; CSC104 Project #1
; Classical encryption project
; Due: 10 p.m., October 28
; (subject to class vote October 21)
; tools for reading from files and web pages
(require 2htdp/batch-io)
(require net/sendurl)
; This project involves two classical encryption algorithms.
; The techniques are called classical because they were made
; obsolete by encryption technology during the last 80 years.
; You can find out more by cutting-and-pasting the following
; into the interactions pane:
; (require net/sendurl)
; (send-url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_cipher)
; Your job:
; I have left several partly-completed parts of code for
; you to complete below. Everywhere you find ### there is some work
; for you to do. Check your work by running this file.
; When you have some, or all, of it working, submit it by going
; to:
; (require net/sendurl)
; (send-url https://markus.teach.cs.toronto.edu/csc104-2016-09/)
; If you worked in a group of (up to 3) stduents: select one person from
; your group to submit the file. Only that person should select Create
; from the Group Information section of Assignment P1. That person can
; then invite the other member(s) of the group to join their group. If you
; are joining someones group: do not click Work alone or Create.
; Instead, wait for your groups creators invitation to appear under your
; Group Information, and then accept their invitation.
; ### fix the body of function string-quotient below so that it works.
; You may need to look up quotient
(check-expect (string-quotient thirty-two one) 3)
; Here is a full-design check-expect to help you out
(check-expect (string-quotient thirty-two one)
(string-length thirty-two)
(string-length one)))
; string-quotient : string string -> number
; Quotient of string1s length divided by string2s length
(define (string-quotient string1 string2)
(check-expect (string-multi-append 3 one)
; Heres a partial design check-expect:
(check-expect (string-multi-append 3 one)
(list one one one)))
; ### Change the check-expect below into a
; full-design check-expect for
; string-multi-append. The full-design check-expect
; should be easy to change into a function definition by
; simply changing check-expect->define and replacing
; function arguments by place-holders.
; You may want to look up make-list
(check-expect (string-multi-append 3 one)
; ### Now mimic the check-expect you just wrote to fix
; the body of the function definition for
; string-append-multi below.
; string-multi-append : number string -> string
; Append a-number copies of a-string
(define (string-multi-append a-number a-string)
(check-expect (secret-subtext abra cadabra)
; ### Change the broken check-expect below into a
; full-design check-expect for secret-subtext
; Remember, this should have nearly the form of the function
; definition, but have actual values where the function definition
; has placeholders
(check-expect (secret-subtext abra cadabra)
; secret-subtext : string string -> string
; Concatenate enough copies of secret to make
; same length as text
(define (secret-subtext secret text)
(add1 (string-quotient text secret))
0 (string-length text)))
(check-expect (compute-mod-128 + 70 70) 12)
; Here is a full-design check-expect:
(check-expect (compute-mod-128 + 70 70)
(+ 70 70)
; ### Use the full-design check-expect above to fix
; the body of compute-mod-128 below
; compute-mod-128 : function number number -> number
; The remainder after dividing by 128 of
; (operator number1 number2)
(define (compute-mod-128 operator number1 number2)
(check-expect (compute-text-mod-128 + ABC ppp)
(check-expect (compute-text-mod-128 123 ppp)
; full-design check-expect for compute-text-mod-128
(check-expect (compute-text-mod-128 + ABC ppp)
(map integer->char
(map compute-mod-128
(make-list (string-length ABC) +)
(map char->integer (string->list ABC))
(map char->integer (string->list ppp))))))
; ### Fix the broken body of compute-text-mod-128 by mimicking
; the full-design check-expect above.
; compute-text-mod-128 : string string -> string
; Compute string characters, take remainder after dividing by
; 128, to generate new string characters. Strings must be
; the same length.
(define (compute-text-mod-128 operator string1 string2)
(check-expect (vigenere-encode ABC ppp) 123)
; encode : string string -> string
; Encode text using secret.
(define (vigenere-encode text secret)
(secret-subtext secret text)))
(check-expect (vigenere-decode 123 ppp) ABC)
; decode : string string -> string
; Decode text using secret.
(define (vigenere-decode text secret)
(secret-subtext secret text)))
;; transposition cipher
(check-expect (inverse-mod 31 23)
; inverse-mod : number number -> number
; inverse multiplicative inverse by p mod n+1
(define (inverse-mod p n)
(prime-permutation p n))))
(check-expect (one-position (list 0 1 2)) 1)
; one-position : list -> number
; The position of the first one in a list
(define (one-position a-list)
; ### fix local function p so that it says whether
; there is a 1 at position n in a-list
(local [(define (p n) #true)]
(first (filter p (range 0 (length a-list) 1)))))
(check-expect (position-list->char-list
(list 0 2 1)
(list #A #B #C))
(list #A #C #B))
; position-list->char-list
(define (position-list->char-list L1 L2)
; ### Fix function char-at so that it returns
; the character at position n in list L2
(local [(define (char-at n) #A)]
(map char-at L1)))
(check-expect (scramble-string
(list 0 2 1) ABC)
; ### Fix the broken check-expect below so that it is a
; full-design check-expect with the same structure
; as the function definition for scramble-string
(check-expect (scramble-string (list 2 0 1) ABC)
; scramble-string : list string -> string
; scramble characters in a-string to positions
; in a-list
(define (scramble-string a-list a-string)
a-list (string->list a-string))))
(check-expect (p-scramble 37 ABCD) BDAC)
; ### Fix the broken check-expect below so that it is a
; full-design check-expect with the same structure as
; the function definition for p-scramble.
(check-expect (p-scramble 37 ABCD)
; p-scamble-string : number string -> string
; scramble a-string using a-prime
(define (p-scramble a-prime a-string)
(prime-permutation a-prime (string-length a-string))) a-string))
(check-expect (p-unscramble 37 BDAC) ABCD)
; p-unscramble : number string -> string
; unscramble a-string that has been scrambled usig a-prime
(define (p-unscramble a-prime a-string)
(inverse-mod a-prime (string-length a-string))
; prime-permutation : number number -> list
; list number from 1 to a-number permutated
; by multiplication by prime
(define (prime-permutation prime a-number)
(local [(define (mult-prime n)
(remainder (* prime n) (add1 a-number)))]
(map mult-prime (range 1 (add1 a-number) 1))))
;; Try out encryption on Alice in Wonderland
;; Ive provided a text file containing Lewis Carrols Alice in Wonderland called
;; alice30.txt
;; You can read this in as a *very* large string, encode and decode it.
;; Cut-and-paste the expressions below into the interactions pane to see how they work.
;; Remember the strings are *very* large, so you should examine them using substring
;; Notice that scrambling with 37 wont work for strings that are multiples of 37. In
;; those cases, you will have to find, use, and share another prime number.
;(define ALICE (read-file alice30.txt))
;(substring ALICE 0 400)
;(define ALICE-VIGENERE-ENCODED (vigenere-encode ALICE Where is Waldo?))
;(substring ALICE-VIGENERE-ENCODED 0 400)
; (vigenere-decode ALICE-VIGENERE-ENCODED Where is Waldo?))
;(substring ALICE-VIGENERE-DECODED 0 400)
;(define ALICE-SCRAMBLED (p-scramble 37 ALICE))
;(substring ALICE-SCRAMBLED 0 400)
;(define ALICE-UNSCRAMBLED (p-unscramble 37 ALICE-SCRAMBLED))
;(substring ALICE-UNSCRAMBLED 0 400)
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