[SOLVED] LC-3汇编代写: CPS2390 lab 4

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Department of Computer Engineering
Wenzhou-Kean University
CPS2390, Fall 2016

Due: Nov 11, 2016 11.59 PM


1. Background
Cryptography, from the Greek word kryptos, meaning “hidden”, deals with the science of hiding a message from eyes you do not want to understand the contents of the message. The desire to do this has existed ever since humankind was first able to write. There are many ways to keep something secret. One way is to physically hide the document. Another way is to encrypt the text you wish to remain secret. Some people use this to keep others from understanding the contents of the files in their computer. Encrypting a file requires an input message, called the “plain text,” and an encryption algorithm. An encryption algorithm transforms “plain text” into “cipher text.” Just like a door needs a key to lock and unlock it, an encryption algorithm often requires a key to encrypt and decrypt a message. Just like a homeowner can selectively give the key to the front door to only those he wants to allow unaccompanied access, the author of a message can selectively give the encryption key to only those he wants to be able to read the message. In order for someone to read the encrypted message, he has to decrypt the cipher text, which usually requires the key. For example, suppose the plain text message is HELLO WORLD. An encryption algorithm consisting of nothing more than replacing each letter with the next letter in the alphabet would produce the cipher text IFMMP XPSME. If someone saw IFMMP XPSME, he would have no idea what it meant (unless, of course, he could figure it out, or had the key to decrypt it.) The key to encrypt in this case is “pick the next letter in the alphabet,” and the decryption key is “pick the previous letter in the alphabet.” The decryption algorithm simply replaces each letter with the one before it, and presto: the plain text HELLO WORLD is produced.

2. Assignment
Implement, in LC-3 assembly language, an encryption/decryption program that meets the following requirements:
Your program should prompt the user for three separate inputs from the keyboard, as
·The user will type E or D. A real world program should also detect any other
character typed and respond with THAT IS AN ILLEGAL CHARACTER.
PLEASE TRY AGAIN. We will assume in this assignment that the user can type
an E or D correctly.
·Your program will accept that character, store it in x3100, and use it, as we shall
see momentarily.
·The user will type a single digit, from 1 to 9. Again, we will assume the user is
not an Aggie, and can successfully hit digit keys on the keyboard.
·Your program will accept this digit, store it in x3101, and use it to encrypt or
decrypt the message.
·The user will input a character string from the keyboard, terminating the message
with the key.
·Your program will store the message, starting in location x3102. Since the
message is restricted to #20 characters, you must reserve locations x3102 to
x3115 to store the message. (Note that #20 = x14.)
·One constraint: Messages must be less than or equal to #20 characters. (Recall: #
means the number is decimal.)

Hint: to continually read from the keyboard without first printing a prompt on the
screen, use TRAP x20. That is, for each key you wish to read, the LC-3 operating
system must execute the TRAP x20 service routine. If you follow TRAP x20 with
the instruction TRAP x21, the character the user types will be displayed on the

The encryption algorithm is as follows. Each ASCII code in the message will be
transformed as follows:
1. The low order bit of the code will be toggled. That is, if it is a 1, it will be replaced by a 0; if it is a 0, it will be replaced by a 1.
2. The key will be added to the result of step 1 above.
·For example, if the input (plain text) is A and the encryption key is 6, the program
should take the ASCII value of A, 01000001, toggle bit [0:0], producing
01000000 and then add the encryption key, 6. The final output character would be
01000110, which is the ASCII value F.

The decryption algorithm is the reverse. That is,
1. Subtract the encryption key from the ASCII code.
2. Toggle the low order bit of the result of step 1.
·For example, if the input (cipher text) is F, and the encryption key is 6, we first
subtract the encryption key (i.e., we add -6) from the ASCII value of F, 01000110
+ 11111010, yielding 01000000. We then toggle bit [0:0], producing 01000001,
which is the ASCII value for A.
·The result of the encryption/decryption algorithm should be stored in locations
x3116 to x3129.

Your program should output the encrypted or decrypted message to the screen. Note that the encryption/decryption algorithm stored the message to be output starting in location x3116.

4. Format
Your program must be a text file of assembly code (i.e., a .asm file).

4. Extra Information
– The starting location is to be x3000
– The buffers have been expanded to 21 memory locations each so that
you may store
x3100 <- E/Dx3101 <- Encryption keyx3102 through x3116 <- input bufferx3117 through x312A <- output buffer- The key is mapped to the line feed character on the LC-3
– Acceptable inputs to be encrypted are any ASCII characters within the
range x20 to x5A
– You may assume the user will only type an upper-case E or D
– The prompts have been shortened
Prompt 1: (E)ncrypt/(D)ecrypt:
Prompt 2: Encryption Key:
Prompt 3: Input Message:
For further reading on the subject of cryptography and its role in history, “The Code
Book” by Simon Singh is recommended.

Writing and testing your program

Your code should have a comment block at the beginning of the file containing your name, your student number, and a brief description of the program.
Your description should serve as a general summary of your program’s approach to the problem and will aid in grading. It will also serve as a guideline for assigning partial credit. It is in your best interest to make all of your ideas clear through this summary and through commenting within your code.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first line of your program must specify the memory
address of where you want your program to be placed (using the .ORIG pseudo-op).
We request you place your program at x3000.

What to turn in

Please put all your files in a zip file and send it to [email protected]

Good luck.


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[SOLVED] LC-3汇编代写: CPS2390 lab 4
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