] -> Cell -> Maybe Player

playerInCellTest1 :: Test
playerInCellTest1 = let c = (middleColumn, firstRow) in
case (playerInCell startingPlayers c) of
(Just p) -> TestCase (assertEqual “name of playerInCell” (name p) “X”)
Nothing -> TestCase (assertBool “fail playerInCell” False)

playerInCellTest2 :: Test
playerInCellTest2 = let c = (middleColumn, lastRow) in
case (playerInCell startingPlayers c) of
(Just p) -> TestCase (assertEqual “name of playerInCell” (name p) “Y”)
Nothing -> TestCase (assertBool “fail playerInCell” False)

playerInCellTest3 :: Test
playerInCellTest3 = let c = (‘a’, 1) in
case (playerInCell startingPlayers c) of
(Just p) -> TestCase (assertBool “fail playerInCell” False)
Nothing -> TestCase (assertBool “playerInCell” True)

cellFree :: [Player] -> Cell -> Bool

cellFreeTest1 :: Test
cellFreeTest1 = let c = (middleColumn, firstRow) in
TestCase (assertBool “not (cellFree startingPlayers c)” (not (cellFree startingPlayers c)))

cellFreeTest2 :: Test
cellFreeTest2 = let c = (middleColumn, lastRow) in
TestCase (assertBool “not (cellFree startingPlayers c)” (not (cellFree startingPlayers c)))

cellFreeTest3 :: Test
cellFreeTest3 = let c = (‘a’, 1) in
TestCase (assertBool “cellFree startingPlayers c” (cellFree startingPlayers c))

adjacentCells :: Player -> [Cell]

adjacentCellsTest1 :: Test
adjacentCellsTest1 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = cellLeft (currentCell p) in
TestCase (assertBool “c `elem` adjacentCells p” (c `elem` adjacentCells p))

adjacentCellsTest2 :: Test
adjacentCellsTest2 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = cellTop (currentCell p) in
TestCase (assertBool “c `elem` adjacentCells p” (c `elem` adjacentCells p))

adjacentCellsTest3 :: Test
adjacentCellsTest3 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = cellTop (cellTop (currentCell p)) in
TestCase (assertBool “not (c `elem` adjacentCells p)” (not (c `elem` adjacentCells p)))

hasWon :: Player -> Bool

hasWonTestTrue :: Test
hasWonTestTrue = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
winningCell = head (winningPositions p)
p’ = p { currentCell = winningCell } in
TestCase (assertBool “hasWon p’” (hasWon p’))

hasWonTestFalse :: Test
hasWonTestFalse = let p = currentPlayer startingPlayers in
TestCase (assertBool “not (hasWon p)” (not (hasWon p)))

hasWallsLeft :: Player -> Bool

hasWallsLeftTestTrue :: Test
hasWallsLeftTestTrue = let p = currentPlayer startingPlayers in
TestCase (assertBool “hasWallsLeft p” (hasWallsLeft p))

hasWallsLeftTestFalse :: Test
hasWallsLeftTestFalse = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
p’ = p { remainingWalls = 0 } in
TestCase (assertBool “not (hasWallsLeft p’)” (not (hasWallsLeft p’)))

canMove :: Player -> [Player] -> Step -> Bool

canMoveTestTrue :: Test
canMoveTestTrue = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
step = stepTop (currentCell p) in
TestCase (assertBool “canMove p startingPlayers step” (canMove p startingPlayers step))

canMoveTestFalse :: Test
canMoveTestFalse = let
p2 = previousPlayer startingPlayers
p1 = (currentPlayer startingPlayers) { currentCell = cellBottom (currentCell p2) }
step = stepTop (currentCell p1) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (canMove p1 startingPlayers step)”
(not (canMove p1 startingPlayers step)))

movePlayer :: Player -> Step -> Player

movePlayerTest1 :: Test
movePlayerTest1 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step = stepLeft c in
TestCase (assertEqual
“currentCell (movePlayer p step)”
(currentCell (movePlayer p step)) (cellLeft c))

movePlayerTest2 :: Test
movePlayerTest2 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step = stepTop c in
TestCase (assertEqual
“currentCell (movePlayer p step)”
(currentCell (movePlayer p step)) (cellTop c))

useWall :: Player -> Player

useWallTest :: Test
useWallTest = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
walls = remainingWalls p in
TestCase (assertEqual “remainingWalls (useWall p)” (remainingWalls (useWall p)) (walls – 1))

nextTurn :: Player -> Player

nextTurnTest :: Test
nextTurnTest = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
t = turn p in
TestCase (assertEqual “remainingWalls (nextTurn p)” (turn (nextTurn p)) (t + 1))

— All unit tests together.
playerUnitTests :: Spec
playerUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel “playerInCellTest1” playerInCellTest1,
TestLabel “playerInCellTest2” playerInCellTest2,
TestLabel “playerInCellTest3” playerInCellTest3,
TestLabel “cellFreeTest1” cellFreeTest1,
TestLabel “cellFreeTest2” cellFreeTest2,
TestLabel “cellFreeTest3” cellFreeTest3,
TestLabel “adjacentCellsTest1” adjacentCellsTest1,
TestLabel “adjacentCellsTest2” adjacentCellsTest2,
TestLabel “adjacentCellsTest3” adjacentCellsTest3,
TestLabel “hasWonTestTrue” hasWonTestTrue,
TestLabel “hasWonTestFalse” hasWonTestFalse,
TestLabel “hasWallsLeftTestTrue” hasWallsLeftTestTrue,
TestLabel “hasWallsLeftTestFalse” hasWallsLeftTestFalse,
TestLabel “canMoveTestTrue” canMoveTestTrue,
TestLabel “canMoveTestFalse” canMoveTestFalse,
TestLabel “movePlayerTest1” movePlayerTest1,
TestLabel “movePlayerTest2” movePlayerTest2,
TestLabel “useWallTest” useWallTest,
TestLabel “nextTurnTest” nextTurnTest]


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 module PlayerTest where
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