[SOLVED] matlab代写:ECS 130 Mini-Project Assignment

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ECS 130 Mini-Project Assignment
Due 4:00pm, March 6, 2017

Rank deficiency and ill-conditioned LS problems

  1. Read Sections 5.6 Pseudoinverse
  2. Read Sections 5.7 Rank deficiency
  3. Read Section 10.1 Eigenvalue and singular value decomposition
  4. Read Handout F
  5. Work out Problem 5.6
  6. Solve “Shaw problem ( shaw.m )” by pseudoinverse and singular value decomposition
  7. Write a study report by including the following components:
    1. Title and author
    2. Abstract (in a few sentences to summarize computational problem and major findings)
    3. Introduction/Motivation (what and why study this problem, what are the main issues you want to investigate)
    4. Related definitions, concepts and theory
    5. Algorithm(s) and third-party functions, present overall algorithm in a pseudocode style
    6. Discussion on implementation issues, such as parameters and stopping criterion.
    7. Numerical examples:
      • what are the objectives of numerical examples
      • data source and background
      • report numerical results to show the correctness and efficiency of your algorithm(s) and/or implementation(s) in data tables or graphs.
      • state that whether the numerical results meet the objectives
    8. Concluding remarks: summarize what have you learned and what are remaining issues for further study.
    9. Acknowledgement (collaborator and helper if any)
    10. References
  8. The report should be self-contained and is no less than 2 pages and no more than 4 pages.
  9. Upload your report in the pdf format to Canvasby 4:00pm, March 6, 2017.


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[SOLVED] matlab代写:ECS 130 Mini-Project Assignment
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